About 5 and 1 Diet Cookbook
Win the Trust of Your Customers with this Original Cookbook!
Struggling to fight hunger and you still unable to lose few pounds?
Take it Easy ! The good new for you is that the 5&1 diet combined with a little goodwill can be the solution to your problems !
5&1 is a modern diet scientifically formulated with the right balance of carbohydrates, proteins and fats that helps promote effective fat burning
Here''s a quick peek of what you will find inside this cookbook:
ΓÇó What 5&1 Diet Consists and why is so Effective? Γ£ôΓÇó How to Find the Right Diet Plan for You Γ£ôΓÇó The Most Affordable Weight Loss Method Γ£ôΓÇó The Super Advantage of Lean and Green Recipes Γ£ôΓÇó 200 Delicious Recipes Carefully Selected Γ£ôΓÇó Super Simple Meals and Snacks to Prepare with Step by Step Instructions Γ£ô
This cookbook has left no stone unturned in introducing you to how to make such recipes, with efficient meal plans and tips that give you lasting results. This guide is simple to understand but comprehensive
Already many people have achieved amazing results following this diet plan, managing to completely transform their body.
The Best Way to Make Customers Addicted to Your Store!
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