About A Basket of Goodies
Life is a short journey, and in this short journey, there are many tasks. We have to breathe, drink water, and eat to stay alive. We have to sleep to have energy, to associate with others, to educate ourselves in order to have better lives, to have fun, to work, so it can provide for us, and... On the way to this journey, we have to stop once in a while and think about others and about the future of the world. The topics in A Basket of Goodies are deeply interwoven with our daily lives, and we are witnessing tragedies related to one subject in this book or another. By learning from each other and reflecting on the existing pain, we can prevent some of these tragedies. This book encourages humanity to overcome differences and seeks everlasting peace for all of humankind by understanding important social and economic differences and problems. If a young person can learn some things from it, it has completed its purpose. If it can bring a shed of joy to an elderly person, it has done better. And if it provides knowledge to a middle-aged person, it has done excellently. I consider this work as a part of my contribution to all that I owe to the world.
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