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Books published by Pingree-Hill Publishing

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  • - Octonion Cosmology
    by Stephen Blaha

    This book presents a cosmology based on seven Octonion spaces. The spaces are interrelated. One space describes universes such as the QUeST universe previously described by the author. Another space describes Megaverses such as the UTMOST Megaverse of the author. The complete theory appears to be as fundamental as possible. It directly connects to the Unified SuperStandard Theory of the author. Thus it is a complete theory - the first truly comprehensive theory unifying the deepest levels with particle physics experiment.

  • by Stephen Blaha

    This book describes a theory of Elementary Particles and Gravitation called the Quaternion Unified SuperStandard Model (QUeST) and provides a detailed derivation of its basis from a fermion-antifermion annihilation in the Megaverse - the universe of universes. It also shows that features of QUeST and the Unified SuperStandard Theory (UST) are derived from an initial fermion-antifermion pair. The combined theory also derives the Megaverse from a fermion-antifermion annihilation in a 10 dimension "hidden" space. Thus there is a chain of theories from the 10 dimension space to the Megaverse to the QUeST universe to the UST. The cumulative effect of the combined theory takes one from "creation" to the physics of high energy particle accelerator experiments. And it all begins with the hypercomplex numbers: quaternions and octonions.

  • - of Quaternion Unified SuperStandard Theory (QUeST) and of the Octonion Megaverse (UTMOST)
    by Blaha Stephen Blaha

    Derivation of QUeST and UTMOST from one dimension

  • by Stephen Blaha

    Deep Origin of QUeST and UTMOST in 1 dimensional spaces.

  • - Unified SuperStandard Theories UST, QUeST, MOST
    by Stephen Blaha

    basis of Quaternion and Octonion spaces for elementary particle quantum field theories; SuperSymmetry

    by Stephen Blaha

    A newer deeper foundation for QUeST for the universe and for MOST for the Megaverse. The basis of each is a one dimension seed and one fermion. From these roots the 256 dimension QUeST is created from BQUeST, and 512 MOST is created. BQUeST is based on a 7+1 complex quaternion space-time suggesting it is rooted in MOST. Also an extended Megaverse theory called UTMOST is created with 1024 dimensions and fermions. The foundation of UTMOST has an associated 10 dimension space evoking SuperString theory. QUeST, MOST, and UTMOST suggest a new intermediate U(8) block structuring of both dimensions and the fermion spectrums. This intermediate structure may play a role in symmetry breaking of the quaternion and octonion theories to the form of the author's Unified SuperStandard Theory (UST).

  • - Quaternion Dimension - Fermion Duality in SuperStandard Theories
    by Stephen Blaha

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    by Stephen Blaha

    Presents SuperCivilizations Theory and shows the consequences at present and far into the future.

  • - Quaternion & Octonion SuperStandard Theories
    by Stephen Blaha

    Quaternion & Octonion Unified SuperStandard Theories

  • by Stephen Blaha

    Theory of Everything based on quaternions and octonions

  • - Quaternion Universe - Octonion Megaverse
    by Stephen Blaha

    A more complete united theory of our universe and the enclosing Megaverse based on QUeST and MOST. These theories are based on quaternions and octonions respectively. Noteworthy features include four sectors of fermions and interactions - three of which are Dark; a Darkness quantum number and Superselection law preventing interactions among the four sectors; particle - dimension duality, dimension - particle - functional triality; octoquarks in 8-dimension space; a spin - Darkness connection; and a clean connection between our universe and the Megaverse.

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    - The Foundation of Science
    by Stephen Blaha

    A detailed derivation of the Unified SuperStandard Theory from Complex General Relativity and Quantum Field Theory withour assumptions about group structure. Highlights include: 192 fermion spectrum, exact QED Fine Structure Constant and Standard Model coupling constants from vacuum polarization considerations, a detailed view of Dark Energy and universe expansion - the Hubble Constant, gravity regimes from earth to the distant quasars and large scale universe structures, and a SuperUniverse Model for the Megaverse beyond our Universe.

  • by Stephen Blaha

    Exact QED Calculation, and vacuum polarization relation to universe evolution.

  • by Stephen Blaha

    A quantum theory of the Big Bang and a quantum vac.uum polarization theory of universe expansion

  • by Stephen Blaha

    The recent flurry of reports suggesting difficulties with our understanding of the evolution of the universe has led the author to consider a new universal scale factor that specifies the expansion of the universe. Remarkably, it well describes the universe's growth in the large starting from the Big Bang up to the present. But, surprisingly, the growth is punctuated by a major, hitherto unremarked, dip in growth that the author calls the Big Dip. It occurs about the time of the transition from a radiation-dominated to a matter-dominated universe. The implications of the universal scale factor are presented in a large number of plots of the Hubble Constant, the scale factor, energy density, pressure, and so on that provide a complete picture of the large scale growth of the universe.After describing the universal scale factor theory the author justifies its form by a close analogy with electron vacuum polarization in QED. This requires we view the entire history of the universe simultaneously. The universe grows in the vacuum.Based on this analogy the book suggests a new unknown interaction (force) that "guides" the growth of the energy density of the universe, and thereby determines its expansion (and contraction).

  • - Directly Links the Big Bang with the Present Hubble Expansion, A Big Dip in the Hubble Parameter
    by Stephen Blaha

  • - God-Unified Superstandard Theory (Gust)
    by Stephen Blaha

    Third Edition Unifies God Theory and SuperStandard Theory

  • - We Find the Fine Structure Constant 1/137.0359801, and So: Our Universe and Life! Also a Universal Eigenvalue Function for All Known Interactions, and Running Coupling Constants to All Perturbative Orders
    by Stephen Blaha

    The coupling constants of the Standard Model are calculated from scratch as well as running coupling constants. The fine structure constant is found to great accuracy!

  • - A Scientific Quest for God and the Cosmos: A Prequel to the Unified Superstandard Model, a Composite, Functionally Triune God, the Necessity of an Everlasting, Divine Cosmos, Predestination vs. Free Will Resolved by Quantum Physics, God as UL
    by Stephen Blaha

    The first Physical theory of important aspects of God's nature. Resolves many theological questions. Proves the Cosmos exists forever-no beginning, no end.

  • - The Unified Superstandard Model, Volume 2, Second Edition: Quantum Entanglement Resolved by a New Wave-Particle Duality, Precepts for Creating a Cosmos, Shape of the Universe, Refined Superstandard Axioms and Language, Particle Function
    by Stephen Blaha

    "Quantum entanglement resolved by a new wave-particle duality, precepts for creating a cosmos, shape of the universe, refined superstandard axioms and language, particle functional space, Fourier wave space, psychology of the superstandard language."

  • by Stephen Blaha

    This book provides an explanation of the number of space-time dimensions in our universe based on the number of qubit interactions and on the nature of the Asynchronous Logic parallelism requirements (both discussed in earlier books). Both approaches set the number of dimensions of our space-time to 4.The book also shows that our Unified SuperStandard Model can be viewed as a distinct variant of SuperString theory due to the presence of strings within dressed free particles and the presence of SuperSymmetry. In brief the theory dresses particles with strings unlike SuperString theories which make strings into particles.These topics are followed by a close study of the nature of a derivation of a fundamental theory of physics based on a three player model: Unchanging Concept of Reality (Theory), Map to material Reality, and the 'Unmoved Mover.'It finishes with a detailed outline of the derivation of the Unified SuperStandard Model. Some aspects of the model are changed and typos in previous books hopefully corrected.

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    - The Universe of Universes
    by Stephen Blaha

    "Why Many Universes? Dynamics. Creation, Features, Expansion, Annihilation. Escaping via Starships. Life in the Megaverse?"

  • - Modified Galactic Scale Gravity, Explicit Quark Confinement, Interactions Between Interactions
    by Stephen Blaha

    A discussion of the types of unification in elementary particle physics and gravitation. It concludes that, at present, the unification of the seven interactions: four known and three 'new' interactions, is properly done using the Riemann-Christoffel curvature tensor. We describe the three 'new' interactions in detail.

  • - A Unification of Quantum & Classical Mechanics: Quantum/Semi-Classical Entanglement, Quantum/Classical Path Integrals, Quantum/Classical Chaos
    by Stephen Blaha

    The relation of quantum and classical phenomena has been a subject of continuing interest. Most studies approximate the quantum description of a phenomenon to obtain a classical or semi-classical approximation. This book develops a new formalism that contains both fully quantum and classical sectors, and a continuous transformation between them that provides an intermediate partly quantum - partly classical sector. This intermediate sector can play the role of a bridge between the quantum and classical descriptions of a process. Using this new formalism we consider the case of the harmonic oscillator in detail relating the quantum oscillator through the bridge to the classical oscillator. We then develop a generalization of the Feynman path integral formalism that has both a normal quantum sector and also a 'new' classical path integral sector - again with a partly quantum-partly classical intermediate sector. Our path integral generalization yields a generalization of the Schroedinger equation with both quantum and classical 'wave function' solutions. We also apply this formalism to the Fokker-Planck equation, for which it is naturally adapted. Next we apply the new formalism to quantum field theories that are known to be chaotic, and then generate a classical sector - also with chaotic behavior. We also take the standard approach to quantum entanglement and show how to extract a semi-classical entanglement as well as a classical limit without entanglement. The Boltzmann equation is easily placed within the framework of our new formalism. We solve a special case of the Vlasov equation as an example. A special relativistic Boltzmann equation is also developed within the framework of our formalism. Lastly, we develop our formalism for boson and fermion quantum field theory. We give a sensible reason why Nature must be quantum.

  • - Quarks, Enhanced Standard Model, Faster Than Light Tachyons, Higgs Particles, Dark Matter, Gravitation, Cosmology, and Megaverse Features, Matter, Starships, and Life
    by Stephen Blaha

    This book clarifies, extends and revises parts of The Unified SuperStandard Model and its extension from our universe to the Megaverse of universes. The naturalness and simplicity of the derivation from first principles (primarily Relativity) leads us to suggest that the derivation is correct. More importantly, the directness of the derivation to a unified theory encompassing the known features of The Standard Model of elementary particles and Gravitation also enables us to exclude possibilities that might have been conjectured for elementary particle theory and gravity based on their unnaturalness within the framework of the derivation.The book begins by providing an explanation of the number of space-time dimensions in our universe (4) based on the number of qubit interactions and also based on the requirement that parts of physical processes must be able to run in parallel. Parallelism necessitates Asynchronous Logic which also requires a minimum 4 space-time dimensions.From this start we show Complex Special and General Relativity lead to the known spectrum of fermions and vector boson interactions - The Standard Model - plus much more.Assuming a lagrangian formalism we then show that additional groups emerge - the Generation group that gives fermion generations, and Layer groups that give four layers of fermions and vector bosons. We know only of one layer of fermions at present.Having developed the backbone of a Quantum Field Theory we eliminate all the infinities that crop up in perturbation using fuzzy, string-like, coordinates obtained by generalizing to Two-Tier Quantum Field Theory. We also eliminate issues with the particle interpretation of states by using our PseudoQuantum Field Theory. Having removed the diseases of Quantum Field Theory we turn to the Megaverse. First we describe evidence for something big beyond our universe. Then we create a Megaverse composed of universes and describe its size, age, contents and other attributes including its likely atomic nuclei, Chemistry, and life forms.We show that a universe has surface tension analogous to drops of liquid. From this concept we suggest starship designs that could lead to an exit from our universe via sling shot trajectories around neutron stars as well as other approaches. These possibilities are not likely to be feasible for tens of thousands of years yet they merit consideration.The book also shows that our Unified SuperStandard Model can be viewed as a distinct alternative to SuperString theory due to the presence of strings within dressed free particles and the presence of SuperSymmetry. In brief Two-Tier theory clothes particles with strings unlike SuperString theories which make strings into particles.The easy flow of the derivation is perhaps the best argument in its favor. In a sense our derivation yields a culmination by derivation. Other theories do not start on the bedrock of Relativity. As our derivation progresses one sees an example of a Principle of Maximal Serendipity - processes (such as our derivation) tend to proceed with maximal simplicity to better-than-expected ends. The concept of this principle was first expressed by Horace Walpole (1754) who defined serendipity as "[people] making discoveries, by accidents and sagacity, which they were not in quest of"In conclusion, here and there within this fundamental work there arise hints of a yet deeper level of Physics. The author believes that this work - although an attempt at a final theory - is not the end.

  • - New Su(3)Xu(64) Symmetry and 'interactions of Interactions, ' Electroweak Theory as an Interaction Rotation, Gravity: Earth Scale, Galactic Scale, Intergalactic Scale, Proton Radius and Spin Puzzles Resolved
    by Stephen Blaha

    This book is a supplement to Unification of the Seven Boson Interactions based on the Riemann-Christoffel Curvature Tensor ... (I). Together these works provide a unified picture of the boson sector of The Theory of Everything: vector bosons, gravitation and Higgs bosons.

  • - Manifest Quark Confinement, a Solution for the Proton Spin Puzzle, Modified Gravity on the Galactic Scale
    by Stephen Blaha

    A unified Theory of Gravity, ElectroMagnetism and the Strong Interactions. Solves quark confinement, gravity anomalies at galactic distance, and possibly the proton spin puzzle.

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