About A Background to Modern America
The USA is a country that fascinates people worldwide; but with its great contrasts, its diversity, its innovation and its iconic figures, the "leader of the free world" is a country that is not always easy to understand, particularly for those who have never set foot on American soil. Exploring the background to this country is thus a vital step for anyone wanting to comprehend the United States as a nation, its values, its priorities and the American way of life.This book is a balanced collection of twenty-two informative, connected but self-contained texts that throw light on different faces of modern America, its origins, its people and its institutions. As well as being complete in itself, each text is also part of an overall and rounded narrative that has been carefully written for the specific needs of advanced level students in schools and colleges around the world, including in the United States.Structured thematically, not by difficulty of language nor by grammar, this collection of texts offers an original and unique approach to the teaching of American studies in the context of ESL or EFL or language arts, at the higher end of secondary education or senior high school, and college / university. It is also appropriate for home reading and general interest.Texts, which vary in length between 700 and 1200 words and are mostly graded C1 on the CEFR scale (ACTFL Advanced Mid to Advanced High), are accompanied by a range of different language exercises designed to develop reading skills and linguistic awareness. Varied in function of each individual unit, these cover comprehension and expression, words and meanings, grammar and style. From native Americans and their past, to Los Angeles and its future, take a trip through the background to modern America, discover and learn.
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