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Books published by Forlaget MARI'

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    - Nyt Liv
    by Marianne Slot

    Vikingeblod 4 - Nyt liv4. bind af serien "Vikingeblod "af Marianne SlotDet er vinteren efter hævntogtet. Hannibal og Edwina er stadig i byen. Edwina sammen med sin tjenestepige, Hilda og dennes lille dreng, Olav.Hauge redder de to unge kvinder og Olav efter en lavine i fjeldet. Og da den sidste sne er væk, kan han fortælle sin mor, Åsa, at han skal giftes med den kristne Edwina.Brylluppet bliver holdt, som det hører sig til, med ofring af dyr til guderne og stor fest i flere dage. En af den dræbte Svens mænd, Vagn, prøver at ødelægge festen, men bliver sendt bort.Et par måneder efter brylluppet tager tre skibe på handelstogt til Island, hvor Hauge handler sig til nogle hvalrostænder, som han vil sælge igen i Hedeby. Efter et dramatisk opgør i Røgviken kommer skibene på vej mod Hedeby ud i stormvejr, og Vagns skib forliser ved Færøerne.I Hedeby får de både gjort gode handler og mødt mærkelige folk fra fjerne lande. Da de omsider vender hjem, venter der Hauge mere end én overraskelse…

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    - Hævnen
    by Marianne Slot

    Vikingeblod 3 - Hævnen3. bind af serien "Vikingeblod "af Marianne SlotFire år efter det mislykkede hævntogt, er Hauges mor, Åsa, blevet gift med Sven, fordi hun håber, hun kan påvirke ham til at være en bedre høvding. Den stumme trællepige, Astrid, nedkommer i hemmelighed med et dødfødt barn. Og Hauge bliver noget rystet, da han får at vide, hvem der er far til barnet…Mændene drager til vintermarked i Skiringssal, hvor de gør gode handeler. Her møder Hauge igen vennen Hannibal. Men på vej hjem bliver de brutalt overfaldet, og mange dør.Hauge bliver valgt til høvding, og kan nu endelig få hævnet sin far…Men hvem er den unge, smukke pige, Edwina, som er blevet ranet i England?

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    - På Togt
    by Marianne Slot

    Vikingeblod 5 - På togt5. bind af serien "Vikingeblod "af Marianne SlotDer er gået tre og et halvt år efter Edwina og Hauges søn, Styrbjørn, blev født. Edwina er gravid igen. Vintrene har været meget hårde, og høsten har slået fejl et par gange. Da det bliver efterår, nedkommer Edwina med to små piger. Men alting går galt: Kornet rådner, skibene kommer tomme hjem, og den ene af de nyfødte svæver mellem liv og død…Da beslutter Hauge at tage på plyndringstogt til England. Til det formål bygger de et helt nyt skib. Langt og slankt. Hurtigt og søstærkt.I England skaber de rædsel og ødelæggelse. By efter by bliver angrebet og plyndret. I den sidste by, de hærger, er menneskene flygtede. Den eneste, der er tilbage, er præsten i kirken…

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    - Hemmeligheder
    by Marianne Slot

    Vikingeblod 2 - Hemmeligheder2. bind af serien "Vikingeblod "af Marianne Slot3 år efter overfaldet på Styrbjørns by er Styrbjørns bror, Sven, blevet valgt til høvding, og byen er blevet bygget op igen.Skibene vender hjem fra sommerrejsen til Irland, og der festes og fortælles historier fra rejsen.Kort tid efter beslutter Sven, at mændene skal tage på hævntogt til Håkons by til hest. Både Lauge Langsyn og Hauge skal med.Mens de øver sig i bueskydning, kommer munkene Peter og Hannibal på besøg i byen. Og Hauge nyder at være sammen med vennen Hannibal igen.Men hævntogtet går ikke, som det skal…

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    - Overfaldet
    by Marianne Slot

    Vikingeblod 1 - Overfaldet1. bind af serien "Vikingeblod "af Marianne SlotDet er den unge, kristne munk, Hannibal, der fortæller Hauge, at hans far, Styrbjørn, er blevet dræbt under det blodige overfald på deres by. Det bliver starten på et livslangt venskab, men giver også Hauge anledning til at undres over den mærkelige nye gud, som Hannibal fortæller om.Da Hauges far skal gravlægges, sådan som det er skik for en høvding, er det den stumme trællepige, Astrid, der får den ære at skulle følge sin herre i graven. Det prøver Hauge at forhindre, fordi Astrid har "fortalt" ham noget…Under Styrbjørns gravlæggelse lover Hauges mor, Åsa, sin afdøde mand, at Hauge vil hævne sin far, når den rette tid kommer.Hannibal og den ældre, strenge munk, Peter, skal videre på deres færd, men Hannibal lover Hauge at komme igen.Da de er taget af sted, får Hauge en overraskelse…

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    - Revenge
    by Marianne Slot

    Viking Blood 3 "Revenge"Third book in the series "Viking Blood" by Marianne Slot."Hauge draws his bow and aim at the big moose. The cold air makes his breath come out like clouds. This beast may better not escape! At last they are going to have some proper meat. Even at the recent Yule sacrifice they’d had nothing to offer the Gods but a goat. Their winter supplies had run out much too soon. But then there hadn’t been a great deal of order at the slaughter this last fall, either.Hauge aim at the animal’s shoulder holds his breath – and releases the arrow. But just then the scared animal jumps off, the arrow stuck in a hind leg.….."Four years has gone and Hauge’s mother Aasa has married Sven, hoping to help him become a better chieftain.The dumb slave-girl, Astrid, gives birth in secrecy to a stillborn child. Hauge is shaken when he learns who the father of the child is.The men travel to the winter markets in Skiringssal where many a good deal is done. Once again Hauge meets his friend Hannibal. But on their way home they are brutally attacked and many die; among them, Sven.Hauge is made chieftain and can finally avenge his father.But who is the young beautiful girl, Edwina, who was enslaved on a raid in England?

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    - Secrets
    by Marianne Slot

    Second book in the series "Viking Blood" by Marianne Slot"There, right in front of him it lies shining in the sand!It is a large, nugget of amber, smoothed by sand and stones in the sea, and golden like the sun. In a few hours, the tide will once again cover the tiny beach, and take back the glowing treasure.Hauge bends down, picking up the amber. He turns it slowly, watching it sparkle in the sunlight.Certainly, this must be a gift from the Gods!….."Three years after the attack on Styrbjorn’s village his brother, Sven, has been elected their new chieftain and the village has been rebuilt.After a successful summer voyage to Ireland the ships have returned and everybody enjoy the celebrations and heroic tales of the voyage.Sven decides time for vengeance has come, and that a surprise attack on Haakon’s village will be by land and on horseback.. Lauge Longsight and Hauge are allowed to come too.Before setting off they practice archery and combat techniques. Suddenly the monks, Peter and Hannibal, return, and Hauge enjoys the company of his friend again.However, the raid of vengeance does not go as planned...

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    - Raiding
    by Marianne Slot

    Fifth book in the series "Viking Blood" by Marianne Slot.Translated by Lisbeth Trampe. Illustrations by Pia Falck Pape“Look, Olav is swimming!” Styrbjorn cheers, pointing.Hauge and Torleif both look out at the water. Then Hauge starts. The boy is too far out; in the deep water. Just then a gurgling scream sounds from out there. Olav is splashing his arms wildly, and then disappears beneath the surface.Hauge races out there, his heart hammering in his chest.But where is the boy? Why didn’t they look at him? That boy is always bringing himself into trouble; a real daredevil. Always trying to climb the tallest tree, or climbing at the edge of the steepest slopes.…..Three and a half years have passed since young Styrbjorn, Edwina and Hauge’s son, was born and Edwina is pregnant again. The winters have been extremely hard and the harvests have been poor. Famine and hunger threatens.In the autumn Edwina gives birth to twin girls. But everything goes wrong. The grain rots, only some of the ships return from the summer voyage; late, empty, and battered.Then Hauge decides to go on a quest for food and riches in England. A new ship is built for the voyage: Long and slender; fast and seaworthy.In England they cause terror and devastation. Town after town is raided; left pillaged and plundered.However, in the last town they have decided to raid, only one person is left, the priest in the church…

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    - New Life
    by Marianne Slot

    Fourth book in the series "Viking Blood" by Marianne Slot"A thundering noise from somewhere above cuts off his thoughts. Torleif and the dogs have stopped abruptly. Torleif looks around. Suddenly he yells:“Let’s get out of here! I think it’s an avalanche!Just then masses of snow thunder down the mountainside. At first it is only light snow, and small lumps of snow. But soon the air is thick with snow. They can’t see a thing in front of them.Torleif jostles through the snow. He grasps hold of Hilda and drags her off. And Hauge gropes through the whirling snow towards the spot where he last saw Edwina.“Edwina! EDWINA!” he yells. But it is drowned out by the roaring of the snow-blizzard.….."The winter after the avenging raid Hannibal and Edwina are still in Hauge’s village. As the last of the snow has smelted Hauge tells his mother Aasa that he wants to marry Edwina, although she is a Christian.The wedding is held as Norse custom demands with a sacrifice of animals to the Gods and three days of celebration. Vagn, one of Sven’s men, tries to sabotage the party but is sent away.A couple of months after the wedding three ships sail on a voyage to Iceland, where Hauge trades for walrus tusks to sell in Haithabu. They leave Iceland after a dramatic confrontation in Smokey Bay.On their way to Haithabu the ships are caught in a violent gale and Vagn’s ship is lost near the Faroe Isles.When they return home yet another surprise awaits Hauge.

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    - The Assault
    by Marianne Slot

    "The Assault" is the first book of five in the Viking Blood series by Marianne Slot. One fateful day the Viking boy Hauge survives a violent attack on his village, meets a young Christian monk, Hannibal, and a lifelong friendship begins. In these five books Norse mythology, Viking feuds, trades, and voyages to Iceland, Shetland and Haithabu, is brought to life in an exciting story of life and death. We follow Hauge as his life evolves around the vital consequences of that dramatic day; through vengeance and love; hardships of hunger and suffering, culminating in a final raid to England.“Run, Hauge! Run!” Suddenly, all Hauge hears is his father’s voice, it drowns out the screams, the clashing of swords, and the roar of the fires from the torched houses. Haakon Gilmarsson and his men have attacked the village. For a split second, Hauge sees the fear in his father’s eyes and understands; this is not a request. …..Later the young Christian monk, Hannibal, tells Hauge that his father, Styrbjorn, has been killed in the bloody attack on their village. This is the beginning of a lifelong friendship, and Hauge wonders about the strange new God that Hannibal talks about.When Hauge’s father is laid to rest, in the manner customary for a Viking Chieftain, the dumb thrall-girl Astrid is chosen to follow her master to Valhalla. Yet Hauge tries to prevent this when Astrid ”tells” him something. During Styrbjorn’s burial ceremony, Aasa, Hauge’s mother, promises her deceased husband that Hauge will avenge him when the time is right.Hannibal and the older, stern monk, Peter, continue on their journey, but Hannibal promises Hauge that they will return. After they have left Hauge finds an unexpected gift.

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