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Books published by White Crow Books

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  • - The Anthology
    by Elsa Barker

  • - Is There Life Before Birth? 750 Cases of Hypnosis
    by Helen Wambach

  • by Lord Dowding

    In this book Lord Dowding, whose name will be remembered in connection with the Battle Of Britain, puts forward a strong case for life after death.The author presents the subject attractively in a vigorous and fluent style- there are no dreary chapters of analysis, full of meaningless phraseology-the book is written in a clear and concise manner, which can be comprehended and will convince all who read it.Dowding is no sentimentalist; he examines his facts soberly and critically from all angles; his plea for a better understanding of spiritualism will be greeted with enthusiasm by spiritualists all over the world and is bound to be regarded as a valuable asset to the spiritualistic cause. No one can question the deep sincerity with which this work has been carried out. Having in mind the many instances of survival after death on the battlefield recorded through various channels, Lord Dowding has satisfied himself that these records should be made known to the public as widely as possible, believing that they carry with them the hall-mark of truth.In the record of Lord Dowding's career lies the assurance that he is a practical man not likely to be led astray by specious theories, or to harbour delusions when confronted by hard facts.

  • - The Evidence Under Hypnosis
    by Helen Wambach

    In Reliving Past Lives, psychologist Helen Wambach, PhD, shares the fascinating results of her large-scale past-life group hypnotherapy sessions. In an effort to rule out false memory, fantasy and wishful thinking often associated with past life hypnosis, Wambach devised a protocol where she chose time-specific periods from 2000 BC to the twentieth century and asked respondents where they were and what they were doing during that specific period. Race, social class, occupation, types of money used and gender were all explored. Mundane questions were asked such as: "What types of utensils are being used?""Describe weaving techniques that are being used.""What foodstuffs are commonly in use during this time?" "What color is the brickwork of the houses?" As expected, when taken to a specific period some respondents reported experiences while others reported nothing, prompting the question, did they report nothing because they were between lives? Wambach reasoned that if she asked a large number of subjects questions about a specific time and place and received a sizable percentage of similar answers from subjects who weren't consciously aware of the information they were reporting, that was something worth investigating further. Together with her book, Life before Life, the data is compelling reading for anyone pondering the validity of reincarnation and life beyond physical death.

  • - Memoir of a Psychical Researcher
    by Erlendur Haraldsson

    In the world of parapsychology and psychical research Erlendur Haraldsson may well be remembered as one of the great investigators, particularly in field research. In a career spanning more than six decades Haraldsson worked with past luminaries such as J. B. Rhine, one of the founders of parapsychology and Ian Stevenson, whose work with children claiming past life experiences, has spawned much of the today's reincarnation research.Towards the Unknown chronicles Haraldsson's work in India, the Middle East, the US and Europe and includes his studies of the Indian spiritual teacher Sathya Sai Baba, the Icelandic medium, Indridi Indridason, deathbed visions, past life cases and a whole array of psychic phenomena.

  • - Rumours of Love
    by Simon Parke

  • - Perspectives on Life Beyond Death
    by Michael Prescott

    Over the past century and a half, a wealth of evidence has emerged that is consistent, at least, with the hypothesis of life after death. ¿Near-death experiences¿Deathbed visions¿Mediumship¿Apparitions ¿Past-life memories, and memories of a between-lives stateYet even those who are inclined to take this evidence seriously may struggle to make sense of it. How can the idea of an afterlife be integrated into our everyday experience? How can we connect the seemingly nebulous notion of postmortem survival with the hard, tangible reality of life on earth?Through metaphors, images, and analogies-illustrated with dozens of documented cases drawn from the literature of parapsychology-this book suggests ways of looking at life beyond death, not as a baffling anomaly, but as a logical extension of our experience of reality here and now. The hope is that we can learn to see reports of an afterlife as something more than mere ghost stories ... and to sharpen the focus of our gaze on "The Far Horizon."

  • - From the Unbelievable to the Bizarre "
    by Tricia J Robertson

  • - The Memoirs of a Physical Medium
    by Stewart Alexander

  • by William Thomas Stead

  • - TED, Wikipedia and the Battle for the Internet
    by Craig Weiler

  • - After-Death Communication from Sir William Barrett
    by William Barrett & Florence Elizabeth Barrett

  • - Practices for Psychic Development and Astral Projection
    by Kurt Leland

    BACK IN PRINT: SECOND EDITION. DO YOU KNOW WHICH BODY YOU'RE IN?Many spiritual traditions, from yoga and Buddhism to contemporary theosophy, teach that we are multidimensional humans. We exist simultaneously on several planes and in several bodies. These bodies range from the familiar physical body to the astral body experienced in dreams and out-of-body states, as well as higher energy bodies that access realms and states of consciousness beyond our wildest dreams.In The Multidimensional Human, consciousness researcher and intuitive consultant Kurt Leland reveals the secret of how to master these energy bodies: we must develop our inner senses. Based on a close study of theosophy, the Seth Material (as channeled by Jane Roberts), and his own clairvoyant investigations, Leland explains that there are twenty inner senses. They come in four categories: existential (those that help us know and understand ourselves), environmental (those that help us perceive nonphysical environments), kinesthetic (those that help us move within and between nonphysical realms), and relational (those that allow us to interact with nonphysical beings).He also provides thirty-two practices for developing our inner senses. These practices are extremely simple. They can be done in ordinary waking consciousness by anyone-beginner to advanced-who has an interest in psychic development, out-of-body experiences, lucid dreams, astral projection, and other adventures in consciousness.By mastering these inner senses, we learn how to use our energy bodies to experience the bliss of higher states of consciousness, explore the astral plane and beyond, meet nonphysical Teachers and Guides, and work for the spiritual benefit of humanity. We achieve our birthright as multidimensional humans."A seasoned traveler in the realms of alternate reality gives useful and practical advice for anyone who wants to follow his example. One of very few books on astral travel that is worth reading. Follow him if you dare."~ Richard Smoley, author of The Dice Game of Shiva: How Consciousness Creates the Universe

  • - Playing the Reality Game
    by Brad Steiger & John (Institute of Education University of London UK) White

  • - A Nobel Prize Winning Scientist's Exploration of Psychic Phenomena
    by Carlos S Alvarado

  • - The unconventional journey of a Neuroscientist
    by Peter Fenwick

    What is consciousness? How does it relate to the brain, to the mind? Does it even extend beyond them? And if so, might those experiences - telepathy, extrasensory perception, near death experiences - be called 'paranormal' because we can't explain them by any normal means?Anything with a firm belief structure, whether it is science or religious faith, limits experimentation and a free spirit of enquiry. I wanted to find a synthesis between these two fields of experience, the measurable and the immeasurable. And it seemed to me that the best - indeed, the only way I could find out more was by finding people who had such immeasurable experiences and studying them.A few years ago I was introduced by a friend to a philosopher, Alain Forget, who, I was told, had a remarkable ability to give 'energy. During this 'energy-giving' process my friend had been aware of light radiating from him.My own ego wanted to persuade this unusual man to allow me to put him under the microscope. But in doing so I found myself, perhaps reluctantly at times, under the microscope of his perceptual grasp of human nature. And I realise that it has changed me, and that much of what I thought about myself was not based in reality.This book tells that story.~ Peter Fenwick

  • - Part Two

    This book contains 12 unique accounts of Awakening. They are all taken from transcripts of interviews that were made for conscious.tv. People used to talk of 'Enlightenment' or 'Self-Realisation' but these days it is Awakening that people tend to speak of. What does Awakening mean? What form does it take? How does it affect ones practical life? How is it integrated? These are all important questions that are addressed in the chapters in this book.Some of the subjects are renowned spiritual teachers while others are completely unknown having never lead a seminar or written a book.The beauty of the spiritual path is that no story is the same. There are a myriad of paths up the mountain and we all end up finding our own way.So many of us realise that we are much, much more than just a human being. There are so many levels of our existence. This book will hopefully encourage you, inspire you, and maybe even guide you to find out who you really are.Interviews with Susanne Marie, Debra Wilkinson, Richard Moss, Mukti, Miek Pot, Reggie Ray, Aloka (David Smith), Deborah Westmorland, Russel Williams, Jurgen Ziewe, Martyn Wilson, Jah Wobble

  • - Part One.
    by Renate McNay

    Conversations on Awakening contains 12 unique accounts of Awakening. They are all taken from transcripts of interviews that were made for conscious.tv. People used to talk of 'Enlightenment' or 'Self-Realisation' but these days it is Awakening that people tend to speak of. What does Awakening mean? What form does it take? How does it affect ones practical life? How is it integrated? These are all important questions that are addressed in the chapters in this book.Some of the subjects are renowned spiritual teachers while others are completely unknown having never lead a seminar or written a book.The beauty of the spiritual path is that no story is the same. There are a myriad of paths up the mountain and we all end up finding our own way.So many of us realise that we are much, much more than just a human being. There are so many levels of our existence. This book will hopefully encourage you, inspire you, and maybe even guide you to find out who you really are.Interviews with A.H Almaas, Jessica Britt, Sheikh Burhanuddin, Linda Clair, John Butler, Billy Doyle, Georgi Y. Johnson, Cynthia Bourgeault, Gabor Harsanyi, Tess Hughes, Philip Jacobs, Igor Kufayev

  • - Dying Taught Me How to Live
    by Lesley Joan Lupo

    "I don't remember hearing any snorts or whinnies. I don't remember smelling the sweat streaming off the newly unsaddled backs or seeing the dust kicked up by the drumming hooves. The only thing I remember was me, my essence, my soul, popping out of my body several seconds before it was caught up in a stampede. I didn't feel my arm caught in the stirrup or sense the impact of the horse's body as he twisted me around and slammed me with his head. I watched myself cry out as I got squished between the other horses' flanks.¿Nor did I feel anything as my skull smashed into the concrete feed trough before I collapsed, unmoving. The total calm and serenity that I, the observer, felt was a stark contrast to my screaming human form. I wondered if everyone disconnected like this before they died?¿As the dust settled, I looked down at the empty, crumpled shell. I knew I would never get up again. The whole event only lasted about 30 seconds." So writes Lesley Joan Lupo in a fascinating account of her near-death experience and her trip 'Upstairs' to the realm beyond space and time. Remember, Every Breath is Precious: Dying Taught Me How to Livegives us a glimpse of what might await us all beyond our physical lives.

  • - One of the most disturbing cases in history. What really happened?
    by Dr Melvyn J Willin

    Do not buy this book if you want to read a biased account of the famous Enfield Poltergeist Case from 1977 through to 1978. There are many other choices you could make which will either try to convince you of the genuineness of the phenomena produced or its fraudulent origins according to the interpretation of the authors concerned. I do not mind whether you have a wide-open mind or a totally shut one, since I shall not be trying to convince you one way or the other.Do buy this book if you want to know what really happened! I have listened and transcribed all of the several hundred audio tapes that were made by Maurice Grosse and Guy Playfair during their investigation of the alleged poltergeist case that took place in Enfield some 40 years ago and I shall present, in chronological order, what occurred. It will then be your decision as to whether you believe the phenomena came from spirit entities; psychic forces; mistaken interpretations; hallucinations; naughty children or any other source you might wish to present. I shall strive very hard not to be influenced by what I have read, however intelligent it might be, and instead rely on my ears to describe what was happening via the tapes.I shall leave out the many hours of general conversation that took place between the parties concerned since I do not believe that the reader will be particularly interested in the weather; special offers in the local supermarket; or what happened in Coronation Street … except, of course, when any of these discussions may have been pertinent to the phenomena. I shall include some of the more humorous occurrences since the events occasionally demanded this. Perhaps some light relief from the sometimes all-pervading chaos. Because of their age some of the audio tapes were corrupted beyond recognition and at other times the sound quality was poor. I have therefore had to listen very carefully to unravel the indistinct voices especially when people were often talking at the same time or were not specifically identified by name. There is substantial screaming at times which was difficult to distinguish between the children concerned, so I may have attributed the wrong name to a 'screamer' at times…sorry, but I've tried to get it right! The language used is extremely crude, abusive and explicit at times, so the reader should be aware that parts of the book should be 'X' rated, as films used to be in bygone days.If all this hasn't put you off then read on and prepare to possibly find out what happened in Enfield from 31, August 1977 onwards.

  • - A Field Guide for Astral Travelers
    by Kurt Leland

    REVISED AND ENLARGED EDITION* I wrote Otherwhere: A Field Guide to Nonphysical Reality for the Out-of-Body Traveler in the early 1990s to sum up nearly twenty years of out-of-body adventures that began when I was fifteen years old.These adventures took me into nonphysical realms in which time and space behaved differently, "quite other" than we normally experience them-hence the name Otherwhere. I explored the locations where our dreams occur and where we find ourselves after death. It took me nearly ten years to find a publisher, but when Otherwhere came out in 2001, it sold well and went into a second printing. The publisher dropped it during the economic downturn of 2008 and for years used copies were much sought after and highly priced.This new revised and enlarged edition contains everything that was in the first, plus five new chapters detailing how I learned to communicate with beings encountered in nonphysical reality using a nonverbal language I call feel/think. It also provides notes demonstrating how my early adventures tally with the theosophical system of subtle bodies and planes discussed in The Multidimensional Human: Practices for Psychic Development and Astral Projection.Kurt Leland, 2019.* The previous sub-title was A Field Guide to Nonphysical Reality for the Out-of-Body Traveler

  • - Thoughts on Life, Death and the Nature of Reality
    by Mary Rose Barrington

    The author, a retired lawyer and former president of the Oxford University Society for Psychical Research has spent many years researching psychic phenomena and observing how it interacts with our daily lives. In Talking about Psychical Research: Thoughts on Life, Death and the Nature of Reality, Mary Rose Barrington asks, "What is the point of psychical research?" She goes on to share her thoughts on subjects including telepathy, clairvoyance, ' jotts', scepticism, psychic force and her small theory of everything, and in doing so provides us with an enlightening, erudite and entertaining read.

  • - What Near-Death and Other Spiritually Transformative Experiences Teach Us About God and Afterlife
    by Ken R Vincent

    Over a century ago, William James in Varieties of Religious Experience made the case that, "The founders of every church owed their power originally to the fact of their direct personal communication with the Divine." From the 1960s to the present day, thousands of cases have been recorded that demonstrate religious/spiritual/mystic experiences are quite common.Numerous social science surveys done over the past 50 years indicate that at least 50% of us have had a Spiritually Transformative Experience. Using the same tools that social scientists and medical researchers employ to study all other facets of human behavior, researchers have gained fresh insights into how humans experience God in the here-and-now and in the hereafter. The results of this research include:1. God (aka, Ultimate Reality/Great Spirit) is with us and not distant.2. Judgment is a reality. In the NDE, the experiencer is often brought before a divine judge/being of light for a "life review." This can be frightening, comforting, or both; nevertheless, it is awesome.3. Hell is not permanent. Hell is for purification and rehabilitation and not eternal punishment.4. Religious groups that declare that theirs is the only path to God and salvation are totally wrong. NDE and other religious experiences (e.g., after-death communications, death-bed visions) are replete with stories of people of all faiths and denominations in heaven.5. "By their fruits you shall know them." Virtually all of the books on the NDE and other religious experiences mentioned in this book speak to the fact that these events change people for the better.What is universal is from God; the remainder of religion is cultural.

  • - Messages of Wisdom from Soldiers in the Afterlife
    by Jonathan Beecher

    In the first of a series of "White Crow Anthologies," In Times of War: Messages of Wisdom from Soldiers in the Afterlifedocuments conversations with soldiers who purport to have been near death or killed as a result of war. The communicators aren't mystics, sages or saints-just ordinary people who having passed on claim they haven't died at all and feel more alive than ever in their post-physical state. From Plato's time 2,400 years ago to the Seven Years' War of the 1700s to World War I and II and Vietnam-the messages just keep on coming-all offering words of wisdom from those a little further along the path having crossed the great divide we call death. Does what we believe now matter after physical death? Does our mental state here influence our post-death state? Do our thoughts and actions during life have consequences in the afterlife? These are big questions that at some point many of us ask ourselves particularly in the latter stages of life. What is it like to die? Does forgiveness play a part in our spiritual evolution? Do heaven, purgatory and hell exist? The communicators offer opinions on these subjects and more. This book may not have all the answers, but if the reader is asking any of these questions, it might help in some small way.

  • - Conventional & Nonconventional Healing of Mental Illness
    by Alex Tanous

    "Dr Alex Tanous (1926-1990) was a renowned international lecturer on the topics of well-being, creativity and parapsychology. A self-professed psychic, he spent 20 years of his life while working as a university lecturer being tested for his claims of 'light project' and going 'out-of-the-body' at will. He was also well-known for placing his predictions of future events on record. This book - written in the 1980s by Tanous and colleagues - "gives an overview of an innovative approach in the combined fields of conventional and [non]-conventional psychotherapeutic healing". This is one of several books released by the Alex Tanous Foundation in recent years for historical preservation. Fascinating accounts are relayed by Tanous and colleagues, with additional writings from respected renowned scientists and professionals to provide modern reflection on this historical piece."

  • - What Sceptics Say About the Paranormal, Why They Are Wrong, and Why It Matters
    by Robert McLuhan

    The One Million Dollar Paranormal Challenge was a cash prize offered from 1964 to 2015 by stage magician James 'The Amazing' Randi for anyone who could convince him they had psychic powers. No one ever came close to winning, proof, say sceptical scientists, that there is no such thing as 'the paranormal'. But are they right? In this illuminating and often provocative analysis, Robert McLuhan examines the influence of Randi and other debunking sceptics in shaping scientific opinion about such things as telepathy, psychics, ghosts and near-death experiences. He points out that scientific researchers who investigate these things at first hand overwhelmingly consider them to be genuinely anomalous. But this has shocking implications, for science, for society and for even perhaps for ourselves as individuals. Hence the sceptics' insistence that they should rather be attributed to fraud, imagination and wishful thinking. However, this extraordinary and little understood aspect of consciousness has much to tell us about the human situation, McLuhan suggests. And at a time when militants are polarising the debate about religion, its mystical, spiritual element offers an optimistic and enlightened way forward. Randi's Prize is aimed at anyone interested in spirituality or those curious to know the truth about paranormal claims. It's an intelligent and readable analysis of scientific research into the paranormal which, uniquely, also closely examines the arguments of well-known sceptics.

  • - : Further Examples of Remarkable Communication from Beyond
    by William Stainton Moses & M a Oxon

    More Spirit Teachings,firstpublished in 1892, follows on from Spirit Teachingsexpounding wisdom and truths from Imperator and his group of discarnate communicators. Subjects discussed include Christ's purpose for incarnating on Earth, spirit influence, reincarnation, capital punishment, the hierarchy of communication, the nature of God, truth and fallacy in the Bible, divine judgement versus self judgement and much more. During one communicationon capital punishment they explained: "Under no circumstances should it be allowed. The soul, suddenly severed from the body is thrown back and becomes grievously dangerous to humanity. The guardians cannot draw near and great difficulties are set in the way of its progress. It is only those who have passed away that know what evils follow from this rude and barbarous punishment. "To punish by the withdrawal of what you call life is an act of senseless folly. … Reform or seclude the criminal but never kill the body, as you sever from a body a spirit that has not fulfilled its time in your sphere of being." * * * * * "Your Bible contains within it many gems of truth but if man is to benefit from it, he must learn discrimination." ~ Imperator "In the Man Christ Jesus the spiritual principle was most fully evoked, and fitly was He called the 'Son of God' in the language of Eastern hyperbole. The Son of God He was in the sense of being the most godlike of any who have walked this earth."~ Imperator

  • - Through the Mediumship of William Stainton Moses
    by William Stainton Moses & M a Oxon

    William Stainton Moses, an Anglican priest, authoredSpirit Teachingsin 1883, nine years before his passing. It is now considered a classic in the Spiritualist genre. Initially, Moses was antagonistic toward spirit communication, calling the mediumship of D. D. Home "the dreariest twaddle". However, in 1872 he attended a séance for the first time and five months later became aware he had psychic abilities which eventually manifested as automatic writing. Later that same year, a communicator writing through his hand introduced himself as Imperator Servus Dei, claiming he was the leader of a band of 49 spirits communicating from the seventh sphere - their purpose, to work out the will of the Almighty. Much of the communication came via a spirit named Rector, who claimed to reside in a lower sphere than Imperator's team, one closer to our physical vibration, which enabled dialogue. Imperator and the other communicators answered many questions Moses put to them such as the nature of reality, life after physical life, spirit influence, skepticism, Jesus, the Second Coming, prayer, disposal of the body and much more. Moses found his Christian dogma constantly challenged by what came through his hand. During one sitting, Imperator explained, "Friend, you must discriminate between God's truths and man's glosses". Stainton Moses' writings have become essential reading for truth seekers with an interest in life and death and despite the nineteenth century vernacular, the messages of wisdom are timeless and appeal to reason.

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