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Books published by Grace Publishing

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    People celebrate Christ's birth in many ways through their foods, traditions, and customs. Whether it's music, gift giving, family gatherings, special recipes, parties, programs, decorating, puzzles, books, movies, church services or a combination of these that make your holiday season special, we hope you will slow down and take time in your countdown to Christmas to enjoy the inspiring stories offered by these 27 authors. You might even discover a new tradition to add to your own. Contributors:Becky Alexander, Lola Di Giulio De Maci, Diana Derringer, Loretta Eidson, Darlene J. Ellis, Peggy Ellis, Ellen Fannon, Lydia E. Harris, Bonnie Lasley Harker, Sandra Merville Hart, Hans Jurgen Hauser, David Holland, Helen H. Hoover, Yvonne Lehman, Andrea Merrell, Norma C. Mezoe, Jane Owen, Kayleen Reusser, Tammie Edington Shaw, Kathryn Skinner, Carole Sparks, Pamela L. Stein, Gina Stinson, Nanette Thorsen-Snipes, Beverly Varnado, Dianalee Velie, Tammy Whitehurst

  • - Stories of the 2020 COVID-19 Outbreak

  • - Living the Journey That Doesn't Make Sense
    by Deborah Presnell

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    - 30 Biblical Principles for Radiant Living
    by Deborah Presnell

  • - Stories of Those Special Feelings, Romantic Relationships, and True Love

  • - Tales We Wish Weren't True


    Have you ever thought that great writers need to use long, fancy words in order to tell a story? If so, you'd be wrong. The truth is, too many words, and words that are not familiar to the average person, just get in the way. Short words are powerful because they are easy to read, easy to grasp, and easy to recall. In this book, the fourth in the series, these authors prove just how effective it can be to keep it Short and Sweet - whether it's fiction, non-fiction, or poetry.Contributors include: Tabitha Abel, Jeff Adams, Karen O'Kelley Allen, Sharon Atwood, Adam Benson, Lanita Bradley Boyd, Adora (Jenny) Calvert, Jeanetta Chrystie, Karen Condit, Sharon Cook, Lauren Craft, Lin Daniels, Jorja Davis, Karen deBlieck, Troy Dennis, Jon Drury, Patricia A. Earl, Sharon Fincannon, Joanne Fleck, Pat Gerbrandt, Pamela Groupe Groves, Carol Harrison, Leah Hinton, Paul Aaron Hinton, Becky Hitchcock, Craig Hodgins, Doris Hoover, Patricia Huey, Sheila Humphrey, Tina M. Hunt, Liz Kimmel, Bob LaForge, Marcia Lee Laycock, Alice H. Murray, Suzanne Dodge Nichols, Marcy King O'Rourke, Debra Pierce, Shelley Pierce, Karma Pratt, Frank Ramirez, Mary Lou Redding, Reba Rhyne, Susanna Robar, Tony Roberts, Dottie Rogers, Sue Rosenfeld, Michelle Ruschman, Carol Schafer, Leslie Neal Segraves, E.V. Sparrow, Jack Scott Stanley, Kay Marshall Strom, Jewell Utt, Wilma R. Vernich, Michelle Walker-Wade, Karis Waller, Mary Hunt Webb, Kenneth Avon White, Karen Woodard, Andrea Woronick

  • - America's Preacher whose ministry led to our changed lives

    Personal recollections of special moments people from all walks of life experienced with beloved evangelist Billy Graham. With foreword by daughter Gigi Graham. Contributors: Max Elliot Anderson, Joye Atkinson, Joe Bonsall, Shirley Brosius, Carlene Shuler Brown, Roger Bruner, Penelope Carlevato, Joann Claypoole, Wendy Dellinger, Lola De Maci, Diana Flegal, Gayle Fraser, Tommy Scott Gilmore, III, Mary A. Hake, Lydia E. Harris, Judith Victoria Hensley, Helen L. Hoover, Amanda Hughes, Nancy Johnson, Ann Knowles, Yvonne Lehman, Suzanne Liggitt, Lowell Lytle, Jayme H. Mansfield, Diana Leagh Matthews, Mary E. McQueen, Andrea Merrell, Lynn Mosher, Vicki H. Moss, Patricia Luellen Nicholas, Karen Lynn Nolan, Diane H. Pitts, Kim Peterson, Deborah M. Presnell, Colleen L. Reece, Fred Robinson, Jr., Karen Sawyer, Cindy Sproles, Nate Stevens, Barb Suiter. Audrey Tyler, Beverly Varnado, Debra DuPree Williams. Dr. Rhett H. Wilson, Sr., Ann Brubaker Wirtz

  • - The Nail Salon Chronicles
    by Natalie Banda & Vicki H Moss

    On a slow morning in California, Natalie-a nail salon tech-begins praying for clients to arrive. Little does she know what God has in store when two grandmothers - one who's recently flown from Tennessee with two grandies to visit their paternal grandparents - walk through her door with granddaughters in tow. When Natalie begins a conversation with Vicki, they discover they're connected by way of a mutual belief in their Savior, Jesus Christ. Planning to stay in touch, they exchange information. Not until Vicki returns home to Tennessee and connects with Natalie through Instagram and emails do they discover they'd both been praying that October morning - Natalie for clients and Vicki for God to do something spectacular or to allow someone special to cross her path so the grandies would believe God does work in people's lives answering specific prayers today. What happened next surprised everyone…Natalie and Vicki soon began writing together, sharing some amazing Godcidents with Young Life teens as well as adults to help the Lord transform lives.

  • - When Personal Sink-or-Swim Decisions Result in Life-Changing Moments

    Unexpected obstacles can loom before us at any moment. While from a distance they may appear to be the size of an ice cube, the impact they have on our lives is often the same as running straight into an iceberg at full speed.The way we deal with obstables can be life-changing, especially when we learn to depend on God to guide us through treacherous waters and away from disaster.In this book, authors share 52 stories of personal titanic moments they have encountered, how they dealt with them, and what they experienced as they depended on God.Contributors include:Robin Bayne, Sheryl H. Boldt, Sherry Boykin, David Brannock, Dr. Timo Budarz, Mirjam Budarz, Rebecca Carpenter, Robert Cook, Lola Di Giulio De Maci, Diana Derringer, Anne Edwards, Ivette Ellis, Bobbie Ann DuPree Foshee, Gayle Fraser, Sharon Frazier, Phil Gladden, Lydia E. Harris, Jonathan Hayashi, Judith Victoria Hensley, Helen L. Hoover, Alice Klies, Diana Leagh Matthews, Bennie McDonald, Beverly Hill McKinney, Andrea Merrell, Norma C. Mezoe, Brenda Miller, Stacy Mink, Susan Boskat Murray, Dr. Jayce O'Neal, Margaret Peterson, Robert W. Rettie, Lt. Col. Robert B. Robeson, Toni Armstrong Sample, Nanette Thorsen Snipes, Rabbi Frank Stern, Sherri Stewart, Annmarie B. Tait, Myrtle Virginia Thompson, Judith Vander Wege


    In this book, the sixth in the Short and Sweet series, you'll find a collection of stories with special emphasis on mothers, fathers, and grandparents. As in the other books in the series, with few exceptions each piece is written using only one-syllable words or words of fewer than six letters.Join these 60 authors as they share their families' stories of grace, forgiveness, loyalty, respect, support, vulnerability, love, laughter, and faith.Contributors include: Jennifer Aaron, Tabitha C. Abel, Karen Allen, Janet Asbridge, Sharon Atwood, Lanita Bradley Boyd, Susan Brehmer, Jenny Calvert, Jeanetta Chrystie, Denise M. Colby, Sharon Cook, Kat Crawford, Lin Daniels, Jorja Davis, Jon Drury, Steve Duke, Linda Finlin, Dia Gary, Barbara Greer, Pamela Groupe Groves, Lydia E. Harris, Carol Harrison, Leah Hinton, Marlene Houk, Patricia Huey, Penny Hunt, Stephen Johnson, Liz Kimmel, Janice Hagood LeMaster, Dave Mackey, Terry Magness, Jill Allen Maisch, Chad McComas, Suzanne Montgomery, Tony R. Nester, Suzanne Dodge Nichols, Briana Novacek, Cheryl A. Paden, Sara Parmenter, Debra Pierce, Shelley Pierce, Tim Pietz, Lynne Pleau, Anne Foley Rauth, Reba Rhyne, Susanna Shutz Robar, Valerie E. Runyan, Michelle Ruschman, Toni Armstrong Sample, Laura Luptowski Seeley, James Smith, Jack Stanley, Crystal Storms, Beverly Varnado, Wilma Rose Vernich, Mary Hunt Webb, Kenneth Avon White, Adria Wilkins, Karen Woodard, Andrea Woronick

  • - More Small Words for Big Thoughts

    Can you say more with less? If you use short, simple words, will what you write turn out so real and so clear that your reader will taste it, see it, hear it, touch it, smell it...live it?Or will it sound like The Cat in the Hat or Dick and Jane?The truth is, short words bring power to what you say. And, that's good news for those of us who want another person to hear us, to understand us.Short words are easy to read, easy to grasp, easy to recall:It was the best of times, it was the worst of times…. (A Tale of Two Cities)Last night I dreamt I went to Manderley again. (Rebecca)If music be the food of love, play on. (The Twelfth Night)Marley was dead, to begin with. (A Christmas Carol)Play it, Sam. Play "As Time Goes By." (Casablanca)If you build it, they will come. (Field of Dreams)These are the times that try men's souls. (Paine)To be or not to be… (Shakespeare)What's done is done.Seize the day!I love you.And so it goes.In this book, the second in the Short and Sweet series, you'll find a collection of fiction and non-fiction on a variety of topics. They have two things in common: Each is about something that matters deeply to the writer, and with few exceptions - proper names, numbers - each is written using only one-syllable words or words of fewer than six letters.If you've always thought you had to use long words to keep your reader engaged, discover why it's often a great idea to keep it Short and Sweet.Contributors: Bob Adauto III, Sharon Atwood, Joylene M. Bailey, Tandy Balson, Trisha Barry, Jeff Brady, Tez Brooks, David Buster, Kelly Carlson, Marigene Chamberlain, Alexander Chavers, Jeanetta R. Chrystie, Lauren Craft, Jorja Davis, Barbara D'Antoni Diggs, Jeanette Duby, Wendy Dunham, JoAnn Durgin, Nicey T. Eller, Sherree G. Funk, Steve Garnaas-Holmes, Desiree Glass, Pamela Groupe Groves, Lydia E. Harris, Leah M. Hinton, Paul Aaron Hinton, Becky Hitchcock, Shauna Hoey, Katherine Kavanagh Hoffman, Marlene Houk, Charles J. Huff, Penny L. Hunt, Connie Inglis, Jeanie Jacobson, Linda Jett, Bobbi Junior, Tom Kennedy, Liz Kimmel, Rita Klundt, Adrienne Large, Julie Lavender, Marcia Lee Laycock, Mary Elaine Lester, Terry Magness, Jill Allen Maisch, Chantel Mathson, Joy E Miller, Alice H. Murray, Daniel Mynyk, Suzanne Dodge Nichols, Shelley Pierce, Judy Webster Powers, Sandy Kirby Quandt, Anne Foley Rauth, Mary Lou Redding, Linda Jo Reed, Reba Rhyne, Susanna Robar, Janet Ramsdell Rockey, Lori Stanley Roeleveld, Dottie Lovelady Rogers, Pamela Rosales, Carol Schafer, Deborah Brawer Silva, Neil Silverberg, Lynn J. Simpson, Fay Henry Smith, Carole Sparks, E.V. Sparrow, Traci Stead, Susan Reith Swan, Tammy Van Gils, Martha VanZant, Beverly Varnado, Tim Wade, Margery Kisby Warder, Kenneth Avon White, Lora Homan Zill.

  • by Judy Baker

  • by Rhonda Mcknight

    Some rules are made to be broken…Deniece Malcolm is shocked and heartbroken when she finds out her baby sister, Janette, is marrying Terrance Wright, because she was the one who was supposed to marry him! Everybody knows there’s a rule about dating exes. Janette is pregnant and not only is this wedding happening, but Deniece has to arrange the festivities. Deniece’s feelings and pride are hurt, but surprisingly, Terrance’s younger, sexier, cousin, Ethan Wright, is there to provide a listening ear and a strong bicep to cry on. Ethan’s interested in Deniece, but she has a rule about dating younger men. Despite her resistance, things heat up between them and Deniece begins to wonder if it’s time to break a few rules of her own.


    In this book, the fifth in the Short and Sweet series, you'll find a collection of stories, much like the other books in the series. With few exceptions (listed in the Introduction) each is written using only one-syllable words or words of fewer than six letters. The difference in this book? These 45 authors challenge you to decide whether their stories are fiction or non-fiction. Discover why it's often a great idea to keep it Short and Sweet.Contributors include: Tabitha Abel, Karen Allen, Joylene Bailey, Lanita Boyd, Jenny Calvert, Jeanetta Chrystie, Sharon Cook, Lin Daniels, Jorja Davis, Steve Duke, Nicey T. Eller, Jacinta Fontenelle, Heidi Gaul, Pamela Groves, Sara Hague, Leah Hinton, Paul Hinton, Patricia Huey, Charles Huff, Penny Hunt, Tom Kennedy, Liz Kimmel, Susan Maas, Darlene Mackey, Angela Mattingly, Alice H. Murray, Kelly Pankratz, Debra Pierce, Ken Proctor, Frank Ramirez, Michael Reynolds , Reba Rhyne, Susanna Robar, Dottie Rogers, Pamela Rosales, Toni Sample, Laura Seeley, Dan Shorts, Lisa Worthey Smith, E.V. Sparrow, Randy Swanson. Jewell Utt, Mary Hunt Webb, Ken White, Andrea Woronick.

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    - A 150-Day Devotional Journey
    by Deborah Presnell

    Welcome to the Psalms! As you spend time in God's Word with Deborah Presnell expect authentic experiences, honesty, personal reflection, inspiration, and an opportunity to gain new insights.Most of all, expect change. Because when we consistently spend time reading God's Word, we can't help but be transformed! These devotionals deal with a variety of issues and topics including: Compassion and forgiveness Depression, heartache, and pain Prayer and praise Loneliness and isolation Steadfast faith Fear and hope Endless love God loves you fiercely. He has a thrilling purpose for your life. Journey through Psalms with Debbie and you will Shine!

  • - When the Right Word Is a Short Word

    How do we say more with less? Can short, simple words make what we write so clear that the reader gets it? Or will it remind them of reading a child's board book?The truth is, short words bring power because they are easy to read, easy to grasp, and easy to recall. For instance:Once upon a time… It was the best of times, it was the worst of times…. (A Tale of Two Cities) Last night I dreamt I went to Manderley again. (Rebecca) Marley was dead, to begin with. (A Christmas Carol) If you build it, they will come. (Field of Dreams) To be or not to be… (Shakespeare) Seize the day! I love you. And so it goes.In this book, the third in the Short and Sweet series, you'll find a collection of fiction, non-fiction, and poetry on a variety of topics. They have two things in common: Each is about something that matters deeply to the writer, and with few exceptions (listed in the Introduction) each is written using only one-syllable words or words of fewer than six letters.If you've always thought writers have to use long words to keep readers engaged, discover why it's often a great idea to keep it Short and Sweet.

  • - 59 Inspirational Stories of the Many Faces of Love

  • - Small Words for Big Thoughts

    "My aim is to put down on paper what I see and what I feel in the best and simplest way." ~ Ernest Hemingway.We writers love words, and we love to use the long, impressive words. But when we use too many of them, and ones that aren't familiar and comfortable to the average person, then words just get in the way.The words we really should be using most of the time are already known to us. Crisp, clear, accessible words in our writing bring joy to the readers even if they may not know why.In this book you'll see just what can happen when 69 Christian writers break their attachment to multi-syllable words and get back to the familiar words of childhood, simple words like brave, true, loyal, love, and joy.Some of the stories you'll find here are serious; some are not. Some might cause a slight smile or quiet chuckle to bubble to the surface; others might cause a laugh to shoot up like a grand old geyser. Some stories invite deep reflection; others just let you be. Some reveal much; others reveal little. Sometimes the creativity is subtle; other times it is easily seen.In one way or another all of the stories are powerful. And with a few exceptions, their words are all one syllable.Contributors: Sandy Aletraris, Karen O. Allen, Sharon Atwood, Kathleen Brown, Kay Camenisch, Ellen Cardwell, Larry Cheeves, Kae Childs, Karen Condit, Troy Dennis, Rosie DiBianca, Dolly Dickinson, Dr. W. Alan Dixon, Sr., Xochitl E. Dixon, Nicey T. Eller, Linda Finlin, Sharon Fincannon, Anne Grant, Joleen Graumann, Annette Griffin, Pamela Groves, Sara Hague, Bethany Hayes, Paul Aaron Hinton, Leah Hinton, Doris Hoover, Penny L. Hunt, Tina Hunt, Rev. Dr. Cureton L. Johnson, Katy Kauffman, Rich Kehoe, Liz Kimmel, Marilyn Klunder, Margaret Lalich, Don Lee, Cheryl B. Lemine, Sarah G. Smith Lewis, Kimberly Long, Eric Mueller, Alice H. Murray, Christi Naler, Suzanne Dodge Nichols, Eréndira Ramirez-Ortega, Colleen Shine Phillips, Shelley Pierce, Pamela K. Proudfoot,, Jennifer Saake, Nancy Reenders, Joanne Reese, Jane Reid, Reba Rhyne, Katherine Rice, Eleanor Richardson, Michelle Ruschman, Toni Armstrong Sample, Kevin Louise Schaner, David Alan Shorts, Grant Showalter, Debbie Sprinkle, Cordie Traber, Marilyn Turk, Beverly Varnado, Margery Kisby Warder, Cynthia Baughan Wheaton, Jan White, Kenneth Avon White, Toby Ann K. Williams, Joseph Yates

  • - it's about the people
    by Yvonne Lehman

    The Titanic's story didn't end when it sank beneath the surface of the ocean April 15, 1912; nor did it end when the last survivor was laid to rest in 1997. These authors' personal stories offer a glimpse into some of the reasons for the enduring significance of the great ocean liner and its passengers, and why their stories continue to influence lives today.The 32 stories in WHY? TITANIC MOMENTS are written by: Edward D. Walker, Mary Kellogg-Joslyn, John Joslyn, Leslie Turner, Lowell Lytle, J. Robert Difulgo, Benjamin Crosby, Garry D. Shutlak, Frank J. Goldsmith Jr., Sarah Hamilton-Cardy, John William Clifford, Julie Hedgepeth Williams, Penelope Carlevato, John White, Nancy Moser, June Hall McCash, Karen Kamuda, Maggie Mico, Gary Jeanty, Lynn Behr Sanford, Rose M. Rohloff, Charles Pellegrino, Peggy Wirgau, Wade Sisson, Bill Willard, Mary Ann Whitley, Dave Brangan, Vicki H. Moss, Yvonne Lehman, Titanic Historical Society

  • - 67 Stories Celebrating the True Spirit of Christmas

    What makes Christmas special? Decorations, carols, food, gifts, and time spent with those we love can certainly create a memorable legacy. But for Christians, Christmas is about more than personal tradition. It's the day set aside to recognize the event that changed everything. It's the celebration of the birth of Christ. When the Magi recognized a star - a sign hidden in plain sight -as evidence of the birth of the Messiah, they went in search of him. In this third installment of Christmas Moments 55 authors hope their stories will encourage others to recognize the evidence of Christ often hidden in plain sight in their own lives, and seek him not only at Christmas, but throughout the entire year. Contributors: Cathy Ancewicz, Carolyn Roth Barnum, Robin Bayne, Debby Bellingham, Charlotte Burkholder, Janet Bryant Campbell, LeAnn Campbell, Rebecca Carpenter, Autumn J. Conley, Maresa DePuy, Sharon Blackstock Dobbs, Susan Dollyhigh, Kristin Dossett, Terri Elders, Susan Engebrecht, Bonnie Mae Evans, Dorothy Floyd, Gayle Fraser, Janice S. Garey, Tommy Scott Gilmore III, Jean Matthew Hall, Kristen Harmon, Kay Harper, Lydia E. Harris, Lori Hatcher, Karen R. Hessen, Helen L. Hoover, Terri Kelly, Nancy Julien Kopp, Luke Lehman, David A. Lehman, Yvonne Lehman, Diana Leagh Matthews, Beverly Hill McKinney, Mary E. McQueen, Norma C. Mezoe, Julie Miller, Lynn Mosher, Vicki H. Moss, Marilyn Nutter, Dianna Owens, Colleen L. Reece, Alisha Ritchie, Robert B. Robeson, David Russell, Toni Armstrong Sample, Beverly Sce, June Schmidt, Annmarie B. Tait, Donn Taylor, Denise Valuk, Jen Waldron, Barbara Wells, Kathy Whirity, Debra DuPree Williams

  • - 62 Revealing Stories about Those Sensitive Times and What We Learn from Them

    The instant Adam and Eve bit into forbidden fruit, stupid moments became a fact of life. The experiences can range from laughable to lamentable, humbling to humiliating. Whether they result from brilliant ideas...that weren't, careless actions, or unanticipated circumstances, the uncomfortable aftermath often remains fresh in our minds throughout our lives. Here, 48 authors share 62 stories illustrating that no matter what brings these moments into our lives, it's what we learn from them that matters. Sometimes we learn something important about ourselves. Other times we learn not to take things too seriously. Ultimately, these moments serve to remind us we're only human, and we always need the grace and redemptive power of Christ in our lives. Contributors: Gloria Anderson, Joye Atkinson, Karen Nolan Bell, Mason K. Brown, Roger E. Bruner , Elsie H. Brunk, Janet Campbell, Rebecca Carpenter , Joann M. Claypoole, Sharon Blackstock Dobbs, Susan Shelton Dollyhigh, Dorothy Floyd, Theresa Jenner Garrido, Tommy Scott Gilmore, III, Diana Beamis Good, Nick Harrison, Sandra Merville Hart, Helen L. Hoover, Lillian Humphries, Terri Kelly, Alice Klies, Barbara Latta, David A. Lehman, Yvonne Lehman, Lynn Lilja, Diana Leagh Matthews, Andrea Merrell, Maggie Micoff, Marybeth Mitcham, Vicki H. Moss, Shelley Pierce, Deborah M. Presnell, Colleen L. Reece, Toni Armstrong Sample, Gloria Spears, Cindy Sproles, Nate Stevens, Fran Lee Strickland, Barb Suiter, Ann Tatlock, Leigh Ann Thomas, Donna Collins Tinsley, Audrey Tyler, Jan Westmark, Kathy Whirity, Dr. Rhett H. Wilson, Sr., Debra DuPree Williams, Jean Wilund


    Christmas! For many people the holiday season is steeped in traditions such as decorating, family gatherings, food, Christmas programs, parties, giving and receiving gifts, cards, carols, Christmas eve services. The authors who contributed to this book share their personal stories of the Christmas season. Some of their stories are about happy childhood memories, the joy of the season, the beauty and excitement of the holiday. Others depict change...the difficulty of facing Christmas, the sadness of loss and grief, the hurt of some memories. Yet all of their stories are encouraging and inspiring because they show how, no matter what their circumstances, the authors came to understand that in order to have a meaningful Christmas, we must open our hearts to the wonder of Christ's presence. Contributors: Charlotte Adelsperger, Julie Arduini, Esther M. Bailey, Cathy Baker, Sheryl M. Baker, Dan Balow, Carol A. Bell, Lisa Braxton, Elsie H. Brunk, Rebecca Carpenter, Joann Claypoole, Carlitta Cole-Kelly, Autumn J. Conley, Diana C. Derringer, Susan Dollyhigh, Janet Perez Eckles , Sandra Fischer, Emme Gannon, Theresa Jenner Garrido, Bernadean J. Gates, Carol Graham, Lydia E. Harris, Joyce Heiser, Karen R. Hessen, Victoria Hicks , Larry C. Hoover, Geneva Cobb Iijima, Sondra Kraak, Barbara Latta, Yvonne Lehman, Diana Leagh Matthews, Dianne Neal Matthews, Edie Melson, Andrea Merrell, Marybeth Mitcham, Vicki H. Moss, Dee Dee Parker, Linda Landreth Phelps, Debbie Presnell, Kimberly Rae, Susan Holt Simpson, Cindy Sproles, Nate Stevens, Annmarie B. Tait, Ann Tatlock, Joni Vance, Dr. Rhett H. Wilson Sr., Simon Wilson, Ann Greenleaf Wirtz


    Life with children is filled with precious, precocious moments. In this book stories from 45 authors run the gamut of emotions including laughter, love, loss, acceptance, forgiveness, grief, longing, despair, joy, thankfulness, and courage. Their stories tell of adults teaching children, children teaching adults and, best of all, the awareness that God does indeed know and care, and if we seek him we find him because he is waiting for us with open arms, ready to show us the beauty in life...often, through a child.Contributors: Carolyn Barnum, Robin Bayne, Shirley G. Brosius, Elsie H. Brunk, Rob Buck, Mirjam Budarz, Joann M. Claypoole, Autumn Conley, Tracy Crump, Greg M. Dodd, Susan Shelton Dollyhigh, Susan Engebrecht, Sandra Fischer, Virginia Foreman, Connie Gatlin, Janice D. Green, Lydia E. Harris. Judith Victoria Hensley, Karen R. Hessen, Julie A. Hilton, Helen L. Hoover, Thomas Kienzle, Ann Knowles, Christina M. Krost, David Lehman, Yvonne Lehman, Veronica L. Asay (Leigh), Emily Marett, Diana Leagh Matthews, Beverly Hill McKinney, Vicki H. Moss, Diana Owens, Carole Anne Pearson, Debbie Presnell, Joey Rudder, Jessica Satterfield, Karen Sawyer, Kevin Spencer, Ann Tatlock, C. Kevin Thompson, Carol Weeks, Cindy Wilson, Steve Wilson, Jean Wilund, Felicity Younts.

  • by Deborah Presnell



    50 Inspirational Stories of the True Meaning of Christmas Life is made up of moments strung together like a garland draped around a Christmas tree. Certain of those moments are so meaningful they become memories that last a lifetime. For some, those memories center on Christmas. In this book you'll find Christmas stories from 34 authors. They range from serious to funny, sad to joyful, entertaining to insightful. All are encouraging and inspiring. Each points to the same thing: The reason for the Christmas season is celebration of Jesus' birth! The most important part of Christmas is Christ. So while Christmas day comes but once and year, and years give us Christmas memories that last a lifetime, the Spirit of Christmas is eternal. And the way we keep Christmas sends a message to the world about what we believe. Contributors Hannah Alexander, Max Elliott Anderson, David Knox Barker, Penny A. Bragg, Gary L. Breezeel, Joann Claypoole, Susan Shelton Dollyhigh, Janice S. Garey, Tommy Scott Gilmore III, Gail Griner Golden, Gigi Graham, Lydia E. Harris, Lillian Humphries, John Kincaid, Alice Klies, Yvonne Lehman, Delores Liesner, Lori Marett, Dr. Julie Hale Maschhoff, Edie Melson, Sharon J. Morris, Vicki H. Moss, Kimberly Pickens, Deborah Raney, Colleen L. Reece, Linda Wood Rondeau, Toni Armstrong Sample, Sherry Schumann, Nate Stevens, Fran Lee Strickland, Ann Tatlock, Stephanie Grace Whitson, Eric Wiggin, Dr. Rhett H. Wilson, Sr.

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