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Books published by Regent College Publishing,US

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  • - Personal and Spiritual Growth Through Journal Writing
    by Luci Shaw

    Life has a way of slipping away while we're not looking. And many of us are so numbed by mundane routine that we hardly miss its passing. Keeping a journal can bring it all back . . .* Those timeless moments when the mists part and you catch a glimpse of a loving Father.* Those rare insights where you suddenly see your life from a new perspective.* those welcome moments when the pain subsides and the healing begins."Life Path will be a delight equally to inveterate journal keepers like me, and to those who've often thought they might like to keep a journal, but haven't known how to go about it." - Madeleine L'EngleLuci Shaw is author of eight volumes of poetry, among them Listen to the Green, Water Lines, and Polishing the Petoskey Stone. Her other books include Water My Soul and God in the Dark: Through Grief and Beyond. Since 1988 she has been adjunct faculty member and Writer in Residence at Regent College in Vancouver, British Columbia.

  • by Geoffrey Finlayson

  • by James Orr & Stephen N. Williams

  • - The Basic Issues
    by Professor Paul Helm

    The Holy Scriptures are fundamental for Christianity, providing the basis for faith and morality. They are supremely important because they contain divine revelation. Christians speak of them as the "Word of God." In this study Paul Helm, an experienced philosopher, brings his expertise to bear on such expressions as "infallible," "Word of God," and "propositional revelation," which are in common usage in contemporary Christianity. His aim is to help Christians know what they are claiming when they use these a similar words and phrases. He has performed an indispensable task for all who take the Bible seriously.Paul Helm is J.I. Packer Professor in Theology and Philosophy at Regent College in Vancouver, British Columbia. Formerly he was Professor of the History and Philosophy of Religion at King's College. He has also served as President of the British Society for the Philosophy of Religion. He the author of many books, including The Providence of God, Calvin and the Calvinists, and Eternal God.

  • by Glenn Taylor & Rod Wilson

    Anger is one of the most common problems counselors face. What does the Bible say about it? Is all Anger sin? Is there a way to turn anger into something positive? Glenn Taylor and Rod Wilson bring their pastoral, teaching, and counseling experience to bear on the various issues surrounding anger and provide a step-by-step, biblically based approach to helping people understand and deal with their anger. Helping Angry People follows the counseling model developed by clinical psychologist David G. Benner for pastoral counselors. This model is: . short term . enhanced by outside reading assignments . carefully structured . holistic . spiritually focused . explicitly ChristianAfter giving a brief overview of this model, the authors present a five-session format that guides counselors through a hypothetical counseling situation, from initial encounter, through counselees' feelings, thoughts and behaviors, to the process of referral and termination. Helping Angry People, together with its companion handout for counselees, Exploring Your Anger, is perfectly suited for pastors who want to counsel in a psychologically informed way that also emphasizes the spiritual resources of Christian ministry.Glenn Taylor (M.Th., M.Ed.) has been Counselor/consultant and researcher in missions for many years with the Missionary Health Institute, Toronto. Rod Wilson (Ph.D., York University) is President and Professor of Counseling and Psychology at Regent College in Vancouver, British Columbia.

  • by Gordon Smith

    "A personal day of prayer is a wonderful opportunity to find two things: renewed focus and clarity to our lives and renewed joy and peace in Christ. It comes to us as a gift in the midst of the challenges, opportunities and perplexities of our lives. As opportunity and gift, the day of prayer enables us to find spiritual and emotional space for an intentional encounter with Christ. Through this encounter we come to a renewed experience of the presence of the Spirit in our lives."This small booklet is intended to teach Christians how to spend a full day in the presence of Christ. Readers are given the opportunity to practise various spiritual disciplines and then to journal what God is speaking to them.Gordon T. Smith is president of Overseas Council Canada, which works with other Overseas Council affiliates to support and enable excellence in theological education in the developing world. He previously served as the dean and associate professor of spiritual theology at Regent College in Vancouver, British Columbia.

  • by Roy Bell

    Much of today's pastoral care in non-emergency situations takes place in brief, casual conversations. In The Five-Minute Conversation, Dr. Roy Bell helps pastors, chaplains and counselors see the importance of these encounters and how to hone one's skills to minister more effectively through the art of brief, but effective conversation. Roy Bell is Professor Emeritus of Family Ministries at Regent College and Carey Theological College in Vancouver, British Columbia. He has served in a variety of positions, including principal at Carey Hall, pastor at Baptist churches in Vancouver and Calgary, and a Vice-President of the Baptist World Alliance. His other books include Biblical Models of Handling Conflict and Betrayal of Trust: Sexual Misconduct in the Pastorate.

  • by Edmund H. Oliver

    First published in 1930, The Social Achievements of the Christian Church, was one of the first modern surveys of Christian social and ethical influence from the time of Christ until the 20th century. In it Edmund Oliver argues that the Christian church-despite numerous and admitted errors in its attempt to influence surrounding culture-has nonetheless rendered outstanding social service to the world. Examples of the church's external influence can be seen in the establishment of hospitals, asylums, and orphanages; in preservation of learning through the formation of universities; in caring for the needy; and in the philosophical and ethical influence that underpins much of legal and political thought in Western culture.Edmund H. Oliver (1882-1935) taught history and economics before becoming the principal of St. Andrew's College in Saskatoon, and eventually the fourth moderator of the United Church of Canada. During the World War I he served as chaplain to the 196th Battalion and the Canadian Training School and Trench Warfare School at Benhill-on-Sea, England. He also launched the University of Vimy Ridge while in England.

  • - Christianity and Contemporary Challenges to the Gospel

  • - Stories of Flesh, Blood and Holy Spirit
    by Murray A. Pura

  • - Sermons on Prayer
    by Alexander Whyte

  • by I. Howard Marshall

    Few would deny that a person named Jesus lived and died during the firstcentury of this era. Yet opinions differ widely as to the reliability of theNew Testament record of his life.In I Believe in the Historical Jesus, Marshall surveys the quest for thehistorical Jesus from the 19th century to the present, examines the methodsused to extract historical information from the gospels, and investigatesthe role faith plays in a study of the life of Jesus.The gospel accounts of Jesus are reliable historically, not merely literaryproductions impossible to penetrate from an historical perspective, andMarshall's work is a ringing affirmation of belief in the historical Jesus.This edition includes a new epilogue and updated bibliography.I. Howard Marshall is Emeritus Professor of New Testament Exegesis andHonorary Research Professor at the University of Aberdeen, Scotland, wherehe supervises postgraduate students in their theological studies. ProfessorMarshall's area of research has been Luke-Acts, the Pastoral Epistles andthe theology of New Testament writers.

  • - Equipping All the Saints for Ministry
    by R. Paul Stevens

  • - The Bible's Portrait of the Messiah
    by T.D. Alexander & Alec Motyer

    We need to know who Jesus is. But where can we turn to find out?Many people look only to the New Testament for answers. But reader of The Servant King will find that the Old Testament, beginning with its very first pages, paints a portrait of the Messiah, the Saviour of the world: where he will come from, what he will be like and what he will do. By the time we reach the New Testament, much of the portrait has emerged, so that the Jesus we encounter is not a stranger. We are able to see, like the first disciples, that he is the Messiah already promised, the Servant King.With great skill, Desmond Alexander helps us see the portrait's first brush-strokes being laid down in Genesis and more being added as the Old Testament story unfolds. Then, as he guides us through the New Testament, we discover how the portrait is completed revealing Jesus in all his glory.This book brings the whole picture into view. It helps us see who Jesus was, where he stood in the plans of God and what he was sent to do. If we read with care and faith, The Servant King will help us enter the richness of God's Word, and we will understand better, not just who Jesus was, but who he is today."The Servant King is written with the sort of authority only a leading Old Testament specialist can command; but its deep learning is not allowed to intrude and the book has all the charm and helpfulness of a piece of enthusiastic Bible study, presented with freshness and accuracy."-Alec Motyer, Trinity College, BristolT. D. Alexander (PhD, Queen's University, Belfast) is director of the Magee Institute for Christian Training at Union Theological College in Belfast, Northern Ireland. He is also the author of Paradise to the Promised Land.

  • - The Proclamation of the Gospel from Hooker to Baxter
    by C.FitzSimons Allison

  • - A Word to Honest Doubters
    by O. Hallesby

    O. Hallesby was one of Norway's leading Christian teachers and devotional writers. He played a leading role in the church's opposition to the Nazis and was confined to a concentration camp for two years. His writings, coming from a mind and heart attuned to God, continue to speak to Christians today. In simple, personal terms this book shows the way through from skepticism and doubt to a firm Christian faith.

  • by Thomas Rawson Birks

  • by G. K. Chesterton

    "G. K. Chesterton routinely ignites more ideas per page than any Christian author of the twentieth century, with the possible exception of C. S. Lewis. Chesterton sometimes overstates, often maddens, and invariably provokes a new and better way of seeing things. In this book, he offers us new ways of seeing the greatest things of all: divine things of the gospel." -John G. Stackhouse, Jr.

  • - Christmas Readings
    by Luci Shaw & Madeleine L'Engle

    Have a cup of coffee and put a log on the fire, settle info a comforable chair and enjoy a winter's day with the writings of novelist Madeleine L'Engle and poet Luci Shaw. Participate in the winter season: the wonder, the solemnity, the power, and the miracles. These readings reflect on the winter world around us, drawing joy from winter days, hope from Christmas celebrations, and promise for the New Year. This elegant collection is the natural outflow of the long-standing friendship between Madeleine L'Engle and Luci Shaw. Sharing similar themes and a reflective style of writing, they combine their two rich literary worlds. Newbery Award Winner Madeleine L'Engle is widely known for her children's books, and adult fiction and nonfiction. Her most recent book is Live Coal in the Sea. Renowned poet Luci Shaw's most recent book is The Green Earth: Poems of Creation. Both women are widely known throughout the United States and Canada for their workshops on writing and journaling, lectures, and retreats.

  • by Luci Shaw & Madeleine L'Engle

  • - A Portrait of the Man They Crucified
    by R. T. France

  • - Restoring the Divided Soul
    by Clifford Williams

  • by John B. Toews

  • by Siang-Yang Tan

    "Come to Me all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest."Bringing a distinctly Christian perspective to the subject of finding true rest in the midst of daily pressures, Siang-Yang Tan diagnoses what ails us and provides thoroughly practical steps to help us respond to Jesus' invitation. "In this book, Siang-Yang Tan draws from a richness of experience to write with warmth and compassion. Since he himself knows the difficulty of slowing down in these hyperactive times, he is able to give practical guidelines to others, drawn from a wealth of information found in the Scriptures, empirical research, and psychological reports. . . . If rest is not easy for you to put into practice, learn from an author who is growing at a healthy pace and willing to bring others along on the journey." -from the Foreword, by Dr. Gary R. CollinsSIANG-YANG TAN is professor of psychology at Fuller Theological Seminary. He also serves as Senior Pastor of First Evangelical Church in Glendale, California. He has authored or co-authored eight previous books, including Disciplines of the Holy Spirit and Understanding Depression. He is an associate editor of The Journal of Psychology and Christianity.

  • by Malcolm Muggeridge

    This definitive treasury of the best of Malcolm Muggeridge is drawn from all sources: books, essays, journalism, broadcasts, scripts, diaries and letters spanning his sixty year career from 1926-1986. Some material, collected by Muggeridge in the early 1980's has never previously been published.Ian Hunter has collected short, pungent pieces chosen to exhibit the essential cast of Muggeridge's mind: his insights, wit and singular capacity to see 'with, not through' the eye. In a single volume, this is the essential wisdom of Malcolm Muggeridge, perhaps the most prophetic and individualistic thinker of his generation, standing beside G. K. Chesterton and C. S. Lewis.Ian Hunter is Professor Emeritus of Law at the University of Western Ontario. His articles and reviews have appeared in many Canadian and American publications. Dr. Hunter has also written a biography of Muggeridge (Malcolm Muggeridge: A Life) and Muggeridge's friend, Hesketh Pearson (Nothing to Repent: The Life of Heskerth Pearson).

  • by Richard Baxter

    Richard Baxter's The Saints' Everlasting Rest (1650) has long been recognized as one of the great classics of Christian devotion, and it is by this book that he is best known. The original work consists of some eight hundred thousand words-a clear example of Baxter's prolific pen-yet in Baxter's own life-time it reached twelve editions! First abridged in 1754 by John Wesley, in the Christian Library, five years later another abridgement was made by Benjamin Fawcett, and innumerable reprints of this have since been issued. The book has also been translated into Welsh, Gaelic, German and French. The purpose of this abridgement, first published in 1962, was to present the work in a form suitable to the modern reader. No change has been made in the text of the passages selected from the original work, and the spirit and language of Baxter have been so preserved that the movement of his thought and style not only remains unimpaired but stands out even more clearly.

  • - Unspoken Sermons
    by George MacDonald

    "What has been needed for a long time is someone sufficiently attuned to George MacDonald to undertake the careful editing necessary to make his provocative, content-packed sermons accessible to the thoughtful reader. Rolland Hein has done this task with extraordinary success. Here are more than thirty sermons made vitally alive for the contemporary reader."-E. Beatrice BatsonWheaton College"Here holiness is presented as so beautiful and necessary that we covet it as a man dying of thirst covets water. I know of no other writer with a greater capacity to make faith real as the air we breathe, rich with the secrets of Paradise for which we would willingly break out hearts."-Robert Siege, University of Wisconsin, MilwaukeeRolland Hein is Professor of English at Wheaton College, where he has taught since 1970. He has had a lifelong interest in George MacDonald's writings, having edited several volumes of his sermons. He is also the author of George MacDonald: Victorian Mythmaker, a biography based on the letters of MacDonald and his family, The Harmony Within: the Spiritual Vision of George MacDonald, and Christian Mythmakers.

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