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Books published by Xenophon Press LLC

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  • - Completely Footnoted Collector's Edition
    by Gustav Steinbrecht

    Gustav Steinbrechts Gymnasium of the Horse is one of the great milestones of equestrian literature, alongside Xenophon, de Pluvinel, Newcastle, and de la Gueriniere. It forms a connection and transition between two eras. On one hand, it is the culmination of the equestrian literature of the late 18th century and 19th century that, under the influence of the Industrial Revolution, tried to explain equine biomechanics by comparing the body to a mechanical device. On the other hand, it forms the theoretical foundation for the H. Dv. 12 German Cavalry Manual on the training of horse and rider [Xenophon Press 2014] and its successor, the Richtlinien fuer Reiten und Fahren of the German National Federation. The Gymnasium of the Horse belongs on every dressage riders bookshelf. Its the kind of book that needs to be studied, because every word is chosen deliberately, and every sentence is full of knowledge and meaning. Its a book that needs to be re-read regularly, because with each new reading, your understanding will evolve and deepen. It is a true classic, because it is universally accepted and admired, not only in Germany, but also in the rest of the dressage world, as it contains so much wisdom, so much invaluable advice that even 130 years later, it has lost nothing of its relevance. Steinbrecht formulates rules, principles, and guidelines for horse training more concisely and more sharply than almost any other author. His book has truly stood the test of time.

  • - What the Horses Have Told Me
    by Dominique Giniaux

  • - Correspondence, Photographs and Notes Chronicled by Michel Henriquet
    by Michel Henriquet

  • - Fully footnoted and annotated edition.
    by Gustav Steinbrecht

  • - The Struggle of Modern Dressage: The Struggle of Modern Dressage
    by Dominique Barbier & Liz Conrod

  • - The Education and Writings of H.D. Chamberline 1907-
    by Harry D Chamberlin

  • - also known as "A General System of Horsemanship" an updated facsimile of the London edition of 1743
    by William Steinkraus & William Cavendish

    Xenophon Press presents the modern reader with a uniquely accessible edition of this equestrian classic. The text is updated to modern spellings and the fonts have been modernized for ease of reading. The gift-quality collector's edition hardcover includes all of the magnificent original engraved illustrations and pattern diagrams.

  • - America's Equestrian Genius
    by Warren C Matha

  • by Harry D Chamberlin

  • - A Grass Roots Advocacy for Classical Horsemanship from Arena to Savannah
    by Sussanah Cord

  • by Robert P Arthur

  • - Expanded Full Color Edition
    by Mark Russell

    Lessons in Lightness Expanded Full Color Edition by Mark Russell, published posthumously, further advances the concept of Art Form Riding first presented in the 2004 edition ofLessons in Lightness.

  • by Harry Dwight Chamberlin
    £37.99 - 42.99

  • by Ylvie Fros

    Harmony, Lightness and Horses is a collection of short articles about the use of the body and the mind for horse riders."This book presents you with some of my experience, hands-on exercises and tips on how to use your body and mind to find harmony and lightness with your horse. This book explains the essence, the ultimate goal of riding; the feeling of harmony, elegance and lightness all of us riders are looking for and sometimes find glimpses of. With a new perspective on the training of the horse, the seat and the relationship between human and horse, there is something in this training approach for everybody." - Ylvie Fros

  • - also known as 'Breaking and Riding with full military commentaries'
    by James Fillis

    James Fillis' (1834-1913) contribution to the development of dressage as we know it today cannot be overlooked. Fillis was a pupil of François Caron, who was a direct pupil of François Baucher. Fillis also studied with Victor Franconi. Fillis was widely revered and respected by his contemporaries as a master horse trainer. There are simple truths that James Fillis expressed very clearly in his first French language text, Principes de dressage et d'equitation. This text, translated by M. H. Hayes was given the title: Breaking and Riding. Today, the term 'breaking' is not looked upon with favor in the equestrian community. Notwithstanding the good intentions of Mr. Hayes, in this unique edition, Xenophon Press has used the exact literal translation of the original French title hence our edition is entitled: Principles of Dressage and Equitation. In fairness to M. H. Hayes, the Duke of Newcastle defined 'Break' as follows:"to break a horse in trotting, is to make him light upon the hand by trotting, in order to make him fit for a gallop. To break a horse for hunting, is to supple him, to make him take the habit of running." In the original French text, where Fillis used the term dressage to refer to basic training, we have used the term 'training' instead of 'breaking.' And, where Fillis used the term dressage to refer to haute école, we have used the term 'dressage' instead of 'breaking.' These re-translations are closer to Fillis' original meaning.Our re-titled text with direct translations of the original French content sheds new positive light on Fillis' historically important magnum opus. Our fully footnoted edition is richly annotated and contains all the additional material from the authoritative J. A. Allen edition by exclusive permission granted to Xenophon Press. We are especially grateful for the proofreading of Brenner Klenzman in this edition.This exclusive edition of Principles of Dressage and Equitation is the only edition available both in print and as an e-book.

  • - A blueprint for the serious rider
    by Miguel Tavora

    Miguel de Lancastre e Tavora was a master rider, trainer, and instructor. His genuine love and care for the well-being of horses comes through on every page. His Kind, calm, and methodical approach is laid out in a progressive sequence that adheres strictly to the principles of the FEI.Christopher Hector speaks of his lessons with Miguel Tavora (quoted from his introduction):"This is a work book, a blueprint for the serious rider. After the training sessions I had with Miguel-when I was back home riding, I suddenly had a whole new vocabulary of school movements, of techniques to apply. "Just as every training session with Miguel developed gently, logically, each step, each exercise building on the last, so too this work. I know of no other book in the English language that provides such sophisticated and detailed prescriptions for horse and rider as they move to the ultimate goal: collection, and horse and rider as one. "So much of the 'dressage' we see in the competition ring is distressing to watch. Riders leaning back, rudely, crudely pushing their horses into hard and unyielding hands. Is it any wonder that their horses go hollow, shorten behind, and wave their front legs in an extravagant manner that fools only the ignorant? Sadly, this group includes a number of five-star international judges. "What I find so puzzling is that this style of training not only produces such a sorry result, but it is so taxing on both horse and rider. The rider must ride the whole time in a state of tension, to balance the tension he has provoked in the horse. It is oh-so-different when I watch Miguel work with one of his talented pupils. Here the rider is relaxed and soft and the horse willingly gives his back. As the exercises progress, the horse and rider move into a balance that is as beautiful as it is functional. "Do yourself and your horse a favour. Study this book. Use it as your day-to-day guide. I promise it will reward you and your horse many times over."

  • - A Blueprint for the Serious Rider
    by Miguel de Lancastre e Tavora

  • - A Method of Breaking Horses, and Teaching Soldiers to Ride by The Earl of Pembroke & A Treatise on Military Equitation by William Tyndale
    by Wiliams Tyndale & Henry Herbert Earl of Pembroke

    Eighteenth Century Equitation presents two classic English works on the training of military riders and horses at the start of the Napoleonic era, when "the cavalry arm," as Louis A. DiMarco has observed, "reached the highest point of its popular and professional acclaim"- A Method of Breaking Horses, and Teaching Soldiers to Ride, by Henry Herbert, 10th Earl of Pembroke, and A Treatise on Military Equitation, by William Tyndale.Written for riding masters and officers in British service, these clear and concise manuals will provide contemporary equestrian readers with historical knowledge of military theory as practiced by the light cavalry, historical insight on a moment in the evolution of horsemanship as influenced by mounted warfare, and sound principles and lessons still valuable for the improvement of horsemanship and equitation-professional or amateur, military or civilian. Xenophon Press is pleased to present these important works by the Earl of Pembroke and William Tyndale in facsimile, reproducing the fourth and final edition of Pembroke's work and the only edition of Tyndale's. The texts are complete with their original 22 plates, and are accompanied with an introduction and explanatory notes by Dr. Charles Caramello, John H. Daniels Fellow at the National Sporting Library and Museum in Middleburg, Virginia.

  • - Wherein can be seen the Manner in which one Schools Docile Horses and everything that is required and necessary to make an excellent and perfect Horseman according to the practices of his Academies Embellished by many excellent Figures realistically execu
    by Antoine de Pluvinel

    Unquestionably one of the most important books ever written about the art of horsemanship, de Pluvinel's treatise is complete with the celebrated illustrations by Crispin de Pas.

  • by Lisbeth Asay

  • by D'Eisenberg Baron

    A contemporary of de la Gueriniere, Eisenberg was trained in the European Royal riding academies including the Viennese Spanish Riding school under Regenthal. Eisenberg is prominently featured in Koert van der Horst's "Great Books on Horsemanship" with over 8 pages of coverage.

  • - With Appendix I: Recollections From LOUIS RUL and EUGENE CARON With Appendix II: Commentary by LOUIS SEEGER From his pamphlet: MR. BAUCHER AND HIS ART: A SERIOUS WORD WITH THE RIDERS OF GERMANY
    by Albert Decarpentry

  • by Eleanor Russell

    This great book is the next in Xenophon Press' series by the students of Master Nuno Oliveira. Eleanor Russell studied with Oliveira for over ten years. For an entire year, she studied horsemanship with her stallion, Victorieux in Avessada, Portugal. During this time, she took dutiful notes of her master's teachings and faithfully recorded quotations of his lessons and discussions. Ms. Russell was permitted to photograph him in his daily work on average horses. This book is filled with candid, un-posed photographs seldom before seen. The lessons are practical and concrete. This volume illustrates daily life at the stables and reveals many secrets to understanding many classical dressage movements.This great book is the next in Xenophon Press' series by the students of Master Nuno Oliveira. Eleanor Russell studied with Oliveira for over ten years. For an entire year, she studied horsemanship with her stallion, Victorieux in Avessada, Portugal. During this time, she took dutiful notes of her master's teachings and faithfully recorded quotations of his lessons and discussions. Ms. Russell was permitted to photograph him in his daily work on average horses. This book is filled with candid, un-posed photographs seldom before seen. The lessons are practical and concrete. This volume illustrates daily life at the stables and reveals many secrets to understanding many classical dressage movements.

  • - also known as BREAKING AND RIDING' with military commentaries, The Definitive Edition
    by James Fillis

  • - Advanced Dressage Techniques
    by Francois Lemaire de Ruffieu

    Just as small streams make big rivers, Divide and Conquer Book 1 explains a myriad of details on how to address each of the horses body parts for training purposes. Divide and Conquer Book 2 regroups these details to show how to accomplish all of the upper level movements and provides several techniques designed to educate riders to achieve their short and long term goals. In a clear and simple method, Franois Lemaire de Ruffieu describes all the longitudinal and lateral movements including flying changes of lead at close intervals, canter pirouette, piaffe and passage, along with patterns and exercises that develop them.All techniques for the upper level movements employ the horses natural reflexes to stimuli at their foundations. The techniques provide a sound basis of training for any level and any discipline.Dressage is an Art, and as such, can be viewed in many different ways. History shows that some extraordinary riding masters were radically different in their theories: Riders physical characteristics and differences in horse breeding have influenced Riding Masters leaving us a rich history of techniques with which to educate our horses properly. Dressage tends to follow fashion. Nevertheless, the goals of dressage have always remained the same: render the horse agreeable, easy to ride, well-balanced, straight and responding instantaneously to the slightest aids. Dressage is a school of obedience as well as a school of thought.

  • - Fundamental Dressage Techniques
    by Francois Lemaire de Ruffieu

    Calm, Forward and Straight must always serve as a guideline during the training and the order should not be interchanged. On this subject, all Riding Schools worldwide agree. These schools diverge only in their style due to the culture of their own country. In these volumes, I recapture and explain the foundations provided by the great Masters. I have provided appropriate exercises to recreate, develop, and enhance the horse's natural gaits that should be the common denominator of all riding styles and training disciplines, including Dressage, Jumpers, Hunters, Western, Pleasure, and many others. Book One includes the training progression from the beginning of the elementary level. The training mastered in Book One will be necessary to accomplish the collected and extended gaits, pirouette at the canter, tempe flying changes of lead, piaffe and passage in Book Two. Although different training methods can produce similar results, a rider must know what to do, how to do it, and, perhaps most important, why he/she is doing it. The fundamentals are explained in Book One and should be mastered for the simple reason that what a horse has learned in the early stages of his education will remain with him for his entire life. Later, should a training problem occur, one can always revisit these fundamentals, review, improve, and perfect them. This work study explains how to Divide and Conquer the horses body parts. To be able to properly perform the exercises, the horse should be able to find the appropriate head position independent of the rider. If these exercises, alone, do not result in the horse being able to find the appropriate head and body position, I explain the prerequisites to correctly set the horses head: cession (yielding) of the mouth and the flexion of the poll.

  • by Piero Santini

    The Forward Impulse describes in simple language how to balance the horse through engagement of the haunches, enlightened use of the seat, and conscientious elasticity of the hand. Not one in a hundred riders has access to the kind of teaching that focuses on controlled energy of the haunches. This book puts the focus where it belongs: first on the engine; then, on the system of aids that manages that power to create an opportunity for the horse to express himself with magnificent gaits. The main subject of Piero Santini's second book, The Forward Impulse is the action of the hand and its relation to the natural forward balance of the horse-the forward thrust from the haunches-typical of the Italian School advocated by his teacher, Federico Caprilli. Santini elaborates on the correct use of balance, the rider's legs, use of the hand, in many disciplines including indoor and outdoor riding, jumping, steeplechase, racing, polo, and even side-saddle.Xenophon Press is proud to offer the opportunity for riders to see for themselves how logical and systematic this dream can be. The great master Piero Santini was not just a great jumping rider, but a great rider in all disciplines, during a time when the line between disciplines was blurry, and in Santini's case, nonexistent. During his lifetime, Santini was considered the greatest riding teacher in North America, bringing his direct knowledge from Caprilli, the inventor of forward seat jumper riding.

  • - The de Nemethy Method
    by Bertalan De Nemethy

  • - How, Why and When to use the legs, the seat and the hands with step by step illustrated instructions for basic skills and advanced exercises.
    by Francois Lemaire de Ruffieu

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