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Books published by Whitaker House

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  • - How to Call Heaven to Earth (First Edition, Enlarged/Expanded)
    by Munroe Myles Munroe

  • by Jo Naughton

    "Foreword by Guillermo Maldonado"--Front cover.

  • - Divine Secrets of a Real Christian Life (Reissue, Repackage of Living in God's Power)
    by John G Lake

    "I tell you we are living in a day and hour when the Spirit of God has come into the world afresh, when the consciousness of mankind is opening up to God in a manner that it has never opened before." John G. Lake was a divine conduit for the f

  • by Foxe John Foxe

    In 1563, John Foxe published an account of the life of Christian martyrs, beginning with Stephen, the first to die for the cause of Christ, and ending with the most recent martyrs of his day--Protestants killed during Bloody Mary's reign. He knew that dan

  • - Cultivating the Attributes That Influence Human Action (A Rnate)
    by Munroe Myles Munroe

    You were born to lead. Now it's time to become a leader. Leaders may be found in boardrooms, but they may also be found in families, schools, and organizations of all kinds--anywhere people interact, nurture, create, or build. Contrar

  • - How to Develop and Release Your Unique Gifts (Expanded)
    by Munroe Myles Munroe

    Activate Your Leadership Potential Best-selling author Dr. Myles Munroe dispels the myth that only some people are destined to be leaders, while everyone else is destined to be a follower. You can become the leader God intended you to be. Discover how to: Activate your leadership potential.Develop a positive legacy.Find resources to fulfill your vision.Empower others for leadership.Embrace your unique role in life.Recognize your inborn leadership abilities and become the leader you were meant to be! New expanded edition includes study questions for individual and group use.

  • - Bring Wholeness and Joy Into Your Life
    by Lester Sumrall

    Lester Sumrall describes how Spirit, Soul And Body can function in harmony, and how to yield each part to Christ in order to live a fulfilling, victorious life.

  • - La Trinidad Y Tu Transformacion (First Edition, Spanish Language Edition, Divine Dance (Spanish))
    by Morrell Mike Morrell & Rohr Richard Rohr

    ¿Y si cambiar nuestra percepción de Dios tiene el potencial de cambiarlo todo? La Trinidad es la doctrina central del sistema de creencias cristiano. Sin embargo, a menudo nos dicen que no debemos intentar entenderla, porque es un "misterio". La Danza Divina explora ese misterio, demostrando cómo una concepción más profunda del Padre, el Hijo y el Espíritu Santo transformará nuestra relación con Dios, y renovará nuestras vidas. Lo que comentan sobre La Danza Divina: Encontrando el punto justo donde la ciencia contemporánea se encuentra con el misticismo antiguo, y la teología se encuentra con la poesía, La Danza Divina dibuja una hermosa coreografía para una vida bien vivida. En nuestro gozo o nuestro dolor, la verdadera vida siempre es relacional, un fluir, un baile. (Y siempre tuvo esa intención.) > Este es Richard al máximo, haciendo lo que hace mejor: mostrándole cómo las mejores ideas para el futuro han estado aquí ya, en la tradición de Jesús, todo el tiempo... ¡Nuestro franciscano favorito lo hizo de nuevo! --Rob Bell, Love Wins Richard Rohr es uno de los grandes maestros espirituales de nuestro tiempo, de hecho, de cualquier tiempo... Por supuesto, la Trinidad siempre será un profundo misterio, pero después de leer el libro del Padre Rohr, usted lo experimentará como un misterio que puede transformar su vida, y lo hará. --James Martin, SJ, Jesus: A Pilgrimage What if changing our perception of God has the potential to change everything? The Trinity is the central doctrine of our entire Christian belief system, and yet we're often told that we shouldn't attempt to understand it because it is a "mystery." The Divine Dance explores that mystery, demonstrating how a deeper conception of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit will transform our relationship with God and renew our lives. What people are saying about The Divine Dance: Finding the sweet spot where contemporary science meets ancient mysticism, and theology meets poetry, The Divine Dance sketches a beautiful choreography for a life well-lived. In our joy or our pain, true life is always relational, a flow, a dance. (And was always meant to be.) > This is Richard in peak form, doing what he does best: showing you how the best ideas for the future have actually been here, in the Jesus tradition, the whole time.... Our favorite Franciscan has done it again! --Rob Bell, Love Wins Richard Rohr is one of the great spiritual masters of our time, indeed of any time.... The Trinity will of course always remain a profound mystery, but after reading Father Rohr's book, you will experience it as a mystery that can, and will, transform your life. --James Martin, SJ, Jesus: A Pilgrimage

  • - Abraza Tu Identidad Y Proposito En Una Era de Confusion Y Comparacion
    by Bevere Lisa Bevere

    Hay una raz n por la cual nos miramos unos a otros como rivales, y nos limitamos a compararnos y competir. Tenemos un enemigo atacando nuestra mente, nuestra voluntad y muestras emociones, con la esperanza de que nos tornemos uno contra otro, y contra nosotras mismas. Es un ciclo que nos a sla de conexiones ntimas, crea confusi n sobre nuestra identidad, y limita nuestro prop sito.En Sin Rival, la autora de xitos de ventas Lisa Bevere, comparte como una revelaci n del amor de Dios rompe estos l mites. Aprender s como dejar de ver a otros como rivales, y hacer las conexiones profundas con tu Creador que tu deseas; conexiones que tienen la promesa de identidad e intimidad verdaderas. Con sabias ense anzas b blicas llenas de visi n prof tica para nuestros d as, Lisa usa el humor y la pasi n para desafiarte a: Darle la vuelta a la rivalidad para que saque lo mejor en tiDejar de esconderte de conversaciones de las que necesitas ser parteResponder al argumento de que las mujeres son ineptas, f ciles de enga ar, y cr dulasDesarma la rivalidad de g nero, y trabaja con los hombres en tu vidaEs tiempo de dar el paso adelante para vivir una vida sin rival. In this day of challenge and opportunity, women have been the victims of constant comparison and rivalry. It has robbed the church of the feminine voice and contribution that would make her strong.In a wild, vibrant, and relatable style, Lisa challenges women to: embrace the fact that God loves us uniquely rather than equallyrealize their undisputed callingreconnect to their divine identitydismantle the rivalries that keep us from God's fullnessThere has never been a more desperate need for each of us to discover who and why we are a daughter without rival, loved by a God without rival, entrusted with a promise without rival, to complete an assignment without rival, that is destined for an eternity without rival.

  • - Por Que Lo Bueno Sin Dios No Es Suficiente (Spanish Language Edition, Good or God? (Spanish))
    by John Bevere

    En estos días, los términos "bueno" y "Dios" parecen sinónimos. Creemos que lo que generalmente se acepta como bueno debe estar en línea con la voluntad de Dios. La generosidad, la humildad, la justicia son buenas. El egoísmo, la arrogancia, la crueldad son malos. La distinción parece bastante clara. ¿Pero es eso todo lo que hay? Si lo bueno es tan obvio, ¿por qué la Biblia dice que necesitamos discernimiento para reconocerlo? Porque lo que parece bueno, no siempre viene de Dios. En este libro aprenderás: Que lo que parece bueno, sabio, estratégico y hasta beneficioso, puede ser dañino e improductivo.A conocer y entender los estándares de Dios, diferentes a nuestros estándares de lo que es "bueno".A separar lo que parece "bueno" de lo que es "bueno" según Dios.A discernir la voluntad de Dios sobre lo que es realmente "bueno" para tu vida.A alcanzar un nivel de comprensión y plenitud que logrará alinear toda tu vida al propósito presente y eterno de Dios contigo. ¿Bueno o Eterno? no es otro mensaje de auto-ayuda. Este libro hará mucho más que pedirte que cambies tu comportamiento. Te empoderará para involucrarte con Dios a un nivel que cambiará cada aspecto de tu vida para siempre. >These days the terms good and God seem synonymous. We believe what's generally accepted as good must be in line with God's will. Generosity, humility, justice―good. Selfishness, arrogance, cruelty―evil. The distinction seems pretty straightforward. But is that all there is to it? If good is so obvious, why does the Bible say that we need discernment to recognize it? Through this book you will learn: To see that what seems to be good or strategic may be harmful.To understand God's standards, which may not match yours.To discern what is good for you from what is good for Him.To follow God's will on what He finds truly good for you.To achieve a level of engagement with God that aligns your life to His purpose. Good or God? isn't another self-help message. This book will do more than ask you to change your behavior. It will empower you to engage with God on a level that will forever transform every aspect of your life. > .

  • by Havergal Frances Ridley Havergal

    Previously published: Cambridge, Md.: Messengers of Hope, 1991.

  • by Goll James W. Goll

    Experimente la gran maravilla de moverse en la gracia de Dios y por medio de ella dia a dia a medida que libera los dones espirituales hoy en un derramamiento del amor y el poder de El.

  • by Athanasius of Alexandra Saint Athanasius of Alexandra

    "Originally published in 1944 by Centenary Press"--Title page verso .

  • by Brown Tom Brown

    En Dones Espirituales para la Guerra Espiritual, Tom Brown presenta los dones espirituales y equipa a sus lectores para vencer la tentacion y derrotar al enemigo en su vida.

  • by MacLaren Sharlene MacLaren

    "In the very season when the wounds of her heart are most raw, a hurting young widow named Sadie Bennett learns to love again"--

  • - Una Revelacion de la Redencion (Spanish Language Edition, New Creation Realities (Spanish))
    by Kenyon E. W. Kenyon

    Hemos encontrado el secreto que los psic logos han buscado por tanto tiempo: el "hombre interior", el esp ritu creado de nuevo, la parte del hombre que Dios trata. Es el centro de qui nes somos en Cristo hoy, lo que l dice que somos y lo que l nos ha hecho ser por medio de su gran obra de redenci n. Mientras que los cuatro Evangelios nos dan perspectiva del "caminar terrenal" del Maestro, las ep stolas paulinas nos dan una revelaci n de lo que sucedi en la cruz y lo que sigui durante los tres d as y tres noches en el sepulcro hasta que Cristo fue resucitado de la muerte. Nos dan una imagen viva de la completa obra sustitutoria de Cristo: el marco legar de nuestra redenci n. El internacionalmente aclamado maestro de la Biblia, el Dr. E. W. Kenyon, proporciona una serie de sinceros mensajes sobre las Realidades de la Nueva Creaci n directamente de las ep stolas de Pablo, breves estudios sobre el gran tema de la redenci n de la humanidad por medio de Cristo. Como cristianos, nosotros somos la nueva creaci n, una nueva raza de hombre, que puede estar ante la presencia de Dios sin el sentimiento de culpa, condenaci n o inferioridad. We have found the secret that the psychologists long have sought. It is the "inward man"; it is the recreated spirit; it is the soul who has been changed by the redemptive work of God. It is the constant unveiling of who we are in Christ today--who He says we are and who He has made us to be. The four Gospels describe the "earth walk" of the Master, but the Pauline Epistles give us a revelation of what happened on the cross and what it means for us that Christ was raised from the dead. Through these letters, we get a living picture of the substitutionary work of Christ--the legal framework of our redemption. In this important book, Dr. E. W. Kenyon breaks down the "new creation" process. You will discover the truth about your new identity in Christ, and you will get a clearer picture of what God sees in you and what He thinks about you. If you ever struggle with guilt or condemnation, or if you ever think that God's love is "too good to be true," you must read this book. You will see from the words of Scripture just how true God's love for you is.

  • - Como Valores, Moralidad, Etica Y Principios Afectan a Los Lideres (Spanish Language Edition, the Power of Chara
    by Munroe Myles Munroe

    C mo proteger la influencia y el poder de su liderazgo. Usted ha trabajado duro para lograr sus sue os y metas. Muchos otros han hecho lo mismo, solo para perderlo todo al final. Cada d a, leemos sobre personas exitosas en varios mbitos de la vida que han perdido su poder y su influencia. Han sido despedidos, obligados a renunciar, o sacados con verg enza de la vida p blica. Ya no tienen un mercado para sus dones, y puede que incluso se enfrenten a acciones judiciales. Esos l deres han perdido la confianza de sus empresas, electores, naciones, seguidores y familias. Muchos quedaron sorprendidos al descubrir que sus talentos por s solos no fueron suficientes para evitar su ca da. Por qu fracasaron al final? Porque carec an de la nica cualidad que habr a protegido su liderazgo y les habr a dado influencia perdurable. Ir nicamente, esta cualidad rara vez se ense a a los l deres actualmente, ya sea formalmente o informalmente. Es la cualidad de la fuerza moral, o car cter. Todo ser humano es un l der sobre alg n dominio en el que l o ella ejercita dones e influencia. Ese dominio podr a ser los pasillos del gobierno, la sala de juntas, el sal n de clases, la comunidad o el hogar. En El poder del car cter en el liderazgo: C mo los valores, la moral, la tica y los principios afectan a los l deres, descubrir qu es el car cter, qu significa desarrollar fuerza moral, y c mo preservar la influencia de su liderazgo de modo que sea a la vez eficaz y perdurable. How to Protect Your Leadership Influence and Power You've worked hard to achieve your dreams and goals. Many others have done the same--only to lose it all in the end. Every day, we read about successful people in various walks of life who have lost their power and influence. They've been fired, forced to resign, or shamed out of public life. They no longer have a market for their gifts, and they may even face criminal proceedings. These leaders have lost the trust of their companies, constituents, nations, followers, and families. Many were surprised to discover that their talents alone were not enough to prevent their downfall. Why did they fail in the end? Because they lacked the one quality that would have protected their leadership and given them enduring influence. Ironically, this quality is seldom taught to leaders today, either formally or informally. It is the quality of moral force, or character. Every human being is a leader over some domain as he or she exercises gifts and influence. That domain might be the halls of government, the boardroom, the classroom, the community, or the home. In The Power of Character in Leadership: How Values, Morals, Ethics, and Principles Affect Leaders, you will discover what character is, what it means to develop moral force, and how to preserve your leadership influence so that it is both effective and enduring.

  • - The Miracle That Brings Promise to America
    by Bonnke Reinhard Bonnke

    In 2001, as Reinhard Bonnke debated whether or not to move his ministry to America, he did something he had never done before: he prayed for a sign to confirm that God truly was calling him to go to America. God was about to answer that prayer. A few days later, a woman brought her husband to the Nigerian church where Bonnke was preaching, in hopes that his partially embalmed body would be raised from the dead after three days in a coffin. Although Bonnke was unaware of this and never even prayed for the man, the woman's husband, lying in the church basement, began to breathe again during the sermon. In front of thousands of witnesses, this man, who still couldn't move because of rigor mortis, was raised back to life. After his message, Bonnke was besieged by a crowd yelling, "He's breathing! He's breathing!" This incredible miracle, now detailed for the first time, is part of a movement of God, birthed in a small African church and stretching around the world to America. It is the beginning of a work of God that will confirm His word to Bonnke: "America shall be saved."

  • - Identify Evil Spirits and the Fruit They Manifest
    by Garrison Mary Garrison

    In order to walk in the truth and avoid being deceived by the worldly philosophies and satanic attacks, we must try the spirits, according to the mandate of 1 John 4:1, to see if they are of God. Many believers are aware of this command but do not know how to try the spirits. Where do they begin? If you are one of these people, do not fret. This book can help Mary Garrison has compiled a guide to the principal evil spirits at work in our world today, so that you can identify them remove them from your life and the lives of others. In this book, you will learn...The biblical names of the principal evil spiritsThe fruits of these spiritsThe tactics they use in the lives of believersScriptural methods of overcoming themHow to live in victory over the evil one Do not be deceived any longer. Learn how to try the spirits and walk in the victory Christ has purchased for you on the cross. You were made to walk in the truth, and that truth will set you free

  • by Wigglesworth Smith Wigglesworth

    You will have the privilege to see and to participate in the most glorious and mightiest sweeping revival that has ever been known in Christian history --Smith Wigglesworth This revelation was part of a prophecy given in 1936 by legendary evangelist and healing minister Smith Wigglesworth to a young man named David du Plessis. The revival Wigglesworth foresaw was a continuation of the Pentecostal movement into the charismatic renewal that continues to this day. Later, in 1961, God gave Rev. Tommy Hicks a vision of the continuation of that revival: a worldwide movement in which the "Awakening Giant"--the body of Christ--receives spiritual power and authority on such a scale as has not been seen since the book of Acts. This book retells these two amazing prophecies in their entirety and also discusses their implications for the world today. The revival of God's church continues, but it won't be complete until every Spirit-filled believer understands his or her unique role in its fulfillment. Study these prophecies and ask God to reveal how He would use you to bring the greatest revival in history to completion.

  • by Huch Larry Huch

    "This text has been excerpted from Free at last: removing the past from your future ... by Larry Huch, pp. 35-174."--T.p. verso.

  • by Bloomer George Bloomer & Baxter Mary K. Baxter

    Muchos cristianos se preguntan por qu no pueden vencer sus pecados y sus tentaciones, y cual es la raz n de que sus oraciones pidiendo por una mejor salud, bendiciones financieras, y restauraci n en sus relaciones con otras personas, no han recibido respuesta. La autora de Best Sellers Mary K. Baxter comparte visiones y revelaciones acerca del poder de la oraci n, que abren los ojos hacia una nueva perspectiva. Sus respuestas personales tan asombrosas te van a ayudar a: Vencer temores, ataduras y fracasosPoder escuchar claramente la direcci n de DiosRecibir sanidad y liberaci n de todo tipo de adiccionesPoder vivir el tipo de vida que deber as vivirExperimentar el poder de Dios diariamente Descubre los secretos que est n en la oraci n para poderosas victorias transformadoras el hoy mismo Many Christians question why they can't overcome sin and temptation and why they don't get answers to their prayers for improved health, financial blessings, and better relationships. Best-selling author Mary K. Baxter shares eye-opening visions and revelations on the power of prayer. Her remarkable personal answers to prayer will help you: Overcome fears, hindrances, and failuresHear clear direction from GodReceive healing and freedom from addictionsLive the life you were meant to liveExperience divine power dailyDiscover the keys to powerful, life-changing breakthroughs in prayer today

  • - Removiendo El Pasado de Su Futuro (Spanish Language Edition, Free)
    by Huch Larry Huch

    Usted puede ser libre de su pasado No permita que lo que le haya pasado a usted y a su familia detenga su vida En Cristo Jes s, usted puede ser libertado de la depresi n, la ira, el abuso, la inseguridad y la adicci n. El Pastor Larry Huch revele ponderosas verdades de las Escrituras que le permiten a l y a muchos otros r pidamente romper las cadenzas destructives de su vida, y, recibir las bendiciones de Dios. Aprenda el secreto para hallar y recibir la verdadera libertad, y, usted tambi n podr Recuperar su gozo y esperanzaExperimentar la sanidad divinaEnmendar relaciones rotasCaminar en verdadera prosperidad--del cuerpo, del alma y del esp ritu. Encuentre un futuro libre del pasado You can break free from your past Don't let what has happened to you and your family hold you back in life Through Jesus Christ, you can find freedom from depression, anger, abuse, insecurity, and addiction. Pastor Larry Huch reveals powerful truths from Scripture that enabled him and many others to quickly break the destructive chains in their lives and receive God's blessings. Learn the secret to true freedom and you, too, can: Regain your joy and hopeExperience divine healthMend broken relationshipsWalk in true prosperity--body, soul, and spirit Find a future free of the past

  • by Bunyan John Bunyan

    Acclaimed as "one of the greatest literary masterpieces in the world," John Bunyan's beloved allegory captivates the reader's attention while providing insight into the Christian life. Join Bunyan in this illustrated edition as he tells the story of "Christian," a man on an adventurous journey across rough terrain, over sunlit hills, and through dark valleys. His trek is an intriguing allegory for today--mixed with the chivalric adventure of yesterday--as the pilgrimage takes us from the City of Destruction to the Celestial City whose builder and maker is God.

  • - Sanidad Para Su Espiritu, Alma Y Cuerpo (Spanish Language Edition, Power of the Blood (Spanish))
    by Lowery T. L. Lowery & Baxter Mary K. Baxter

    Best-selling author Mary K. Baxter reveals the meaning of the blood from Old Testament sacrifices to the ultimate sacrifice of Christ on the cross.

  • by Huch Larry Huch

    Bendici n o Maldici n La decisi n es suya Sufre usted de depresi n, disfunci n familiar, infelicidad conyugal u otros problemas y no puede superarlos? En las p ginas de este innovador libro, 10 maldiciones que bloquean la bendici n, Larry Huch comparte su experiencia personal con una vida de enojo, drogadicci n, crimen y violencia. l muestra c mo rompi esas maldiciones, y, revela c mo usted puede: Restaurar su salud y fortunaRecibir dominio--lo que es y c mo usarloReconocer las se ales de una maldici nPoner fin a los ciclos de abuso y violenciaSer libertado de las maldiciones generacionalesLlevar a sus hijos a CristoUsted no tiene que batallar m s. Dec dase a revolucionar su vida. Usted puede darle marcha atr s a las maldiciones que bloquean sus bendiciones Blessing or Curses...It's Up to You Have you been suffering with depression, family dysfunction, marital unhappiness, or other problems and been unable to overcome them? Within the pages of this groundbreaking book, Ten Curses That Block the Blessing, Larry Huch shares his personal experience with a life of anger, drug addiction, crime, and violence. He shows how he broke these curses and reveals how you can: Recognize the signs of a curseEnd cycles of abuse, violence, or sinBe set free from generational cursesRestore your health and wealthReceive dominion--what it is and how to use itBring your children to Christ You don't have to struggle any longer. Choose to revolutionize your life. You can reverse the curses that block your blessings

  • by Brown Rebecca Brown

    El Poder para Vencer a Satans peude ser suyo"Este libro ha sido escrito para todos los hijos de Dios que tienen hambre y sed de profudizar su relacin personal con l. Para aquellos que anhelan 'or' su voz en lo ms ntimo de su ser, quienes no se conformarn con nada menos que con la experiencia de su presencia y de su gloria.""El propsito de este libro es ayudarlo a entender el mundo del ocultismo, el cual ampla su influencia con gran rapidez, con la finalidad de que pueda usted evitar caer en sus trampas." -Dra. Rebecca BrownLos temas que se abordan incluyen: La clave del poder espiritual: cmo descubrirla La armadura de Dios: cmo utilizarla con eficacia La naturaleza del pecado: cmo dominarlo El Espritu Santo frente a los guas demonacos: cmo poder distinguir la diferencia La liberacin: estudio de casos tpicos y pautas para ejercitarlaLa Dra. Brown revela planes secretos de guerra satnica que no han salido a la luz pblica anteriormente. Necesita usted aprender el secreto del poder espiritual antes de que le haga falta utilizarlo!Power over Satan Can Be Yours...This book is written for all those children of God who hunger and thirst after a close personal relationship with Him. It is for those who long to hear His voice in their innermost being, who will not be satisfied with anything less than the experience of His presence and glory. It is for those who value such a relationship with our wonderful Creator enough to be willing to pay the price in their own lives to achieve it--the pain of daily carrying the cross. This book is for those who are willing to strive for holiness in obedience to our beloved Master, the Lord Jesus Christ.The purpose of this book is to help you understand therapidly expanding world of the occult so that you can not only cleanse yourself from any involvement in it, but also so that you can avoid its traps.--Rebecca BrownSubjects include: * The key to spiritual power--personal holiness* The armor of God--how to use it effectively* The sin nature--how to understand it and control it* Defilement of God's temple--how to avoid it* The Holy Spirit vs. demon guides--knowing the difference* Deliverance--case studies and guidelinesThis book contains secret satanic war plans previously not found in print. It reveals how the followers of Satan are openly confronting the followers of Jesus Christ. You must learn the key to spiritual power before you need it!A must for every child of God!

  • - Lasting Truth for Trending Questions
    by Jeremiah Johnston

    "e;This new book by my friend and colleague Jeremiah J. Johnston is so important...a winsome and accessible book...drawing from Jeremiah's considerable academic training. His analysis is unflinching, his approach is practical, and his writing is clear, a great combination! The chances are that you will encounter friends and family members who are authentically searching for answers to the big questions of life. Let Jeremiah prepare you."e; Lee Strobel, Author, The Case for Christ and The Case for Faith. "e;An insightful book that will have a lasting impact on all readers...you will be inspired by the truth and encouraged as you seek answers to unanswered questions in your life."e; Dr. Jay Alan Sekulow, Chief Counsel, American Center for Law & Justice. In this fresh, intelligent book, Dr. Jeremiah Johnston (don't let the "e;Dr."e; scare you; he writes in plain English) gives great responses to some of the most daunting spiritual questions we're all curious about. My advice: 1) Get this book (seriously: how many books do you know of that smartly discuss both the veracity of the Bible and vampires?); 2) Read this book right away (it's too important to put in the stack with all the other ones you want to read "e;some day"e;); 3) Give copies of this book to people you know (some of whom are just a few good answers away from a confident faith in Christ). Mark Mittelberg, Best-selling author of The Questions Christians Hope No One Will Ask and Confident Faith, Executive Director, The Center for American Evangelism. You cannot Google the answers to the probing questions in this book! People who investigate the Christian faith often stop short because they have searing questions that most believers simply cannot answer. Additionally, "e;de-conversions"e;, people leaving the church are on the increase. The trigger point of their departure is often an unanswered question! International author, professor, and gifted teacher, Jeremiah Johnston, Ph.D., does not back away from the toughest questions, rather he provides you with solid, substantive answers. Unanswered gives you information, insight, and confidence to help your friend or loved one discover God's divine tapestry for good in life's bleakest moments! You will discover priceless confidence and peace in your own circumstances through this critical book. Unanswered is that indispensable resource tool for your own study, small group, or Bible study class. After receiving more than four thousand questions at his Christian Thinkers Society events, Dr. Jeremiah Johnston recognized six categories of recurring, trending questions. In Unanswered, he tackles these tough issues: God on Mute: What Do I Do When God Is Silent? Body of Proof: Why Can I Trust in the Bodily Resurrection of Jesus and How Does That Change Things Today? My Invisible Disease: What Christians Must Understand About Suicide and Mental Health. Paranormalcy: Understanding Spiritual Darkness and the Paranormal Allure Among Christians and How to Escape It. Bible-ish Christianity: Why Most Christians Know Just Enough About the Bible to Be Dangerous. Becoming Job: Why Suffering, Me-Centric Christianity, and a Concierge-God Don't Mix. Unanswered will leave you enriched, characterized by a thinking faith, equipped to communicate confidently, and committed to escape the tendency of offering trite answers to a skeptical friend.

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