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Steps to Knowledge takes you on a great journey of discovering Self Knowledge, the mysterious source of your spirituality and inner authority. Following this inner Knowledge leads you to thegreater relationships that you will need in order to find and to fulfill your mission in life.Steps to Knowledge provides the lessons and practices necessary for learning and living The Way of Knowledge. Presented in a selfstudy format, it contains 365 daily "steps" that enable you to experience inner certainty and direction. It is this experience that can sustain and guide you every day and in every situation.Steps to Knowledge is for you if you are ready to undertake your greater work in life and if you have a sense of mission at this critical turning point in our history. This book is here to serveyou.Steps to Knowledge is the Greater Community Way of knowing and seeing. It is not based upon any specific world religion or philosophy. This Teaching has never been presented in the world before. These are new times and this is a new way. You came into the world with the Knowledge of who you are, who you must meet and what you must accomplish. It is time to find this Knowledge and begin to live it.
...Acum mai bine de dou─âzeci de ani, un grup de indivizi din câteva lumi diferite s-a întrunit într-o loca╚¢ie discret─â din sistemul nostru solar, în apropierea P─âmântului, pentru a observa Interven╚¢ia extraterestr─â ce se desf─â╚Öoar─â aici. Din punctul lor de observare ascuns, au reu╚Öit s─â afle identitatea, organizarea ╚Öi inten╚¢iile celor care ne viziteaz─â lumea ╚Öi s─â urm─âreasc─â activit─â╚¢ile vizitatorilor. Acest grup de observatori se numesc „Alia╚¢ii Umanit─â╚¢ii”.IAT─é RAPORTUL LOR.Inform─ârile Alia╚¢ilor Umanit─â╚¢ii prezint─â o revela╚¢ie nou─â ╚Öocant─â despre Interven╚¢ia extraterestr─â ascuns─â ╚Öi modul în care aceasta profit─â de conflictele umane, de tensiunile religioase ╚Öi de colapsul mediului pentru a diviza ╚Öi a controla din ce în ce mai mult familia uman─â, care deja este divizat─â. Sosirea for╚¢elor ce intervin de dincolo de lumea noastr─â, în vremuri cu schimb─âri f─âr─â precedent, reprezint─â cel mai mare eveniment din istoria uman─â ╚Öi cea mai mare provocare la adresa supravie╚¢uirii ╚Öi a libert─â╚¢ii umane.Aceast─â comunicare revolu╚¢ionar─â de la alia╚¢ii no╚Ötri din Univers, care circul─â acum în întreaga lume, prezint─â un apel profund la t─âria uman─â, la unitatea uman─â ╚Öi la apari╚¢ia noastr─â ca ras─â liber─â într-o Comunitate Mare a vie╚¢ii inteligente.Inform─ârile Alia╚¢ilor Umanit─â╚¢ii dezv─âluie marele prag pe care umanitatea îl înfrunt─â în întâlnirea ei cu via╚¢a inteligent─â din Univers ╚Öi dezv─âluie nevoia umanit─â╚¢ii de a-╚Öi crea propriile Reguli de Angajare ╚Öi propria Etic─â privind Contactul, avându-i în vedere pe to╚¢i cei care încearc─â s─â intre în contact cu aceast─â lume atât în prezent, cât ╚Öi pe viitor.
. . . Lebih dari 20 tahun yang lalu, sekelompok individu dari beberapa dunia yang berbeda berkumpul di lokasi rahasia di tata surya kita dekat Bumi untuk tujuan mengamati Intervensi luar angkasa yang terjadi di sini. Dari sudut pandang tersembunyi mereka, mereka berhasil menentukan identitas, organisasi, dan niat dari ras-ras yang mengunjungi dunia kita dan memantau aktivitas para pengunjung. Kelompok pengamat ini menyebut diri mereka "Sekutu Umat Manusia".INILAH LAPORAN MEREKA.Pengarahan Sekutu Umat Manusia menyajikan penyingkapan baru yang mengejutkan tentang Intervensi luar angkasa tersembunyi dan bagaimana mereka memanfaatkan konflik manusia, perselisihan agama dan keruntuhan lingkungan hidup untuk lebih jauh memisahkan dan mengendalikan keluarga manusia yang terpecah. Kedatangan kekuatan intervensi dari luar dunia kita pada masa dengan perubahan yang belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya merupakan peristiwa terbesar dalam sejarah manusia dan tantangan terbesar bagi kelangsungan hidup dan kemerdekaan umat manusia.Komunike inovatif dari sekutu kita di Alam Semesta ini, yang sekarang beredar di seluruh dunia, menghadirkan seruan mendalam demi kekuatan manusia, persatuan, dan kemunculan kita sebagai ras merdeka ke dalam suatu Komunitas Besar penuh kehidupan berakal.Empat volume Pengarahan Sekutu Umat Manusia menyingkap ambang batas besar yang dihadapi umat manusia dalam perjumpaannya dengan kehidupan berakal di Alam Semesta dan perlunya umat manusia untuk menetapkan Aturan Keterlibatan dan Etika Kontak miliknya sendiri menyangkut semua ras yang mungkin berusaha untuk terlibat dengan dunia ini, baik sekarang maupun di masa depan.
Contact has begun, yet it is not Contact of a beneficial form for humanity. We are facing an alien Intervention into human affairs and this represents a threat to our freedom and survival as a race. And yet it also represents a great opportunity. Our isolation in the universe is now over, and humanity's emergence into the Greater Community has begun. This is perhaps the greatest event in human history and it is happening right now, in our time. Yet we are unaware and unprepared.In addition, Contact is occurring at a time when we are racing towards a dangerous and uncertain future in our world. Humanity is outstripping the Earth of its life-giving resources at an alarming rate, changing the climate of the world and destroying the natural environment as never before. At the same time, political, social and religious conflict and division are escalating, fracturing the human family when instead we must be working to find a real and functioning unity to ensure our collective survival. We are divided, and this makes us vulnerable to outside influence and intervention from the universe around us.
..Oltre vent'anni fa, un gruppo di individui provenienti da vari mondi si è riunito in una discreta posizione nel nostro sistema solare vicino alla terra, con lo scopo di osservare l'intervento alieno che sta avendo luogo nel nostro mondo. Dalla loro posizione strategica nascosta, sono stati in grado di determinare l'identità, l'organizzazione e le intenzioni di coloro che visitano il nostro mondo e controllare la loro attività. Questo gruppo di osservatori si fa chiamare "Gli Alleati dell'Umanità."QUESTO È IL LORO RAPPORTO.I Briefing degli Alleati dell'Umanità presentano una allarmante nuova rivelazione riguardo alla celata Intromissione extraterrestre e come la stessa sta approfittando del conflitto umano, delle contese religiose e della distruzione ambientale al fine di ulteriormente separare e controllare la già divisa famiglia umana. L'arrivo di forze di Intromissione provenienti da oltre il nostro mondo, in un tempo di cambiamento senza precedenti, rappresenta il più grande evento nella storia umana e la più grande sfida contro la sopravvivenza e la libertà dell'umanità.Questo rivoluzionario comunicato dei nostri alleati nell'Universo, che adesso sta circolando in tutto il mondo, presenta un profondo appello per la forza e l'unità umana e per il nostro esordio di razza libera nella Comunità Più Grande di vita intelligente.I Briefing degli Alleati dell'Umanità rivelano la grande soglia che l'umanità sta affrontando nel suo incontro con la vita intelligente nell'Universo e la necessità dell'umanità di stabilire le proprie Regole di Ingaggio e di Etica del Contatto per chiunque volesse cercare di interagire con questo mondo sia adesso che in futuro.
Há uma Nova Mensagem de Deus no mundo. É uma Mensagem do Criador de toda a vida. Ela é um presente para todos os povos, nações e religiões do mundo.Uma crise sem precedentes está se espalhando por todo o mundo. Uma crise de mudança e agitação política, econômica e ambiental está agora acumulando força, ameaçando a estabilidade e o futuro da humanidade. Isto não é o fim dos tempos, mas sim uma grande transição para uma nova realidade mundial.Agora nos encontramos em um momento decisivo que irá determinar a vida e o futuro de cada homem, mulher e criança na Terra. É neste momento que Deus falou novamente. Um Mensageiro foi enviado e uma missão agora está a caminho para preparar a família humana para a grande mudança que está chegando.Agora Deus está chamando por todo o mundo, chamando em cada nação, cultura e comunidade de fé; chamando pelos corredores do governo e da religião; chamando pelos lugares mais sombrios onde o sofrimento interior e a privação física são os mais profundos; chamando para o poder espiritual da humanidade despertar e emergir neste momento decisivo na história do nosso mundo.Deus Falou Novamente é o início de uma nova comunicação de Deus para a humanidade. O que você tem em mãos são as palavras de abertura desta Nova Mensagem de Deus.
The Pure Religion is a book of revelation given from God to reveal anew the deeper heart and meaning of the world’s religions and the Power and Presence of God, which seeks to speak to all people of all faith traditions in the world at this time.The Pure Religion is the timeless path of awakening, redemption and return to the Creator, initiated by God at the beginning of The Separation and then introduced into all worlds in the universe where intelligent life exists. The Pure Religion is God’s answer to the tragedy and suffering that living in a state of Separation from God has created in the history of religion in this world. It is the living communication from God to all life, calling all those still living in Separation to return to the unity of God and offering a pathway of return.God has spoken again, delivering a new Revelation to humanity. This Revelation is a direct reflection of the pure spirituality that lies at the heart of all the world’s religions.The New Message proclaims that no one can claim that their religion is the only true religion. Instead, there is the pure and mysterious call of God to each person in the world. This calling sounds to all people, whether they be Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Buddhist, a person of another faith or a person of no particular faith. This is an inner calling, calling to each person to go beyond the confines of belief and to enter a life of deeper experience, greater relationship and higher purpose in the world.A New Message from God has come into the world. It is an expression of the timeless pure connection with God as it has existed throughout human history and since the beginning of the manifest universe. Humanity now has direct access to this pure experience, unobstructed by human misunderstanding, authority and corruption. It has now entered the world anew.The Pure Religion is the eighth book of Volume 1 of The New Message from God.
The Allies of Humanity are a group of individuals from several different worlds who came to the vicinity of the Earth to observe the alien Intervention that is occurring in our world and to report on the activities of this Intervention and its implications for the human race.The Allies of Humanity Briefings reveal the reality of Contact occurring in the world today.This fourth set of Briefings focuses on freedom in the universe, how it is achieved and maintained, and the restraint humanity must exercise in order to become a free race in the universe. The Allies also reveal a spiritual coordination, which supports spiritual development, awareness, unity and freedom in the universe.The Allies Briefings emphasize that we can understand the reality of Intervention from our own experience of colonization and conquest here on Earth. Our history has shown us the evidence of intervention from one culture upon another, from one nation upon another, repeatedly over time. This means that our own history and native wisdom can enable us to see and understand who is here and why they have come. Explore these Briefings with an open mind, allow your thoughts to be challenged, allow old beliefs to be overturned if necessary, allow something new and vital and essential to be given to you.
The New World reveals a warning of the great change coming to our world and a prophetic vision of a future world for which we must prepare.The New World is a warning from God about humanity's rapid depletion and degradation of the Earth, its climate and its environment, and the urgent action we must take, individually and collectively, to both restore our planet and prepare for a new world condition in the future.This book reveals the grave plight of humanity and the deeper causes of a global tragedy of conflict, poverty and oppression now spreading worldwide. With this, it presents God's Plan for the world and what can save humanity as it faces its greatest trials in the future.The New World is the prophetic prelude to The Great Waves of Change, which presents in greater detail the challenges we will face individually and the pathway of inner and outer preparation available now through the New Message to each person.Each chapter of The New World is a revelation given from the Source, compiled into this text by the Messenger, Marshall Vian Summers. Several chapters of The New World were received in locations of growing conflict and instability, including in Beirut, Aleppo and Tehran.The New World is the seventh book of Volume 1 of The New Message from God.
The Power of Knowledge reveals the reality of "Knowledge," the deeper spiritual mind within you which holds the key to finding your greater purpose and direction in life.Book 5 of the New Message from God contains 14 revelations given to present the reality of your spiritual nature, the crisis of living apart from your deeper nature and how you can escape this crisis and begin the journey of healing the division between your thinking mind with the mind of Knowledge within you. With this comes the possibility of following Knowledge in the now and in the future, leading you to a new life, new relationships and the fulfillment of your purpose for being in the world.Through this book, you have the opportunity to understand where Knowledge lives in your experience and to build a lasting connection to this deeper experience that has always been with you. The book Steps to Knowledge takes this further in the form of a daily practice you can begin to apply in your life.The journey of finding and following Knowledge will bring you back to your original purpose for being in the world, the memory of those who sent you and the greater contribution you are meant to provide to a world facing great and difficult change in the future. Here a sacred process begins that has the power to free you from the past and prepare you for a new and greater life in the future.Each chapter of The Power of Knowledge is a revelation given from the Source, compiled into this text by the Messenger Marshall Vian Summers.A New Message from God has come into the world. It is an expression of the timeless pure connection with God as it has existed throughout human history and since the beginning of the manifest universe. Humanity now has direct access to this pure experience, unobstructed by human misunderstanding, authority and corruption. It has now entered the world anew.
The Journey to a New Life opens before you the journey to discovering your higher purpose and greater relationships in life. With this, The New Life reveals the true cause of the inner confusion, isolation and suffering felt by people around the world and the pathway of resolution that the Creator of all life is now providing.Here God is calling you to awaken from the dream and nightmare of Separation and to begin a new journey in life where you discover and build your connection to Knowledge, the deeper spiritual mind that God has placed within you to guide and protect you. This journey of awakening and return will bring you back to your original purpose for entering the world, the memory of those who sent you and the greater contribution you are meant to provide.Here a sacred process begins that has the power to free you from the past and prepare you for a new and greater life in the future.
Humanity is emerging into a Greater Community of worlds. Contact has begun and our isolation in the universe is over. This is the greatest event in humanhistory, and yet we are unaware and unprepared.Humanity has reached a critical threshold in its evolution, a time of convergence when enormous political, social and environmental forces are colliding with the world-changing reality of alien contact. The Greater Community presents a revolutionary set of teachings to prepare people everywhere for the great change underway now, and to provide the clear and uncorrupted truth about the reality of contact that is occurring in theworld today.The Greater Community reveals:ΓÇèWho is visiting our world, why they are here and what they want.ΓÇèThe alien agenda at work in the world and how it is affecting people everywhere.ΓÇèWho the true allies of humanity are and how they are different from thoseΓÇèforces intervening in our world.ΓÇèThe relationship between our core spirituality and contact with other formsΓÇèΓÇèof intelligent life.ΓÇèHow to prepare for the reality of contact using the innate power of Knowledge ΓÇèthat lives within us.Contact with intelligent life in the universe is a world event like no other. It is the next great step in the development and evolution of the human family. It is unstoppable. It is inevitable. It is happening now. And there are people around the world who know this is true—that extraterrestrial life is a reality and thatwe are not alone in the universe, or even within our own world. This book is here to give you a complete picture and larger perspective on the state of our world, the reality of contact and the greater meaning of your life at this critical turning point in history.
The One God is a book of Revelation given by the Creator of all life to the human family through the Messenger Marshall Vian Summers. Here God is revealing the greater reality of the Divine Presence, both in our world and within a Greater Community of intelligent life in the universe. This opens the next chapter in the progressive Revelation of God''s Reality, Will and Purpose for the human family as it now stands at the threshold of great change and instability in the world.The One God is the second book of Volume 1 of the New Message from God. The One God contains 12 individual revelations, each given at different times and places during the Messenger''s journeys in the world. The Messenger has now compiled these revelations into this united text. The One God is a book of many teachings. It teaches us to go beyond our concepts and beliefs about God in order to explore our own experience of the presence and mystery of the Divine reality in our lives. It teaches us that, both in our world and throughout the universe, God redeems the separated through Knowledge-the spiritual intelligence and power that God has placed within each of us to guide, protect and lead us to a greater life of purpose and relationship.
The miracle of God's love and communication for humanity is unfolding now in our time, and you are amongst the first to find it. The word and the sound of Revelation are now entering the world. God has spoken again with a New Message for all of humanity.The New Messenger is an original communication from the Creator that reveals the origin, lineage and mission of the Messengers of God who, at different times in history, have entered the world to receive and present New Revelations to humanity. At this turning point in the history and evolution of our world, God has sent a New Messenger to receive a New Revelation for the human family. The Messenger has been engaged in a mysterious process of Revelation for over 30 years. Working through most of these years in obscurity, with only his family and a few assistants with him, he has received the largest and most comprehensive Revelation ever given to humanity. Now he is stepping forward to present God's New Message to people of all nations, cultures and faith traditions.The New Messenger reveals the life and mission of Marshall Vian Summers, -the living Messenger for our time. Here you are invited to understand the Messenger and to receive the immense gift that he brings for you and for the world.Through the New Message and the New Messenger, we are given a lifeline to the mysterious reality of our Ancient Home beyond this world and to those who sent us with a purpose to fulfill: to live a life of true inspiration, relationship and service to others at a time of growing instability and uncertainty in our world. This is the gift and demonstration of the Messenger-that each of us may remember and return to our true identity and allow this to express itself through us in our time in the world.
WISDOM FROM THE GREATER COMMUNITY, Volume 2, How to Find Purpose, Meaning & Direction in an Emerging World, concentrates on the needs of a world in transition as the greater context for finding your contribution and resolving personal dilemmas. It introduces the larger arena of intelligent life called the Greater Community and provides the insights and perspective necessary to prepare for a future that will be unlike anything that we have ever known. In the New Message teaching on topics ranging from "Discernment" and "Greater Community Realities" to "Courage" and "Religion as Mystery," Wisdom II opens the way to living a greater life in a greater universe. Both Volumes of Wisdom from the Greater Community are a powerful compliment to the journey in Steps to Knowledge.
A prophetic new understanding of God and human spirituality within a larger arena of intelligent life. Greater Community Spirituality is a spirituality that transcends all boundaries of race, culture, religion and language, providing the foundation for recognition and relationship between people, nations and worlds.GREATER COMMUNITY SPIRITUALITY is the New Message book of theology. It opens the way to a greater experience of God. This Message has never been presented in the world before and is not based upon any existing world religious tradition or philosophy. It is a new theology to prepare the human family for the great thresholds ahead. It is a doorway into a greater universe.
There is a New Message from God in the world. It is a Message from the Creator of all life. It is a gift for all the peoples, nations and religions of the world.An unprecedented crisis is spreading worldwide. A crisis of political, economic and environmental change and upheaval is now gathering force, threatening the stability and future of humanity. This is not the end of times, but instead a great transition to a new world reality.We now stand at a turning point that will determine the life and future of every man, woman and child on Earth. It is at this time that God has spoken again. A Messenger has been sent and a mission is now underway to prepare the human family for the great change that is coming.God is now calling across the world, calling into every nation, culture and faith community; calling into the halls of government and religion; calling into the darkest place where inner suffering and physical deprivation are deepest; calling for the spiritual power of humanity to awaken and emerge at this turning point in the history of our world.God Has Spoken Again is the beginning of a new communication from God to humanity. What you hold in your hands are the opening words of this New Message from God. Table Of Contents IntroductionChapter 1 The Proclamation Chapter 2 The RecitationChapter 3 The EngagementChapter 4 God Has Spoken AgainChapter 5 The Seal of the ProphetsChapter 6 The Mission of the MessengerChapter 7 The InitiationChapter 8 The BlessingChapter 9 Living at a Time of RevelationChapter 10 The AssemblyChapter 11 God’s New Message for the WorldChapter 12 God Is Moving Humanity in a New DirectionChapter 13 The World Must Receive God’s New MessageChapter 14 The Calling Important TermsThe MessengerThe Voice of RevelationAbout The Worldwide Community of the New MessageThe Society for the New Message
For thousands of years, humanity has looked into the night sky andwondered: who is out there? Now you have a chance to travel into that nightsky, to go beyond wondering and experience for yourself the reality andspirituality of life beyond our world.This book is a window into the living story of our universe: the realities oftrade, travel and conflict in space; the birth and death of civilizations acrossthe stars and the greater plan and purpose of a Creator who oversees thespiritual progress of life in all galaxies.Enter a universe that is alive with danger, mystery, relationship and purpose.Explore the unfolding narrative of life in our own region of space and learnabout the struggle for freedom now occurring beyond the borders of oursolar system.Marshall Vian Summers has been engaged in a process of Revelation for over30 years. The outcome of that revelation, this book reveals what life is reallylike in the universe, something human science and speculation may neverfully uncover.Much more than a book, Life in the Universe is an open doorway to agreater human experience. Unfolding before you page-by-page, is a story anda vision of the living cosmos, the complexity of interactions between worldsand the future that awaits us as we enter this larger arena of life.Go beyond the limits of a purely human vantage point and immerse yourselfin this "Greater Community," a vast universe of intelligent life that has alwayscalled to you.
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