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The Original Anunnaki Cuneiform Bible!--Here is the ancient Sumerian Anunnaki origins of all known religious systems on the planet today.--Here is the cuneiform tablet origin of the Judeo-Christian, Hermetic and Zoroastrian texts;records that predate better-known scriptures of the "Holy Bible" by 2,000 years or more!--Here is the "original" Anunnaki Bible-separating "prehistory" from "history"-collecting the most ancient writings on the planet from Babylonian sources in Mesopotamia. Here is the recovery and incorporation of wisdom from the Ancient Near East into a modern tradition of Babylonian Neopaganism known for over a decade as Mardukite Zuism.--Here is the New Standard Zuist Edition of the classic text by world renowned Joshua Free; an abridged version of "The Complete Anunnaki Bible" edited for the Church of Mardukite Zuism.Now, more than a decade since the "Mardukite Core" materials by Joshua Free began circulating in the underground, a new edition of the cornerstone volume has arrived, uncovering ancient cuneiform scriptures from the heart of Mesopotamia and revealing the near-prehistoric legacy of the Sumerians and Babylonians as never before.The purpose of the "NSZE" version of the Anunnaki Bible is to simplify a new futurist presentation of the original cuneiform tablet translations from The Complete Anunnaki Bible-the result of over half-of-a-decade of intensive explorations by the Mardukite Research Organization (Mardukite Chamberlains/Council of Nabu) from 2008-2015.For the first time in the modern history, humanity can access this collection of the most concise cunieform scripture translations available-composing, themselves, the most ancient "Bible" known to mankind; and one that went on to inspire the religious and spiritual systems on the planet Earth for thousands of years thereafter.This edition of the Anunnaki Bible presents a "new standard" for officially incorporating a solid modern religious tradition of "Mardukite Zuism" philosophy and its Systemology of applied spiritual technology for the future.Great care was taken in selecting and arranging the most critical elements of ancient Mesopotamian literature to present this universally workable edition (once exclusively a "Mardukite" version of these materials). In doing so, this special Anunnaki Bible NSZE applies equally to all modern factions, revival/reconstruction efforts, historical or academic pursuits and Mesopotamian Neopaganism. To aid study and research, a Seeker may still refer to The Complete Anunnaki Bible for supplemental commentary.The Mardukite "Anunnaki Bible: Cuneiform Scriptures (New Standard Zuist Edition)" represents concise historic archaeological foundations for a new generation of Chamberlains, Mardukite Ministers, Zuist Priests and Priestesses, and other Systemologists around the world. With this special premiere pocket paperback edition available as a the perfect personal companion or gift to another--you won't want to miss it!Also available in hardcover.
Discover the Truth About the Original Religion on Planet Earth!Long-lost secrets of Mesopotamian religion and Anunnaki mythology are drawn from ancient cuneiform tablets and revealed to all in this special hardcover 10th Anniversary Collector's Edition of the original Mardukite guide to real esoteric archeology of Sumer and Babylon.This classic underground bestseller represents an amazing breakthrough in historical analysis and practical metaphysics of the Ancient Near East that is accessible to anyone with any background.Even if you think you already know all about the Sumerian Anunnaki or StarGates of Babylon:Here you will find a beautifully crafted journey that is unlike anything Humans have had the opportunity to experience for thousands of years.Here you will find a truly remarkable tome demonstrating a fresh new modern approach to Mesopotamian Neopaganism and spirituality.Here you will find a Master Key to the ancient mystical arts: true knowledge concerning the powers and entities that these arts are dedicated to; a working relationship with these powers directly; and the wisdom to operate an existence "alongside" the gods, so as to ever remain in the "favor" of their Cosmic Law."Sumerian Religion: Introducing the Anunnaki Gods of Mesopotamian Neopaganism" by Joshua Free is a revolutionary volume of unparalleled clarity, making it worth "100-sars" times its weight in lapis lazuli and precious gold."Sumerian Religion" offers Seekers the chance for what may be the most critical and powerful religious, spiritual or magical venture possible: a personal relationship with the Anunnaki Gods, the "Divine Pantheon" that launched a thousand cultures and traditions throughout the ancient world!Read the book "Sumerian Religion" by Joshua Free and discover why this "Mardukite Liber-50" discourse has become a personal favorite to thousands of Seekers around the globe since its underground debut release in 2010, and now going on to inspire an entire modern spiritual movement on Earth known as "Mardukite Zuism" and "Systemology."
In this powerful sequel to Tablets of Destiny: Using Ancient Wisdom to Unlock Human Potential, Joshua Free presents a revolutionary professional course in advanced spiritual technology for Mardukite Systemologists to "Pilot" the way to higher ideals that can free us from the Human Condition and return ultimate command and control of creation to the Spirit.We have all made decisions about what we are willing to be, willing to do, willing to have a communication with-and Self does not like to be wrong. In Metahuman Destinations: Piloting the Course to Homo Novus, we are unwrapping this mess of convoluted beliefs and agreements that Self has made along the way. While this might sound easy, the Human Condition is very much tied to the "physical" way of things-and the more the Spirit identifies Self or "I" with this "physical" way of things, the harder it is to change these considerations.Each and every one of us carries a certain knowing that we have descended or "fallen" from some higher consideration of space-time existence (call it dimensions, universes, levels or heavens); just about every spiritual, philosophical and scientific methodology of the contemporary age seems to hint around a bit about this. But a few of us are content in waiting around to see what any further agreement with material knowledge about design of this physical universe is going to offer. Some of us have already peeked behind the screens and know what it is going to offer: a way of further dividing what is already here into another sub-level universe of consideration for the I-as-Self to get entrapped in.Drawing from Arcane Tablets and nearly a year of additional research, experimentation and workshops since the introduction of applied spiritual technology of "systematic processing" in Tablets of Destiny and Crystal Clear, Joshua Free provides the ground-breaking manual for those seeking to correct, or defragment, the conditions that have ever trapped viewpoints of the Spirit into programming and encoding of the Human Condition.The purpose of systematic processing within the spiritual philosophy of Mardukite Zuism and Metahuman Systemology is to increase free range of consideration available to the individual that is in command and control of their Human Condition as an "Alpha Spirit." We have traveled down to this present state of affairs in this universe through an amazing journey-and this journey has indeed left us in a state of severe fragmentation; has left us fragmented about the identity of Self, and with absence of this knowledge or knowing, the true creative ability of the Spirit that has only been led to consider that these conditions of the physical universe are the absolute and everything. But now we have solutions! And they are the way out toward a higher evolution as Homo Novus!Each and every one of us is a participant in the creation of universes and realities and we have the responsibility to our Self to permit the highest freedom of the Spirit. Metahuman Destinations provides access to an entirely new or previously unreachable universe of possibilities that is suddenly real again, a potential reality again, and within the reach of Self as the "Alpha Spirit." This is a state that is completely within reach of all individuals on Earth (and elsewhere); and all we have to do is free ourselves to create a better world. So, let's get together and help one another create a better world!This special hardcover premiere edition of the official Mardukite Systemology "Pilot's Handbook" by Joshua Free, contains newly revised material previously published in course textbooks for "Communication and Control of Energy & Power," "Command of the Mind-Body Connection" and "Now You Know!"
A decade of collected writings revealing new advancements in 21st century "New Thought" culminated together to present the most complete guide, reference and course curriculum of "Mardukite Systemology" established to date. Here is technology to ensure a true spiritual "transhuman" evolution into the future. 8 books in one volume!
To realize that we are more than Human and actualize this state of Awareness has been the ultimate goal of all magical, mystical and spiritual pursuits since the dawn of time. It is perhaps no more blatantly represented and recognized than in one of the most superior occult archetypes ever to emerge: The VAMPYRE.This very special “Vampyre's Handbook” 5th Anniversary Collector's Edition brings unique rites and teachings of the modern “Vampire Tradition” collected together and brought to a high-level scrutiny for the first time ever in hardcover—combining two underground classics: “The Vampyre's Bible: Moroi Book of V” and “The Cybernomicon.”Vampyrism is a very real, strong, ancient and powerful current within the occult community—so much so, that “occult” groups may be found to conceal a secret leadership or “inner circle” that either: refers to themselves as Vampyres; refers to some obscure or invisible Vampyric Secret Chiefs; or else performed “high magic” workings based on mystical techniques that fall within semantics of Vampyrism. These Secret Masters and Invisible Chiefs receive credit for the innermost teachings of magical societies, offering knowledge dating back to the primordial—before there was order; before there was a First Age, the primeval, First Cause of everything and nothing; Guardian of the Abyssal Void, wherein lies infinite unlimited potential. To this, our predecessors have called: “The Dragon.”Sacred knowledge from ancient civilizations—including their technology—is only understood when looking beyond contemporary knowledge we are conditioned with. Society claims to prize “individuality” and “innovation” yet requires its citizens to learn and repeat the same methodology held by previous generations. Many great feats and incredible monuments of the ancients seem to defy reason and technology by the standards of our times. Many have no duplicability—reflecting some unknown “secret” tradition otherwise known as the esoteric or occult. To “occult” is to disguise what “actually” is taking place or in view, by imposing a “virtual” something in its place. Occult mysteries are arcane or esoteric: specialized knowledge intended for, and understood by, a small number of people.Within this amazing presentation of the "Vampyre's Handbook," Joshua Free bridges an understanding and communication of the realm of Magick and Mardukites with a futurist vision of Systemology and Zuism by revealing the Vampyric history, folklore, theory of energy work, practices of energy feeding, the Darksider diseases of werewolves, the necromancy of making zombies, ceremonies of death and immortality from the “Egyptian Book of the Dead.”Moroii ad Vitam Paramus means: “Living Vampyres who are Preparing For Life.” Moroii are a faction of underground living vampyres that dedicate their “mortal” lives to magical and vampyric pursuits, cultivating energy from this Realm and intentionally direct it to their Etheric Body—to essentially rehabilitate the power and authority of the True Spirit within. By empowering the true Self, all that is connected as Identity is empowered.Drink deeply from the True Blood of the ancient mysteries revealed to the surface world in its entirety for the very first time.
Raw Power. Real Magic. Primordial. Nearly Forgotten... The path of true Babylonian magic is a spiritual dedication to the Sumerian Anunnaki, a path once seemingly inaccessible-beyond our reach and understanding. Rediscover the most ancient magical system on earth, secretly recorded on cuneiform tablets thousands of years ago in Mesopotamia...Here is the definitive modern collection of ancient magic including Anunnaki invocations, Mesopotamian gate rituals, Babylonian exorcisms, banishing rites and protective spells.World renown esoteric expert, Joshua Free, director of the modern "Mardukite Research Organization" and author of the underground bestselling "Mardukite Core," including "Necronomicon: The Anunnaki Bible" and "Gates of the Necronomicon," invites the Seeker to glimpse an incredible progressive esoteric journey toward illuminating the most ancient and powerful magical tradition on the planet.Within the text of this abridged pocket edition lies the most practical excerpts drawn from the final volume of the complete "Mardukite Core" 10th Anniversary Collector's Edition volume: "Necronomicon-The Anunnaki Grimoire"-including revised and rewritten materials from "The Complete Book of Marduk by Nabu" and "The Maqlu Ritual Book."Originally published in two installments, this special Necronomicon Spellbook pocket edition relates some of the most practical contributions from the modern Mardukite Research Organization as developed underground for the past decade.
The first guidebook to concisely align tarot symbolism with Anunnaki archetypes as they appear in ancient Babylonian Mardukite tradition. Arcane mysteries are revealed in this revolutionary new tool of personal exploration!
THE ORIGINAL GUIDE TO THE ELVEN WAY! Come and enter the Enchanted Forest, deep in the heart of the Green World, and discover the greatest secrets of the Ancient Mystery Tradition-the hidden legacy and magick of Elves and Faerie.Make your passage into Faerie as you discover the mysteries contained within this revolutionary and controversial underground classic by Joshua Free, revealing for the first time to the mortal world, a uniquely beautiful, authentic and complete guide to ancient Elven-Faerie Druidic Tradition, newly revised to commemorate the 15th Anniversary of the original "Book of Elven-Faerie."The shinning path of the Elven Way grants any Seeker the key to unlock forbidden truths of esoteric archaeology including: How traditions of the Ancient Near East evolved into mythical, mystical and societal systems in Europe. How the forgotten arcane legacies of Elven-Faerie and even "Dragon" races on Earth have shaped the Western world and "Western magical tradition." How modern folk-magic and "New Age" revivals may be traced back to coincide with evolutions in Human civilization marked by specific ancient migrations."Elvenomicon" by Joshua Free offers an entire exploration into the Elven Way, Celtic Faerie Tradition and Danubian Druidism as never seen before. Drawing from hundreds of sources and underground groups, the "Elven-Faerie" tradition and system of magic is presented in its candid entirety, as applicable and alive today as it was thousands of years ago-and critically needed for our times and in our current environmental state.The two complete "grimoires" included within the "Elvenomicon" bring an entirely new dimension of enchantment to the "New Age," allowing all dedicated initiates the opportunity to: Tap a vast otherworldly network of Elemental Power only alluded to elsewhere in "fairy" or "Druid" lore. Experience the vibrant energy of "Faerie magic" with over a dozen unique solitary rites and group liturgies. Access deep "Earth wisdom" known only to trees with a complete system of Elvish-Ogham "Forest Magick."These long-lost teachings, traditions and techniques may even provide new historical foundations and credibility for modern magical revivals, resulting from one seeker's pursuits into the unspeakable origins of ancient Celtic Druidism...From the author of "Draconomicon: The Book of Ancient Dragon Magick" and "The Druid's Handbook: Ancient Magick for a New Age" -- also available in special anniversary hardcover collector's editions.
AN ORIGINAL UNDERGROUND OCCULT CLASSIC!For centuries, direct access to the realm of magick has been sought -- then, finally what the world waited for... arrived. Discover the power of magick with "a book that changed the world," telling it all without the usual occult jargon.After sparking advancement on the "magickal path" for thousands of seekers in over two decades, the original underground classic "Book of Shadows" by "Merlyn Stone" returns, revised and reissued, for a special hardcover 21st Anniversary Collector's Edition presentation.Concise progressive lessons developed to enable the fastest personal results in magickal training and development provide key instruction for: Ritual Magick and "Spellcraft" Elemental Magick and "Earth Power" Neopaganism, Wicca and Witchcraft High Magick and Ceremonial Arts The "Golden Dawn System of Magic" "Enochian Magick" of Dr. John Dee Necromancy and "Magickal Warfare" Tarot Card Divination ...and many more esoteric topics!Originally self-published in 1998 by Joshua Free, writing as "Merlyn Stone," the author of "Elvenomicon -or- Secret Traditions of Elves and Faeries," "Draconomicon: The Book of Ancient Dragon Magick" and "The Druid's Handbook: Ancient Magick for a New Age" -- also available in special anniversary hardcover collector's editions.
AUTHENTIC DRUIDISM! Come venture into the deepest folds of the Green World, enter the Sacred Grove and initiate yourself to the greatest Celtic Mystery Tradition-the Wisdom of the Druids! Discovering true Druidic wisdom of these ancient legendary woodland mystics has never been clearer for our times!Drawing upon over two decades experience in the neodruidic community, Joshua Free's original underground masterpiece returns to life, newly revised and expanded for this amazing 20th Anniversary presentation. Joshua Free's "Druid's Handbook" is a superior addition to any modern Druid's library-as part of a planned reissue of the author's classic trilogy of materials, including the newly released "Draconomicon."Providing a new vision with unparalleled clarity for modern Druidry, world renown occultist and mystic, Joshua Free explores the magic and deep teachings of Druidic Lore, including core doctrines and codes, triad teachings of the Bards, natural philosophy, the construction of ritual tools and performance of ceremonial magic involving the elements, trees and forces of Nature-all of which is presented in honor of the true spirit of authentic Druidism.Whether you are new to Druidry or simply looking to refresh your own practices, this concise, expertly written and beautifully presented guide to the ancient mysteries is sure to reenchant your everyday life with the Wisdom of the Druids.
Long-lost secrets of ancient Mesopotamian religion, Anunnaki mythology and mysteries of Babylonian magic are coherently revealed in the first complete esoteric guide to Sumerian archaeology accessible to all readers. From the world renown “Mardukite Research Organization” developed by Joshua Free.This amazing guide to esoteric archaeology reveals the secret Anunnaki tradition of Babylon, forbidden knowledge lost thousands of years.ago—from the origins of Sumerian civilization in ancient Mesopotamia to the rise of Babylonian magic, mythology and religion.World renown expert and Director of the modern “Mardukite Research Organization”—Joshua Free—invites the Seeker on an incredible progressive journey to illuminate the most ancient and inaccessible facets of human history, spirituality and religious tradition on the planet.For the first time ever, anyone can discover the secrets of the Sumerian Anunnaki and the origins of all physical and metaphysical systems born from the Mesopotamian Mystery Tradition that directly led to Babylonian religion—a unique combination of Sumerian, Akkadian, Assyrian and Chaldean lore revealed with perfect clarity for all modern readers: the academic, esoteric and even the “just curious.”Originally published in two installments as Liber-50 and Liber-51/52, this new commemorative edition of "The Sumerian Legacy" (formerly "Sumerian Religion") collects some of the most critical contributions from the modern “Mardukite Research Organization” rewritten and revised in combination with amazing new cover graphics by Kyra Kaos.
Sumerian secrets and mysteries of Mesopotamia are finally revealed in the first complete modern guide to Babylonian tradition. An anthology of arcane history, theory and esoteric practices spanning thousands of years, by the author of the underground bestseller—“Necronomicon: The Anunnaki Bible.”This amazing source book of esoteric archaeology reveals the secret Anunnaki tradition of Babylon, forbidden knowledge spanning thousands of years—from the Sumerian origins of civilized systems in ancient Mesopotamia to the underground occult traditions of Aleister Crowley, Kenneth Grant, and millions of people who have read Simon's Necronomicon.Joshua Free, world renown esoteric expert and Director of the modern “Mardukite Research Organization,” invites the Seeker on an incredible progressive journey to illuminate the most ancient and inaccessible facets of human history, spirituality and religious tradition on the planet.For the first time ever, anyone can discover the secrets of the Sumerian Anunnaki and the origins of all physical and metaphysical systems born from the Mesopotamian Mystery Tradition that directly led to Babylonian religion—a unique combination of Sumerian, Akkadian, Assyrian and Chaldean lore revealed with perfect clarity for all modern readers: the academic, esoteric and even the “just curious.”Originally published in four installments, the Gates of the Necronomicon anthology collects some of the most critical contributions from the modern “Mardukite Research Organization.” Joshua Free's underground classic is now available to the public in hardcover for the first time ever in a new rewritten and revised 10th Anniversary Collector's Edition with amazing cover graphics by Kyra Kaos.
A collector's edition of the long-lost translated cuneiform tablet collection, revealing secret underground methods to acquire direct communication with what some call "alien intelligences" via a program of ancient-styled Babylonian-inspired devotion, reviving the same techniques as ancient Mardukite priests of the Sumerian Anunnaki in Mesopotamia.This amazing 10th Anniversary collector's edition of "The Book of Marduk by Nabu" reflects a very real modern philosophical and meta-spiritual "New Thought" movement aligned specifically with the Anunnaki paradigm. In ancient Babylon, this was famously celebrated among the followers of MARDUK-recognized among the pantheon as patron of Babylon city and self-made Anunnaki "King of the Gods" for the "Mardukite" or "Babylonian" branch of the Mesopotamian mythos, with the assistance of the Nabu priesthood of scribes.Ten years ago, materials from "The Complete Book of Marduk by Nabu" circulated underground, serving as an early cornerstone of "Mesopotamian Neopaganism," paving the way for a decade of developmental research and experimentation by the "Mardukite ResearchOrganization" of "Mardukite Chamberlains." Selections included in this revised and expanded, beautifully crafted, portable hardcover Mardukite Liber-W+Z volume have also inspired many other incredible literary classics, including "The Complete Anunnaki Bible" and "The Sumerian Legacy" by Joshua Free.In commemoration of the anniversary release of a "complete" Book of Marduk by Nabu, additional portions once released separately as "The Book of Zagmuk" are also included, detailing the annual Spring Equinox Festival or Babylonian "Akiti"/"Akitu" New Year Rituals. As an additional bonus, this special edition of a favored underground classic now includes graphic images of Mesopotamian Art that beautifully supplements key information, as reproduced from "The Anunnaki Tarot" guidebook by Joshua Free and Kyra Kaos-forthcoming in June 2019.
The Original Underground Classic Returns, Revised and Updated for the 10th Anniversary Deluxe Hardcover Collector's Edition!The Necronomicon of Mesopotamia... Sumerians... Star-Gates of Babylon... The Anunnaki... "Ancient Alien Gods"... The Igigi "Watchers" of the Old Testament... Religion, mythology and magic of a long-lost forgotten age... All of it amazingly preserved and presented in the complete "Necronomicon Anunnaki Bible" edited by Joshua Free.A complete source book of the ancient Babylonian "Mardukite" Tradition as uncovered and developed by the "Mardukite Chamberlains" (Mardukite Research Organization) during their first active year of work in 2009!The Mardukite "Necronomicon Anunnaki Bible" edited by Joshua Free is quite simply a masterpiece of Mesopotamian magic, spirituality and history, providing a complete collection - a grand symphony of correlated materials - of the most ancient writings on the planet. The oldest of these Sumerian and Babylonian records reveal detailed accounts of cosmic history in the universe and on earth, the development of human history and descriptions of world order - all of which were used to maintain spiritual and physical control of humanity - proving to be the predecessor and foundation of global scripture-based religious and mystical traditions thereafter. These raw underground materials have shaped the existence of man's beliefs and traditions for thousands of years; right from the heart of the Ancient Near East: Sumer, Babylon and even Egypt!Nearly a decade since the modern Mardukite inception - and thousands of copies in print - the "Necronomicon Anunnaki Bible" is a revolutionary "New Age" advancement in authentic historical, spiritual and mystical research drawn from a unique unparalleled combination of archaeological findings and esoteric mystical magical traditions. Sumerian, Babylonian, Akkadian, Assyrian, Chaldean, Egyptian, Yezidic, Zoroastrian... and more.The heart and soul of humanity, from the cradle of civilization, is laid out clearly for the "Truth Seeker" to see - in its pure and undefiled state. A wellsprings of hidden information and historical research, cuneiform tablet transliterations and translations, and mystical and spiritual experimentation may all be found within the leaves of this new anniversary edition of the underground bestselling classic "Necronomicon Anunnaki Bible."Newly revised prefaces and tablet introductions guide the "Truth Seeker" through a beautiful presentation of the Ancient Mystery Tradition accessible to anyone with any background. You will discover the original secrets of Hermetic Tradition, the "Books of the Dead" and Underworld Mysteries, the origins of the books of Genesis and Enoch... You will, if you dare, unlock the forgotten and forbidden power of the Anunnaki Babylonian Star-Gates - lore that predates and is a basis of Hebrew Kabbalah mysticism, from which much of the Western Magical Tradition is rooted.Join thousands of others and take a Self-honest moment in life now, to invest yourself in the path of "true knowledge," where you may find the empowerment and enlightenment of "true experience" - true Gnosis!
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