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En el ocaso del pensamiento occidental fue publicado originalmente a partir de una serie de conferencias dictadas por el Dr. Herman Dooyeweerd (1894-1977) entre los años 1957 y 1959, en diferentes lugares de Estados Unidos y Canadá. El libro fue posteriormente revisado y reimpreso varias veces. La presente traducción corresponde a la edición más reciente, la cual agrega características importantes como la incorporación de referencias bibliográficas (la obra original no contenía ninguna); la reorganización del texto en partes, secciones y subsecciones; así como la retitulación de prácticamente todos los capítulos.La relevancia de esta traducción es que en sus páginas Dooyeweerd mismo nos presenta una excelente introducción a su filosofía, la cual puede verse como un marco teórico distintivamente bíblico para el pensamiento y la acción del pueblo cristiano, tanto en la iglesia como en el mundo de hoy en general.Por su corta extensión pero gran profundidad, la lectura de este texto resultará atractiva para diferentes públicos; ya que resume en buena medida el desarrollo de las ideas presentadas por Dooyeweerd en el primer volumen de su obra magna Una nueva crítica del pensamiento teórico con sus implicaciones reformadoras para las concepciones filosóficas de la ciencia, la historia, la teología y la antropología (esta última desarrollada muy ampliamente en su extensa obra Reforma y escolástica en la filosofía) desde una perspectiva radicalmente escritural.
The collected essays, lectures, and occasional speeches of Dr. Howard Evan Runner in a new four-volume format. Professor Runner was the leading representative of The Philosophy of the Cosmonomic Idea, the comprehensive Christian philosophy inaugurated by Herman Dooyeweerd and D. Th. Vollenhoven. Penetrating, prophetic, and profoundly insightful are just some of the terms necessary to describe this invaluable collection from the pen of the foremost North American Reformational scholar. Here you will find inspiration, analysis, and a vigorous call to action across the entire range of human experience, all driven by an unwavering commitment to the Word of God.
For the first time, in the 20th century, the Dutch legal scholar and philosopher Herman Dooyeweerd developed and introduced to the world a distinctly biblical philosophy untainted by pagan syntheses, what could be adequately called "reformational" philosophy. But this philosophy has remained obscure to most Christians, while the Church at large has unwittingly drunk from the depths of apostate pagan philosophy dressed in Christian religious garb. This book by D.F.M. Strauss is an excellent introduction and brief survey of Herman Dooyeweerd's Christian, reformational, and biblical philosophy.
Por primera vez, en el siglo XX, el erudito jurídico y filósofo Holandés Herman Dooyeweerd desarrolló e introdujo al mundo una filosofía claramente bíblica no contaminada por las síntesis paganas, lo que podría llamarse adecuadamente filosofía "reformacional". Pero esta filosofía ha permanecido oculta para la mayoría de los cristianos, mientras que la Iglesia en general ha bebido involuntariamente de las profundidades de la filosofía pagana apóstata vestida con atuendo religioso cristiano. Este libro de D.F.M. Strauss es una excelente introducción y breve resumen de la filosofía cristiana, reformacional y bíblica de Herman Dooyeweerd.
The collected essays, lectures, and occasional speeches of Dr. Howard Evan Runner in a new four-volume format. Professor Runner was the leading representative of The Philosophy of the Cosmonomic Idea, the comprehensive Christian philosophy inaugurated by Herman Dooyeweerd and D. Th. Vollenhoven. Penetrating, prophetic, and profoundly insightful are just some of the terms necessary to describe this invaluable collection from the pen of the foremost North American Reformational scholar. Here you will find inspiration, analysis, and a vigorous call to action across the entire range of human experience, all driven by an unwavering commitment to the Word of God.
Faith, Life and Theology presents a significantly innovative approach to the broad spectrum of questions normally attached to the issue of "What Is It That Constitutes The Nature Of Theology." Rather than pursuing the highly speculative approaches endemic to Scholasticism, or the biblicistic emphasis on the Scriptures as a textbook on theology, Vander Stelt focuses on what is actually accessible to real, empirical, human study: namely, the phenomenon of faith as it comes to expression in human life in every age, in response to God''s self-disclosure to humankind in Word revelation and in Christ.
In his momentous and historic address on occasion of the opening of the ICS (Institute for Christian Studies), H. Evan Runner (1916-2002) addresses the cultural crisis of his time - very much a crisis that we have not yet escaped today - and the need for an institution and a missional direction for God's people to counter the forces of evil, the antithesis, the lie of Satan and to advance a truly Christian philosophy of life that is untainted by the pollution of our culture's pagan thoughts and unmistakably pure in its fidelity to Scripture. May Runner's words inspire the generations to come to take up arms and to fight the good fight of faith, a far-reaching comprehensive faith.
The set to which this volume belongs is informally entitled "The Eternal Series," because each volume of the set unfolds an aspect of the reality of God's relationship with humanity that reaches from eternity past to eternity future. The formal title of the series is "An Evangelical Introduction to Reformational Theology." Here are the volume titles: Part I: Scripture: The Revealed Source For TheologyI/1 The Eternal Word: God Speaking To UsI/2 The Eternal Torah: Living Under GodPart II: God: The Personal Source Behind TheologyII/1 The Eternal God: God Revealing Himself To UsII/2 The Eternal Christ: God With UsII/3 The Eternal Spirit: God Living In UsPart III: Redemption: The Christ-Centered Heart of TheologyIII/1 The Eternal Purpose: Living In ChristIII/2 Eternal Righteousness: Living Before GodIII/3 Eternal Salvation: Christ Dying For UsIII/4 Eternal Life: Christ Living In UsPart IV: Consummation: The Lived Shape of TheologyIV/1 The Eternal People: God in Relation To IsraelIV/2 The Eternal Covenant: Living With GodIV/3 The Eternal Kingdom: Living Under ChristPart V: Method: The Comprehensive Foundation of TheologyV/1 Eternal Truth: The Prolegomena of TheologyThese volumes have been written for the informed Christian who is somewhat familiar with both the Bible and Christian theology.As you will learn in these volumes, that order-first Bible and then theology-is crucially important. So too is the distinction (but not the separation!) between these two: the Bible is not theology, and theology is not the Bible. Both following that order and honoring that distinction are prerequisites for healthy, charitable, and enduring Christianity.Dr. Willem J. Ouweneel is a Dutch author whose three doctorates-one each in biology, philosophy, and theology-rank him among the premier Bible scholars of this generation, and equip him with breadth of vision and depth of insight.When these volumes are read alongside an open Bible, the patient reader will acknowledge the authority of the claims being defended. The reader's certitude will ultimately come to rest, not in any particular theological system or model, but in the inspired, infallible Word of God, and more importantly, in the God of that Word. As such, this entire series and these volumes are fresh and faithful reformulations of the essence of biblical faith and life as that was transmitted throughout the centuries, was rediscovered in the Reformation, and has come to be known as Reformational theology: sola Scriptura, sola gratia, sola fide, solus Christus, soli Deo gloria.
The prominent perception of Calvinism is a set of doctrines which have been disputed by proponents of Arminianism ever since both doctrinal positions emerged, but Calvinism is much more than just a set of doctrines, Calvinism is the true religion of the Bible, it is the lived out reality of God's special revelation. It is not solely confined to theological discussions, its scope is vast and extensive, with real societal implications. In this publication, Dooyeweerdian philosopher H. Evan Runner (1916-2002) traces the development of Calvinism in Europe and its arrival in North America, and distinguishes it from its false distortions.
For many people, the secularization of science is a given. the notion that science could have ever been influenced by religion while still remaining, by its definition, "science" is virtually unheard of for the mass populace of today. In this re-printed publication, the Dutch philosopher Herman Dooyeweerd (1894-1977) provides a brief but concise explanation as to the ever-present relationship between science and religion and the historical process of the supposed secularization of science, along with who bears the responsibility for our current cultural reality.
Con la edición de este primer volumen de la magna obra Una Nueva Crítica del Pensamiento Teórico del gran pensador neerlandés Herman Dooyeweerd, Paidea Press tiene el honor de iniciar la colección Obras de Dooyeweerd, la cual se propone publicar sus obras principales traducidas a la lengua de Cervantes. La meta inicial es publicar los restantes tres volúmenes de la Nueva Crítica, pero hay otras obras de gran importancia, particularmente Reforma y escolástica en la filosofía, que también ameritan ser publicadas en español. De esta manera Paideia Press, la gran casa editorial reformada del Canadá, se propone fomentar el conocimiento de la filosofía de Dooyeweerd entre los lectores de habla hispana de España y de las Américas. Ello redundará en el enriquecimiento de la cultura filosófica de los países hispánicos y en el avance de la reforma de la filosofía en los mismos, en sujeción al mandato de no conformarse a este siglo y de llevar cautivo todo pensamiento a la obediencia a Cristo.
Since the nineteenth century, many Christian theologians have been converted to the theory of evolution-a theory whose scientific tenability they are not qualified to assess, but which they are unlikely to give up. The majority ofrecent books by Christian academics on this subject have all but surrendered the entire field of origins to an evolutionary "molecule-to-man" view of reality.Those who believe in human evolution, and yet wish to maintain some form of a historical Adam and a historical Fall, suffer from a serious form of self-deception. That is, in no way can they do justice to the careful exegesis ofso many details in Genesis 2 and 3, not to mention key New Testament texts that presuppose the historicity of our first parents.The central thesis of this book is that those who accept the theory of general evolution cannot at the same time be orthodox Christians because the matter of origins does not belong at the periphery but at the heart of the Christianmessage.This insightful work of theology brings an interdisciplinary vision to bear upon its subject, undergirded as it is by a distinctly Christian philosophy that demolishes the evolutionary philosophical paradigm that has so influencedWestern theologians for generations.
This book wishes to tell the story of Eden, from the beginning-even before Genesis 2!-until the very end of the new heavens and the new earth. It will be a sad story with a happy ending. It is a drama, but not a tragedy, because tragedies always end in a tragical way.
What is your only comfort in life and death? The Heidelberg Catechism begins with this powerful, personal question, and proceeds from there through the doctrine and experience of what it means to belong to the Lord Jesus Christ. In The Heidelberg Diary, Willem Ouweneel offers the reader 365 daily meditations that consider the entire text of the catechism.Discover and participate in the rich tradition of one of the earliest and most influential guides to Christian life and doctrine of the Reformation era.The Heidelberg Diary is a book to turn to day after day, year after year, to encounter the truths of Scripture and the living, personal, triune God who inspires it.
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