About 33 Marvelous Mantras For Artful Parenting
In any most difficult and impossible type situations, the easiest and miracle working kind of help or solution one would seek is a tool called Mantra. The whole world desires and depends on that shortcut, Mantra, to bring even God and heaven down to the human world to make their works happening and falling on its way.
Parenting is seen by almost every parent as tougher than building a golden castle. Parents of single child, two or more, each one finds it easier to place a satellite rightly in the space than making their wards listen to and follow their instructions.
They find making peace among the world countries and cause ceasefire a lighter task than creating peace between or among the siblings.
33 Marvelous Mantras For Artful Parenting is an attempt to provide handy tools for such parents that see parenting as nightmarish and traumatic daily shocks. It provides a simple way out to ease them from all worries and assure them to have a desired happy parenting. A Mantra a day, is a teacher, a guide, a help, a remedy, a medicine and a load of golden bricks for a happy and joyous golden castle with dos and do nots in parenting.
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