About Allen, M: Church
How precious is the church to you? One of the greatest challenges of our time is to overcome a growing dissatisfaction with church membership. More and more have come to believe they can have Christ without the church, even as the New Testament shows that upon salvation God gives us Jesus and His church. At your baptism, you received not only a Savior, but His people as well. Imperfect as they are, there is no greater honor and privilege than being inside the household of God, living as His son or daughter, interacting with our brothers and sisters. This workbook was designed as a refresher course for mature saints and young Christians alike. It reminds the bible student of the magnitude of salvation, properly defines New Testament Christianity, and identifies the church. It covers the authority of Christ and provides an overview of the leadership roles God put over the church. And finally, it covers the basic aspects of heart-filled and reverent worship. The principles surrounding the church must be taught repeatedly, so that our sincere understanding might be reinforced, 2 Peter 3.1. Every member of your congregation should go through this material.
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