In 2014, my brother gave me a copy of a manuscript he had written. Not thinking much at the time, I put it aside and didn't think about it again...until four years later.
Fast forward to October of 2018. He knocked on my door. I hadn't seen him or spoken to him in a while, as we were in a silly sibling fight. But that morning he was in tremendous pain and didn't feel well. As it turned out, he had advanced colon cancer that had already spread. He was gone 2 months later. Tom was survived by his only son, who was 9-years-old at the time.
During the clean-out of his home I found a hard copy of the "Advice to my Child "manuscript. I came to think that my dear brother sensed his impending fate and wanted to impart wisdom and direction on his son before he passed. Tom must have known he was not long for this world.
Much of his advice was too advanced for a 9-year-old then, but now his teenage son can read for himself and understand his father a little better. My wish is that this manuscript will serve as a discussion point for his son to ask and learn.
Also, I hope that this book, will assist other parents to open awkward discussions about the facts of life with their preteen and teenagers.
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