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What are employer needs for staff trained in the natural sciences at the master's degree level? How do master's level professionals in the natural sciences contribute in the workplace? How do master's programs meet or support educational and career goals? This book examines the role of master's education in the natural sciences.
Recognizing that health care providers play an important role in fostering healthy behaviors among adolescents, this work examines the health status of adolescents and reviews the separate and uncoordinated programs and services delivered in multiple public and private health care settings.
Paints a picture of the status of female faculty at top universities, clarifies whether male and female faculty have similar opportunities to advance and succeed in academia, challenges some commonly held views, and poses several questions in need of answers. This book is of interest to university administrators and faculty, and policy makers.
Life on Earth would be impossible without plants. Humans rely on plants for most clothing, furniture, food, as well as for many pharmaceuticals and other products. This title discusses how the plant immune system controls pathogen defense, demonstrate that the plant genome science community is capable of driving technological advancement.
Focuses on the interaction of pilots and air traffic controllers, with a growing network of automated functions in the airspace system. This book explores ways in which technology can build on human strengths and compensate for human vulnerabilities, minimizing both mistrust of automation and complacency about its abilities.
Gives in-depth consideration of the efficiency of the surveys; the user base; and the timeliness, relevance, and quality of the data series. This work also provides valuable background information and analysis and offers suggestions for program improvements. It is also suitable for policy makers, and state and local government workers.
Highlights the opportunities in nuclear medicine, which include assessing the efficacy of new drugs in development, individualizing treatment to the patient, and understanding the biology of human diseases. This book is of interest to health care and pharmaceutical professionals.
In 2003 Congress passed the United States Leadership Against HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria Act, which established a 5-year, $15 billion initiative to help countries around the world respond to their AIDS epidemics. This book recommends that the program should focuses on the long-term strategic planning and capacity building.
Offers a vision for developments in plasma science. This report provides an examination of the themes that frame plasma research: low-temperature plasma science and engineering; plasma physics at high energy density; plasma science of magnetic fusion; space and astrophysical science; and basic plasma science.
Public health efforts have resulted in tremendous improvements in the health of individuals and communities. This work focuses on the critical roles that physicians play in maintaining and strengthening the public health system, and identifies what these physicians need to know to engage in effective public health actions.
The American Community Survey (ACS) is a major new initiative from the US Census Bureau designed to provide continuously updated information on the numbers and characteristics of the nation's people and housing. It replaces the "long form" of the decennial census. This work covers the basics of how the ACS differs from the long-form sample.
Provides an account of the synthesis of research into teaching and learning science in kindergarten through eighth grade. This book summarizes various findings from the learning sciences and builds cases of science educators at work to make the implications of research for science educators.
After-school programs, scout groups, community service activities, religious youth groups, and other community-based activities have been thought to play a key role in the lives of adolescents. This book offers recommendations for policy, practice, and research to ensure that programs are well designed to meet young people's developmental needs.
Presents an assessment of how the US Department of Veterans Affairs evaluates veterans with possible post traumatic stress disorder and determines the level of disability support to which they are entitled. This book presents a history of mental health disability compensation of military personnel.
Reviews the Department of Education's Title VI and Fulbright-Hays Programs, which provide higher education funding for international education and foreign language programs. This book also examines the federal government's proposal to create a new National Security Language Initiative, and the efforts to hold higher education programs accountable.
Shows that there is sufficient two-dimensional "base map imagery" to meet Federal Emergency Management Agency's (FEMA's) flood map modernization goals, but that the three-dimensional "base elevation data" that are needed to determine whether a building should have flood insurance are not adequate.
The nation has made tremendous progress in reducing tobacco. This book generates a blueprint for the nation in the struggle to reduce tobacco use. It reviews prevention and treatment interventions and considers a set of tobacco control policies for adoption by federal and state governments.
Like ocean beaches, sheltered coastal areas experience land loss from erosion and sea level rise. This book recommends coastal planning efforts and permitting policies to encourage landowners to use erosion control alternatives that help retain the natural features of coastal shorelines.
"NOAA's Role in Space-Based Global Precipitation Estimation and Application".
Preventing HIV Infection among Injecting Drug Users in High Risk Countries:
The Clean Air Act established a pair of programs - known as New Source Review (NSR) - that regulate large stationary sources of air pollution, such as factories and electricity-generating facilities. This book provides insights into potential effects of the rule changes on national emissions from electric power industry.
Provides an examination of telecommunications research support levels, focus, time horizon in industry, an assessment of university telecommunications research, and the implications of these findings on the health of the sector. This book also includes recommendations for enhancing US telecommunications and research efforts.
Improving Business Statistics Through Interagency Data Sharing
When the space exploration initiative was announced, the NRC was asked to review the science NASA proposed to carryout. In 2005, the NRC released 3 studies focusing on a portion of that task, but changes at NASA forced the postponement of the last phase. This report talks about the last phase and also about the analysis of the science budget.
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