About A History of the Railways in Argentina
In this captivating journey through Argentina's railways history, López, Waddell y Martínez presentan illuminating narrative spanning 158 years. This translated edition, originally published inSpanish as Historia del ferrocarril en Argentina, offers global readers a unique insight into thecountry's railways evolution.Navigating previously uncharted historical terrain, this book addresses gaps in prior works. Until2007 Spanish edition, no comprehensive account covered Argentina's railways. Authors broke freefrom politicized narratives, fostering academic railway historiography. This edition, fortified bya robust bibliography, presents an authentic portrayal of railways' transformative role. Structuredinto six pivotal periods, the book unveils shifting railway policies. From pragmatic beginnings toprivate sector involvement, State regulation, and nationalisation, each era reflects policy changes.Beyond factual accuracy, the book delves into the influence of public policy on railways. Authorsnavigate complexities of policy choices and socio-economic impact, offering multi-dimensionalinsights into Argentina's history.Paddy Farrell's translation ensures resonance in English. Collaborative efforts with authors ensureprecision and clarity. Valuable archival photos illustrate each chapter, enriching the reader'sexperience. The updated bibli- ography facilitates further exploration.A History of the Railways in Argentina highlights the crucial role of the railway system in shapingArgentina's development and economy. Its absence underscores the challenges faced in moderntimes. The authors invite readers to uncover Argentina's railways story, bridging language and culture to connect with global history.
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