About A Pilgrim Family Devotional
For family and individual meditations, containing, Robert Murray McCheyne's DAILY BREAD (which contains an adjustment for Leap Years), Charles Haddon Spurgeon's A PURITAN CATECHISM, the 1742 PHILADELPHIA BAPTIST CONFESSION of FAITH, and selected hymns and psalms. All Scriptures contained in this volume are from the English Standard Version of the Holy Bible.Catechism and Confession of Faith have been updated and edited in moderen English for ease of understanding.--M'Cheyne's DAILY BREAD is a systematic Bible plan with scripture portions from the Bible to read daily in the morning and evening, for individuals and families, so that the Bible may be read completely through in the course of one year (the New Testament & Psalms twice, and the Old Testament once).--Charles Spurgeon's A PURITAN CATECHISM contains 82 basic questions and answers of simple Biblical truth, made up from the Westminster Shorter Catechism and the Baptist Catechism, so that disciplined (not vain) repetitions and meditation upon those Biblical truths will aid in causing the truth to sink into the soul.--The 1742 PHILADELPHIA BAPTIST CONFESSION contains 34 small chapters detailing, in systematic form, the theology of Bible truth.--Seven select, well-known hymns are included at the end of this little book, followed by seven select psalms from the 1650 Scottish Psalter.Having all of these elements combined in a singular place will aid the serious Bible student in disciplined singings, readings, and meditations on God's Word daily. Its compilation into one unit makes this book unique and useful, and more likely to be used.
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