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  • by Andebrhan Welde Giorgis

    ንዓንደብርሃን ወልደጊዮርጊስ፡ ስለ'ዛ ብቑዕ መግለጺ እዋናዊ ፖለቲካዊ ኲነታት ኣብ ኤርትራ እተስንቕ ጥራይ ዘይኰነ፡ እንተላይ ብዛዕባ መጻኢ ናይታ ምጭውቲ ሃገሩ ኣገደስቲ ሕቶታት እተልዕል፡ ዚለዓለ ክብሪ ዚሓዘለ ትሕዝቶ ዘለዋን ኣዝያ ሓባሪትን መጽሓፉ ዮሃና እብሎ። ኣብቲ ነዊሕ ተመክሮኡ ከም ተጋዳላይ፡ ከም ላዕለዋይ መንግስታዊ ኣገልጋሊ፡ ከም ኣምባሳደርን ኣብቲ ሃብታም ተመክሮኡ ናይ ኣፍሪቃን ብምምርኳስ፡ ብውሕልነትን ጽፈትን'ዩ ጽሒፉዋ። ነፍሲ ወከፍ ሃገር ኣብ ኣፍሪቃ ናይ ገዛእ ርእሳ መጻኢ ኪትውስን ኪትክእል ኣለዋ። ሓርነት፡ ሓላፍነት፡ ቍጽጽር ኣብ ልዕሊ መጻኢ ዕድላ፡ ምሕዝነት፣ እዚኣቶም እቶም ወሰንቲ ሓሳባት ናይ'ቲ ሰሳንነት መስርሕ ልምዓት ንምርግጋጽ ዚሕግዝ ሓድሽ ራእይ ንኣህጕራዊ ምትሕግጋዝ ኢዮም። እቲ ህጹጽ ኣድላዪነት ምፍጣር ደሞክራስያዊ መንግስቲ ድማ ኣብ መላእ'ዛ መጽሓፍ ይንጸባረቕ። ብቑዕ ምሕደራ፡ ኣኽብሮት ሰብኣዊ መሰላት፡ መትከላት ደሞክራሲን ግዝኣተ-ሕግን ሰረት ናይታ መጽሓፍ ዘንጽፉ ኣገደስቲ ኣድማሳዊ ክብርታት ኢዮም። ዓንደብርሃን ሓደ ካብቶም ንልዝብ፡ ጽገናን ለውጥን ክፉታት ዚዀኑ ሰብ ራእይ ኢዩ። ኤርትራ ኣብ ቃራና መንገዲ ነቲ ንኤርትራን ኣፍሪቃን ዘጋጥመን ዘሎ ብድሆታት ንምርዳእ እትሕግዝ መፍትሕ ኢያ። ነቲ ኣብ ኣፍሪቃ እናበኣሰ ዚኸይድን ነታ ክፍለዓለም ዓትዒቱ ሒዙ ንድሕሪት ዚጐትትን ዘሎ፡ ዚተሓላለኸን ብዛዕብኡ ውሑድ መረዳእታ ዘሎን ቅልውላው ንምልላይ ዓይኒ እትኸፍት ኢያ። እዛ መጽሓፍ'ዚኣ፡ ነቲ ዞባ ንምርዳእ ድልዱል ምርምራዊ መሰረት ተንጽፍ፡ ንዚዀነ ንኣፍሪቃ ዚበለጸ መጻኢ ኪሃንጽ ዚደሊ ድማ ዓቢ መበገሲ ነቚጣ ተጣጥሕ። ስለ'ዛ ኣብ ኵሎም ኣፍቀርቲ ኣፍሪቃ ቦታኣ እትሕዝ ኣዝያ ክብርቲ መጽሓፉ ዮሃና እብሎ። ሉዊ ሚሸልኣባል ፓርላማ ኤውሮጳ፣ ኤውሮጳዊ ኮሚሽነር ልምዓትን ሰብኣዊ ሓገዝን (2004-2009)፣ ሚኒስተር ወጻኢ ጕዳያት በልጁም (1999-2004)

  • - A Fun Guide to Australia's Colourful Phrases, Words, and Expressions
    by Lynne Maree Walsh

    Written by a Sydney native, English, The Aussie Way: A Fun Guide to Australia''s Colourful Phrases, Words, and Expressions offers an amusing way for English or non-English speakers around the world to learn the colloquial phrases for which Australia is famous.This user-friendly reference provides words/phrases and meanings/synonyms by using an example sentence.Says the author,"For seven years I housed international students who were attending English language schools in Sydney, and I realised that although they had a good grasp of formal grammar, they struggled to understand not only colloquial English, but many of the commonly used phrasal verbs, which could not be found in a standard English/Spanish, French, etc., dictionary. It was then that I decided to start writing some of them down for future reference and it grew from there." Lynne Maree Walsh was born and raised in the northern beaches area of Sydney, Australia. Most of her childhood activities involved water sports such as sailing and surfing. She was a vocational education trainer and part-time ESL teacher at a business college in Sydney. The mother of two sons, she now lives in Denver, Colorado. She next wants to publish her great-grandmother''s 1911 travel journal.Publisher''s website: http://sbprabooks.com/LynneMareeWalsh

  • - And You Can Too!
    by Julie Logan Nd Hbt

    How I Healed My Psoriasis is a remarkable book written by Julie Julie Logan Nd Hbt. This book, published in 2013, is an inspiring journey of the author's personal battle and triumph over psoriasis. It is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the power of determination. The book is a must-read for anyone struggling with psoriasis or any other chronic disease. It offers a ray of hope and a roadmap to recovery. The book is published by the Strategic Book Publishing & Rights Agency, LLC, a reputable publisher known for its wide array of health and wellness books. If you're looking for a book that can change your perspective on health and healing, How I Healed My Psoriasis is the one to pick.

  • by Frank Mangano
    £11.99 - 14.99

  • by Alex Bloch

    The conquest of the city by Spaniards brings together five families, whose stories are told as they struggle to survive in war-torn Cordoba, while three families flee the city forever.The families are Muslim as well as Christian and Jews, whose ancestors had to convert to the Muslim faith or face exile. The hazardous journeys by the families that left the city and their uncertain futures are explored in this fascinating historical saga.To understand the situation of Cordoba and the Iberian Peninsula in the thirteenth century, historians point to the 711 invasion by a Berber Umayyad dynasty from North Africa. They defeated the ruling Visigoths, putting the entire Iberian Peninsula in their hands, except for the far northern part. Under Muslim governance, this area was known as Al Andalus. The Umayyad stayed in power until 1031. Between then and the conquest of Cordoba by the Spaniards in 1236, various Muslim rulers ruled Al Andalus.The golden age of Jews living in Muslim Spain is considered to have started at the beginning of the tenth century, but ended with the fall of the Umayyad caliphate. Cordoba had a population at that time of about 400,000, and was the largest city in all of Europe.    (About the Author)Dr. Alex Bloch was educated in the US where he received his B.sc degree from MIT and M.sc from Columbia. He eventually moved to Israel where he received the PhD in history from Tel-Aviv university. After having taught at that university he started writing his historical novels.

  • by John Sams Colquhoun

    Before being trained as a chef, John Colquhoun spent years in the restaurant business as a server, bartender, catering director, and in management, in Beaufort, Charleston, and Hilton Head, South Carolina.Years ago, his daughter Caroline suggested he write a cookbook. He did, and this is book #6. Caroline and her husband Michael are in the food and beverage business as well. He is also a chef and she is in management and also bartends.My grandson Oli and I hope to write one or two more books in the future. Oliver likes food even more than I do. Oli loves to eat. His older sister, Lilah, loves to read. We hope you enjoy the book!Before being trained as a chef, John Colquhoun spent years in the restaurant business as a server, bartender, catering director, and in management, in Beaufort, Charleston, and Hilton Head, South Carolina.Years ago, his daughter Caroline suggested he write a cookbook. He did, and this is book #6. Caroline and her husband Michael are in the food and beverage business as well. He is also a chef and she is in management and also bartends.My grandson Oli and I hope to write one or two more books in the future. Oliver likes food even more than I do. Oli loves to eat. His older sister, Lilah, loves to read. We hope you enjoy the book!

  • - How the Holy Spirit Helped Me to Uncover the Treasures of 3 John 2
    by Vicki Heymann

    Beloved I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers   3 John 2 (NKJV)It has been a dream of mine to prosper financially using biblical principles. I prayed about it, and then one morning, the Lord told me that it was time and that He would teach me.He instructed me to wait on Him every morning and to write down the things He taught me. I followed His instructions, guidance, and wisdom, writing it all down for a full year. This book is the result of our time together.To my surprise, this became a book of many books! The Lord would guide me to a specific book, teach me from it, and then move on to the next book.It was totally supernatural!As I followed the leading of the Lord, it became clear to me that God was taking me on a year-long journey of prospering my soul, which in turn would influence my financial situation. I learnt that I could not prosper in any given area unless my soul prospered in that area too, hence the book''s title.This book takes many twists and turns, and even has a few surprises.Did I reach my goal of financial prosperity?You have to read it to find out!(About the Author) Vicki Heymann loves to teach people how to walk and live in victory in all areas of their lives. She completed a Bible course through Jerry Savelle Ministries, earning a ministerial diploma. She is also the writer of Break Through and Break Free! How to Use Bible Meditation to Turn Head Knowledge into Revelation Knowledge and Receive What You Believe For.

  • by Matthew Martin Mckissick

    Finally, the vision of Fredrick Nietzsche''s Overman (Superman) has come into being.Unfortunately, the lives of many males are constantly destroyed and persecuted for their primitive behaviors and sexual urges. How will Overman (Superman) deal with his own human needs and desires of the flesh, and what consequences will he face for entering the dark side of his ultimate fate and the curse of fetishes?This book is about earliest man (caveman) evolving to become today''s supreme modern man. Warning: For adults only. Not recommended for the spiritual or righteous."While there may be differences in nations, cultures, and family bloodlines, in the creator''s understanding, all beings, especially humans, are all connected into one family from the same maker. Therefore, even though emotionally filled beings in pride and enthusiasm are credited and responsible for creating endless ideas and things of beauty, they''re also responsible for separating and causing inhuman acts and conflicts that killed their fellow beings, just as Cain did to Abel."

  • - عائلياتمجموعة قصائد قيلت بمناسبات عائليه
    by Tawfiq Ansari

    ┘ê┘Å┘ä┘É╪»┘Ä ╪º┘ä╪»┘â╪¬┘ê╪▒ ╪¬┘ê┘ü┘è┘é ╪º┘ä╪ú┘å╪╡╪º╪▒┘è ┘ü┘è ┘à╪»┘è┘å╪⌐ ╪º┘ä┘å╪¼┘ü ┘ê╪¿╪º┘ä╪▒╪║┘à ┘à┘à┘æ╪º ╪╣╪º┘å╪º┘ç┘Å ┘à┘å ╪ó┘ä╪º┘à ┘ü┘é╪»╪º┘å ╪º┘ä╪ú┘à ┘ê╪º┘ä╪Ñ┘ç┘à╪º┘ä ╪º┘ä╪╣╪º╪ª┘ä┘è ╪¿╪╣╪» ╪░┘ä┘â ┘ü┘è ╪╖┘ü┘ê┘ä╪¬┘ç ╪Ñ┘ä╪º┘æ ╪ú┘å┘ç ╪¿┘é┘ë ╪╣┘ä┘ë ╪¡╪¿┘æ┘ç┘É ╪Ñ┘ä┘ë ╪º┘ä┘å╪¼┘ü ┘à╪¬╪¿╪º┘ç┘è╪º┘ï ╪¿╪¬╪╣┘ä┘æ┘é┘ç ╪¿╪»┘ü┘è┘å┘ç╪º ╪º┘ä╪Ñ┘à╪º┘à ╪╣┘ä┘è ╪¿┘å ╪ú╪¿┘è ╪╖╪º┘ä╪¿.┘ê┘â╪º┘å ┘ç╪░╪º ╪º┘ä╪¬╪╣┘ä┘æ┘é ╪│╪¿╪¿╪º┘ï ┘ü┘è ╪Ñ╪¡╪│╪º╪│┘ç ╪º┘ä┘à╪¿┘â┘æ╪▒ ╪¿╪º┘ä╪╕┘ä┘à ╪º┘ä╪Ñ╪¼╪¬┘à╪º╪╣┘è ┘ê╪º┘ä╪│┘è╪º╪│┘è ┘ü┘è ┘à╪»┘è┘å╪⌐ ╪º┘ä┘å╪¼┘ü ┘ê┘ü┘è ╪º┘ä╪╣╪▒╪º┘é ┘ê╪║┘è╪▒┘ç ┘à┘å ╪º┘ä╪¿┘ä╪»╪º╪º┘å ╪º┘ä╪╣╪▒╪¿┘è┘æ╪⌐ ┘ê╪¿┘é┘è┘æ╪⌐ ╪º┘ä╪╣╪º┘ä┘à.┘ê╪¬╪¼╪» ╪░┘ä┘â ╪¿╪º ╪ª┘å┘å╪º┘ï ┘ü┘è ╪»┘è┘ê╪º┘å┘ç ╪º┘ä╪ú┘æ┘ê┘ä ╪º┘ä╪ó┘ä╪º┘à ┘ê╪º┘ä╪»┘ê╪º┘ê┘è┘å ╪º┘ä╪ú┘Å╪«╪▒┘ë ╪¿╪╣╪» ╪░┘ä┘â.╪║┘è╪▒ ╪ú┘å┘æ┘ç ╪º╪│╪½┘å┘ë ┘ç╪░╪º ╪º┘ä╪»┘è┘ê╪º┘å ┘ê╪º┘é╪¬╪╡╪▒┘ç ╪╣┘ä┘ë ╪º┘ä╪ú╪¡╪»╪º╪½ ┘ê╪º┘ä┘à┘å╪º╪│╪¿╪º╪¬ ╪º┘ä╪╣╪º╪ª┘ä┘è╪⌐. ┘ê┘â╪º┘å ┘è╪¿╪¬╪»╪╣ ┘ç╪░┘ç ╪º┘ä┘à┘å╪º╪│╪¿╪º╪¬ ┘ä╪Ñ╪╢╪º┘ü╪⌐ ╪º┘ä╪¡╪¿ ┘ê╪º┘ä╪¼┘à╪º┘ä ╪Ñ┘ä┘ë ╪╣╪º╪ª┘ä╪¬┘ç┘É ┘ê┘à╪¡╪¿┘æ┘è┘ç┘É ╪º┘ä╪░┘è┘å ╪¬┘ü╪º┘å┘ë ┘ü┘è ╪│╪¿┘è┘ä┘ç┘à ┘ê╪ú╪«┘ä╪╡ ┘ä┘ç┘à. ┘ê┘é╪» ┘å╪¼╪¡ ╪º┘ä╪»┘â╪¬┘ê╪▒ ╪¬┘ê┘ü┘è┘é ╪º┘ä╪ú┘å╪╡╪º╪▒┘è ┘ü┘è ╪║╪▒╪│ ┘à┘ü╪º┘ç┘è┘à┘ç ╪¿╪º┘ä╪╕┘ä┘à ╪º┘ä╪Ñ╪¼╪¬┘à╪º╪╣┘è ┘ê╪º┘ä┘ü╪│╪º╪» ╪º┘ä╪│┘è╪º╪│┘è ┘ä┘ä┘å╪╕╪º┘à ╪º┘ä╪▒╪ú╪│┘à╪º┘ä┘è ┘ü┘è ╪¿╪╣╪╢ ╪ú┘ê┘ä╪º╪»┘ç ┘ê╪ú╪¡┘ü╪º╪»┘ç ┘ê╪º┘ä╪░┘è┘å ┘å╪┤╪ú┘ê╪º ┘é┘è ╪¿╪¡╪¿┘ê╪¡╪⌐ ┘à┘å ╪º┘ä╪╣┘è╪┤ ╪º┘ä╪░┘è ┘è╪¿╪╣╪»┘ç┘à ╪╣┘å ┘ç╪░┘ç ╪º┘ä┘é┘è┘à ┘ê╪º┘ä┘à╪╣╪¬┘é╪»╪º╪¬. ┘ê╪º┘ä╪│╪¿╪¿ ┘ü┘è ╪╣╪»┘à ╪Ñ╪│╪¬╪╖╪º╪╣╪¬┘ç┘É ┘ü┘è ╪Ñ┘é┘å╪º╪╣ ╪¿┘é┘è╪⌐ ╪ú┘ê┘ä╪º╪»┘ç ┘ê╪ú╪¡┘ü╪º╪»┘ç ┘ç┘ê ╪Ñ┘è┘à╪º┘å┘ç ╪º┘ä╪╣┘à┘è┘é ╪¿╪¡╪▒┘æ┘è╪⌐ ╪º┘ä╪▒╪ú┘è ┘ê┘ä┘ç╪░╪º ╪º┘ä╪│╪¿╪¿ ╪¡╪╢┘è ╪¿╪º╪¡╪¬╪▒╪º┘à┘ç┘à ┘ê╪¬┘é╪»┘è╪▒┘ç┘à ╪¿╪º┘ä╪▒╪║┘à ┘à┘å ╪º┘ä╪Ñ╪«╪¬┘ä╪º┘ü ╪º┘ä┘ü┘â╪▒┘è ╪º┘ä┘â╪¿┘è╪▒.┘ê┘é╪» ╪¡╪º┘ê┘ä ╪º┘ä╪»┘â╪¬┘ê╪▒ ╪¬┘ê┘ü┘è┘é ┘ê╪▓┘ê╪¼╪¬┘ç┘Ä ╪ú┘à ┘à┘è╪½╪º┘é ┘ü┘è ╪¬┘ê╪╖┘è╪» ╪╣┘ä╪º┘é╪º╪¬┘ç┘É ┘à╪╣ ┘â┘ä┘æ┘É ╪╣┘ê╪º╪ª┘ä ╪ó┘ä ╪º┘ä╪ú┘å╪╡╪º╪▒┘è ┘ê┘ä┘à ╪¬╪¿╪«┘ä ╪ú┘à ┘à┘è╪½╪º┘é ╪¿┘à╪»┘æ┘É ┘è╪» ╪º┘ä╪╣┘ê┘å ╪Ñ ┘ä┘ë ┘â┘ä┘æ┘É ┘à┘å ╪º╪¡╪¬╪º╪¼┘ç╪º ┘ê╪║┘è╪▒┘ç┘à ┘ê╪¿┘é┘è╪¬ ┘à┘å╪▓┘ä╪⌐ ╪¬┘ê┘ü┘è┘é ┘ê┘à┘å╪▓┘ä╪⌐ ╪▓┘ê╪¼╪¬┘ç┘É ┘à╪¡╪¬╪▒┘à╪⌐┘ï ╪╣┘å╪» ╪º┘ä╪¼┘à┘è╪╣. (┘å╪¿╪░╪⌐ ╪╣┘å ╪º┘ä┘â╪º╪¬╪¿) ┘ê┘Å┘ä╪» ╪¬┘ê┘ü┘è┘é ╪ú┘å╪╡╪º╪▒┘è ┘ü┘è ╪º┘ä┘å╪¼┘ü ╪¿╪º┘ä╪╣╪▒╪º┘é ╪î ┘ê╪ú┘â┘à┘ä ╪º┘ä┘à╪»╪º╪▒╪│ ╪º┘ä╪º╪¿╪¬╪»╪º╪ª┘è╪⌐ ┘ê╪º┘ä╪½╪º┘å┘ê┘è╪⌐ ┘ç┘å╪º┘â ╪î ╪½┘à ╪º┘å╪¬┘é┘ä ╪Ñ┘ä┘ë ╪¿╪║╪»╪º╪» ┘ä┘ä╪º┘ä╪¬╪¡╪º┘é ╪¿┘â┘ä┘è╪⌐ ╪º┘ä╪╖╪¿. ┘ä┘é╪» ┘é╪º┘à ╪¿╪»╪▒╪º╪│╪º╪¬ ┘à╪º ╪¿╪╣╪» ╪º┘ä╪¬╪«╪▒╪¼ ┘ê╪º┘ä╪¬╪«╪╡╪╡ ┘ü┘è ╪º┘ä┘à┘à┘ä┘â╪⌐ ╪º┘ä┘à╪¬╪¡╪»╪⌐ "┘ä┘é╪» ╪«╪»┘à╪¬ ╪º┘ä┘à╪¡╪▒┘ê┘à┘è┘å ┘ü┘è ╪º┘ä╪╣╪▒╪º┘é ┘ê╪º┘ä┘à┘à┘ä┘â╪⌐ ╪º┘ä┘à╪¬╪¡╪»╪⌐ ┘ê╪º┘ä┘ê┘ä╪º┘è╪º╪¬ ╪º┘ä┘à╪¬╪¡╪»╪⌐. ┘ç╪░╪º ┘ç┘ê ┘â╪¬╪º╪¿┘ç ╪º┘ä╪«╪º┘à╪│.

  • - 'Anti-Humanism' reconsidered
    by G V Loewen

    The drive to overcome nature is a projection of the anxiety about succumbing to our own nature. Inevitably, this conflict creates a vicious circle. For in subduing nature to our technical goals – themselves arranged so that our human frailty is to be overcome – we end up destroying the world in which we must live.Of late, we have begun to recognize this viciousness, both in our acts and more profoundly, in our thoughts. Yet the attempt to lose our nature by losing Nature holds an even deeper conflict: “The most effective means of escaping spiritual trial is to become spiritless, and the sooner the better. If only taken care of in time, everything takes care of itself.” (Kierkegaard, 1844).Social philosopher G.V. Loewen is the author of forty books on ethics, education, aesthetics, religion, health and social theory, and more recently, metaphysical adventure fiction. He was a professor in the interdisciplinary human sciences for two decades.“The Penumbra of Personhood is not only the cumulative effect and expression of the primordial characters of Dasein, flung along with my being into the world,” writes the author, “it is also the most graceful and eloquent response to the unknown that we possess. It is, in its own thrown essence, the fullest divergence from any violence of the reactionary or technique of the manager. It is objectively what we are and thus what we have to offer our own time.”Ironically, the State has to contend not with history, the writing of which it mainly controls, but rather morality, part of the pre-State metaphysics and a version of collective human vanity that also claims to be timeless.If it is at first striking that even in our time, morality has retained such a hold, on second glance it is at least not surprising. It has ironically become the weapon of the private person, and this is very much against its own cosmogonical backdrop.Morality is shared, as is belief that the one stems from the other, and in this they are quite unlike either ethics or opinion, also having become the pedestal upon which any demagogue can be placed. The uttering of a “higher law” betrays the moralist at every turn.Even if the State can delicately navigate these potentially dangerous currents while affording to ignore mere moral editorializing – an inevitable whirlpool in any democracy at least – if enough “private” people recognize that their misgivings are shared, morality can once again assume a vestige of its former mantle. It becomes a rip-tide of conventional “wisdom” against which this or that elected regime may ride or be ridden over.If this is the most vulgar expression of Dasein’s will to life, and even ontically, will to freedom, then it cannot be ignored by the reflective person. It is the final avenue of appeal in a rationalist social organization.Equipped with its own divinity, morality finds that it still has some suasion in the courts, certainly within many families, and in the schools. It is society’s “back door man,” to use an old Blues phrase, to point up its consistent vulgarity.

  • by MD PhD DeLuca

    Dr. Joseph N. DeLuca, MD, Ph.D., is a retired, board-certified clinical psychologist and primary care physician, who has written five previous books for adults on how to enhance their psychological health and wellness.He has also written two children''s books on the same subject.His latest self-help guide, Learning to Make Peace in the World, was written to help people adjust to life''s stresses, especially during a pandemic.

  • - A Catalyst for Reversing Humanity's Downward Spiral
    by Pivot

    For readers of The Celestine Prophecy, this is what you’ve been waiting for. Reality Check was written for everyone else who knows that we’re on the verge of pushing Mother Nature and the economy to the breaking point.Reality Check shows the urgent need to reverse humanity’s downward spiral by undoing the status quo. Half the book is filled with quotes from the likes of Chomsky, Sagan, Carlin, Goodall, Soros, Orwell, Asimov, Hegel, William James, Sting and the Beatles, as well as some of the most popular TV shows and movies.This over-the-top attempt to avert an “evolutionary crash” hopes instead to turn the situation into an “evolutionary bounce” by galvanizing members of the so-called “choir” who already understand that the status quo needs to be revamped. Otherwise, civilization as we know it won’t last much longer.The book addresses everything from parenting to economics, political systems to global warming and general environmental destruction, as well as sociology, history and God.It’s time for a reality check! What are you waiting for?About the Author: Pivot is an animal lover with a BS in political science. He aspires to one day become the superhero, The Pantser, a vigilante who goes after schmucks wearing their pants halfway down their butts. He pulls their pants down, pushes them over and then he runs away, of course.

  • - Run
    by David C Dagley

    A plane crash in the jungle of eastern Myanmar unites a father who never knew he had a daughter, and a daughter who never knew who her father was.After trekking the Tibetan border with Nepal, Reed Dempsey hops a plane bound for Delhi and a connecting flight to Chiang Mai, Thailand.Three lifelong girlfriends on college break fly from Goa to Delhi. Catching a connecting flight to Chiang Mai, they sit next to Reed in an exit row. Flying through monsoon conditions, the plane loses power and crashes in the northeastern mountains of the Golden Triangle. Only seven survive.One of the college girls sustains serious internal bleeding. The survivors build a stretcher for the young woman and head down the mountain for help.The local military is pillaging the countryside and executing villagers. Soldiers open fire on the plane survivors, killing all those heading down the mountain except for two of the girlfriends. Samantha videoed the murders and also finds a mass grave near a village. She and Rebecca run for their lives back up the mountain toward the crash site, where they meet Reed walking down. Knocked unconscious in the crash, he was buried under debris.Can these three survive the jungle and find safety in far-off Thailand?Author Bio:David C. Dagley grew up in California and has spent his life traveling the globe. He now resides on Bali, enjoying a lot of time underwater. He has lived in Nepal, England, Mongolia, and in South East Asia. “I taught English in South Korea for a few winters when I wasn’t working in Alaska.” His first three books were Cale Dixon and the Moguk Murders, White Bars, and Women of Cho.

  • by Sally Eccleston

    Based on the autobiography of Sarah Winnemucca, a Nevadan Paiute of the 19th century Silver Rush era, this historical work of fiction vividly reenacts events of Sarah''s life, highlighting the slaughter of twenty-three members of her tribe by a U.S. cavalry. The deaths of two dear sisters in the massacre are the pivotal event that transforms Sarah into a fiery advocate for the Paiutes'' right to their land and preservation of their ancient culture.Woven into the narrative is the present-day fictional character of Edwina Winnemucca, an aged university professor, medicine woman/shaman, and niece of Sarah Winnemucca, whose supernatural activities are fraught with drama. Edwina lectures her class on Sarah''s remarkable life, her endearing personality, and her fight to save her tribe from starvation and mistreatment. A prophecy of reincarnation, heralded by Edwina''s shaman father, is fulfilled. Edwina befriends three of her students who possess remarkable similarities to Sarah and her sisters. The girls experience a series of harrowing trials at the hands of their lecherous landlord while Edwina has visions of grave danger. The exhilarating climax of the story displays Edwina''s amazing powers.Sally Eccleston was inspired to write a fictional account of Sarah Winnemucca''s life after discovering her historically important autobiography in an old mining town bookstore. Eccleston has been writing for over twenty years, setting many of her stories in the beautiful desert region of Nevada, with its colorful mining history. She is at work on a new fictional novel based on her great-grandparents, who settled in Nevada in the 1800s.Publisher''s Website: http://www.strategicpublishinggroup.com/title/LeapBeyondBlueSkyVeil.html

  • by R Alden Fish

    Billy Giraffe has been struck by Cupid’s arrow. He wants to engage the interest of beautiful Carolyn Tawny-Mane, who has just gotten a job at the local newspaper, The Giraffe Gazette.He tells her of his adventures with friends, crazy hotel guests he’s met at the Giraffe Hotel, and the triumphs of his Grandfather Torch, when he fooled a lion and saved the clan from a rhinoceros stampede.Billy realizes he is a truly good storyteller, and that he can stand up for himself, despite a tattle-tale brother and two older know-it-all sisters.Says the author, “As a young man I was not allowed to read comic books or any kind of fantasy at all. So I surprised my family and friends when I created the story line for this book. I wanted to bring more fantasy into my life and share the joy of it with others. I have always liked giraffes due to their mild but adventurous natures, and feel they have not been understood as well as elephants, tigers, and bears.”About the Author: R. Alden Fish grew up in Tucson, Arizona, and currently resides in Santa Cruz, California. “I was an astronomer who went into business consulting, as I preferred working with people rather than staring at the stars.”

  • - La genese d'un petit village alpin suisse - Un conte populaire
    by Nigel Patten

    « L’imagination nous emporte souvent vers des mondes qui n’ont jamais existés, mais sans elle, nous allons nulle part. » – Carl SaganSans archives pour la région du Chablais avant le XI siècle, ce conte populaire, appuyé par des déductions historiques, nous parle des premiers habitants d’un village alpin au-dessus de la vallée du Rhône à la fin du IX siècle.Nous suivons les aventures d’un jeune couple, une fille serve et un jeune homme affranchi, un rapport incompatible à l’époque. Ils se réfugient à la montagne en hiver et survivent avec l’appui d’un moine et d’un garde-chasse.« J’habite sur le plateau de Gryon/Villars depuis un demi-siècle. Il était temps de mettre mes sentiments sur papier pour cette région », déclare l’auteur. « J’ai toujours essayé d’imaginer qui étaient les premiers habitants à y passer l’hiver et pas seulement pratiquer la transhumance d’été avec leur moutons et leurs chèvres. »(A propos de l’auteur)Nigel Patten est né près de Londres en 1940 et vit en Suisse depuis 1961 où il a enseigné l’anglais dans un lycée français. Il a publié dix livres, des romans historiques, une biographie, un cours d’anglais pour des francophones et une pièce de théâtre sur les dernières semaines de la vie du poète Shelley. Il a gagné un Readers Favorite Award à deux reprises. L’auteur voyage beaucoup en camping-car comme par exemple jusqu’en Inde. Pendant 15 ans, il a navigué entre les îles grecques dans son propre voilier chaque été. Ayant atteint deux fois le sommet du Mont Kilimandjaro, il pratique encore la marche en montagne dont les Grandes Randonnées comme le GR20 en Corse. Acteur et metteur en scène, il a fait partie d’une troupe de théâtre amateur à Vevey pendant 40 ans.

  • by Cynthia J Williams

    Battling for her life, a woman faces homelessness during a time of gang wars and riots. In the midnight hour of her life, she finds a strength beyond her own to turn her hopeless case into a case for hope.Chari, feeling let down and pushed aside by family, finds refuge with Joey, a man harboring a shadowy past. Together they journey to the West Coast, pursuing their dreams for a better life.When the city erupts in violent riots and gang wars, Chari’s job vanishes. The same week, Joey ends up in the emergency room. With nowhere to go, Chari sleeps on the emergency room floor.Somehow Joey ends up in the morgue. The attendant there panics when the body bag he was lifting begins to move. Though Joey survives, their joyful reunion doesn’t last long.In a city rife with tension, Chari faces the lowest of lows, until something greater leads this hopeless woman to a new life.About the Author : cynthia j. (c.j.) williams lives with her husband Johnny on a small farm outside Gainesville, Florida. Her younger years “were shaped on my parents’ small farm up North. I grew up in the country near a large prairie full of gators, wild buffalo, horses, and huge mosquitoes.” This is her second book and more are on the way.

  • by Barbara J Meredith
    £12.49 - 17.99

  • - Joe Riley's Summer Adventure and His Mystical Quest
    by Lesley Glover

    An isolated cottage on the rugged coastline of North Devon is the home of Joe, a 12-year-old boy, his mum, and his two younger sisters. The property was owned by his late grandfather, and its isolation is wearing on Joe. Bored, with nothing to do but watch his sisters play with their dolls, Joe longs for excitement.The boy finds an old wooden box with a roll of parchment inside, showing a map of the coastline and some old writing. A new world then opens up for him, as he sees dragons flying overhead and a sea monster that comes to his rescue.Joe’s sisters believe in this new fantasy world filled with fairies, unicorns, and a little green man seeking their help in finding some lost stones.A trip to the British Museum locates the stones, which are then reunited with a dragon. Following a fierce battle, Joe’s adventure takes him through a time portal and a reunion with his deceased grandfather. Life is no longer boring for Joe.Author Bio:Lesley Glover grew up in the Midlands in Coventry, and then moved to London and to Kent. “My next move took me to Devon, and I now live about 10 minutes away from the area of Hangman’s Hill that is mentioned in the book.” Stuck in traffic driving home from Devon, “I began thinking about the story to relieve the boredom and it grew from there.” This is her third book. 

  • by Stefan Kowalski

    As the best fourth grade basketball player in town, Peyton Washburn is invited to try out for the middle school basketball team.After she makes the squad, Peyton has to try and make new friends and deal with not being the best player on her new team, and she faces additional challenges, all while trying to help Holland Middle School earn the opportunity to make the playoffs.About the Author: First-time author Stefan Kowalski lives in suburban Syracuse, New York, where he is an elementary school math teacher. He was inspired to write this story because of “the lack of elementary books with a focus on girls and sports. Having two daughters of my own, I wanted them to have an opportunity to read about female characters and athletics at the elementary level.” His next book will focus on girls playing lacrosse in elementary school.

  • by Michael Twelve

  • - A Topical Guide to Help Develop the Next Generation of Firefighters
    by Murphy Arsenaux

    If you’ve ever wanted to mentor others, but aren’t sure how or where to start, and who to start with, Firehouse Mentor makes it easy. This valuable guide written by two veteran firefighters offers immense rewards on its simple and fun journey toward mentoring.The book addresses negative and destructive behaviors and how to change them. Each topic guides the mentor, laying out the behavior to be addressed while providing multiple solutions, as well as a follow-through section monitoring the results. The book is designed to maintain the span-of-control with one mentor and up to five mentees.“Developing, growing, and strengthening the next generation of firefighters is what mentoring is all about and it’s a much-needed commodity in today’s fire service. I highly recommend this book for any progressive department wanting to set the stage for the next generation and prepare them for success.” – Fire Chief Les Karpluk, ECFO, author of Purpose Filled Leadership and co-author of Leadership Prescribed and Leadership Prescribed 2.0“Acquiring some understanding of why we do things is often a prerequisite to change. This is especially true when talking about repetitive patterns of behavior that do not serve us well.” – Nick Brunacini, author of B Shifter and Staring into the Sun, retired firefighter, Blue Card instructorAuthor Bio:Murphy J. Arsenaux III and Nicholas R. Joiner are firefighters in the City of St. George, Louisiana. “Nick has 25 years and I have 36 years of service,” says Murphy. “Nick has many followers on his ‘10 Rounds Firefighting’ social media sites. He motivates firefighters in the area of fitness and nutrition. I run leadership forums. We both help mentor the young firefighters around us.” This is Murphy’s second book. 

  • - The New Campaigns of Ranger Captain Jacob Clarke
    by Erick W Nason
    £23.99 - 30.99

  • - The Sounds of Poetry
    by Barbara Sher Tinsley
    £11.99 - 18.99

  • by Christine Conrad Cazes
    £10.99 - 16.99

  • - A Guide for Male Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse Using Superman to Help Conquer the Need for Facades
    by Kenneth Rogers

    How to Master Your Inner Superman uses the DC comic book superhero Superman to help male survivors of childhood sexual abuse understand and heal from their childhood trauma.This self-help guide explores the use of internal family system therapy, cognitive behavior therapy, and dialectical behavior therapy to conquer the need to cope with the trauma of childhood sexual assault through the use of living life behind the façade of a false identity.Kenneth Rogers uses writing exercises, his own autobiographical stories, and the different identities of Clark Kent, Superman, and Kal-El throughout DC comic books as an extended metaphor to help guide male survivors toward understanding how to save their inner Superboy and heal their childhood sexual abuse.About the Author: A native of Peoria, Illinois, award-winning author Kenneth Rogers Jr. is currently an English teacher for Wooster City Schools. "After writing my self-help book, Heroes, Villains, and Healing, I realized there was still more that could be written to help other male survivors. Each comic character (whether hero or villain) could be used to focus on a specific trauma to help other survivors." His second book in the series is How to Kill Your Batman: A Guide for Male Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse Using Batman to Heal Hypervigilance. Coming up next is How to Save Your Wonder Woman, a guide for the partners and allies of male survivors that uses the DC comic book superhero Wonder Woman to heal compassion fatigue.

  • - A Gift Unfailing
    by Michael Scanlon

    Heaven: A Gift Unfailing starts by stirring the imagination of readers, and getting them to think "upwards" about the existence of Heaven.This compelling book then describes these realities clearly, with examples coming from the Roman Catholic, Protestant, Muslim, and even secular faiths.Finally, it outlines the best way to get to Heaven. First-time author Michael Joseph Scanlon discovered a need to find these answers for himself; then he realized a desire to help others by describing what he found in layman''s terms. He credits his faith as his biggest inspiration in writing. "I have had some hard knocks in life. Writing helped me to put these hardships in a better context."About the Author: Michael Joseph Scanlon grew up in Belfast, Northern Ireland, and currently resides in London, where he is a librarian. His next book is a spiritual novel set in contemporary Britain.Publisher''s website: http://www.strategicpublishinggroup.com/title/Heaven-AGiftUnfailing.html

  • - The Day of the Dead in Sicily
    by Ettore Grillo
    £14.49 - 20.49

  • - A Collection of Linked Space Stories
    by Othniel Poole

    Following Breadbasket’s, Leon’s, and the Waiter’s return in the books Yetser Days and Letters of Tabula/Saint Patrick, they are back again in a series of short stories written by Othniel Poole over the ANZAC Day weekend of 2020.Here we find a simple lad named Breadbasket joining the Earth Army, which wants to gain a hold across the universe. His friends Leon and the Waiter are with him, and so are his sister Saraph, his spiritual advisor W.A.H., and his parents, Soren and Giggle. There are also new characters from the other side of the galaxy who all become friends, even in the face of danger.This book is dedicated to those who remember the 1990s, when worlds were there to see and explore.Being light speed, this is very quick to read!About the Author: Othniel Poole grew up near Melbourne, Australia. and now resides in its suburbs. “Victoria is a very green state in Australia and even has snow in the mountains in winter. It’s great to go walking through the wilderness here, and that’s what originally inspired me and my friends to come up with the world of Breadbasket, like it was a whole other planet.” This is his 14th book.

  • - The Inhuman Treatment of Vietnamese Prisoners of War
    by Quang Hong Mac

    Time was meaningless. Death was waiting. Anything touching ground zero that showed the barbarous revenge of the Vietcong ended in a dried bloodbath for whoever served South Vietnam’s government. This all happened after North Vietnam’s last invasion succeeded on April 30, 1975.Humanity absented itself into the hell of a prison that was called re-education. Vietcong killed the soldiers and public servants of South Vietnam using the cruel methods of the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia.Prisoners were executed, tortured, lacked food, endured illness without medicine, and were subjected to forced labor, which created spiritual intimidation. The Vietcong killed about 165,000 among 800,000 prisoners, while the leftists in society concealed the human rights violations of the Vietcong.Author Quang Hong Mac survived, escaping by boat after spending more than five years in a Vietcong re-education camp. He resettled in the U.S. and continues to fight for democracy.Sharing his untold stories with U.S. public officials and another former Vietcong prisoner, this book was written to debunk paranoid socialists in democratic countries.The author believes his book can inform the Western World the truth about communism and socialism.About the Author : Quang Hong Mac, a captain in the South Vietnam Army (ARVN) and an injured pilot in the 1968 Tet offensive battle, was imprisoned for five years after Saigon fell in 1975. In 1980, he escaped and resettled in the United States. The following year, his wife and three children came to a Malaysia refugee camp. They reunited in 1981. He rebuilt his life from zero, graduating as an electrical engineer. Now retired, the author was editor of Philadelphia Rß║íng ─Éông Sunrise magazine and was an adviser on Asia for Pennsylvania’s governor. He has never returned to Vietnam.

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