About ArtGram
An interactive learning guide with templates available for students, parents or teachers. An introduction to the following art concepts: shading, colour theory and the elements and principles of design. A mathematical introduction to: area, perimeter, ratio, proportion, percent and the equations of lines. More information about our resources can be found at www.artofmathed.ca
Purchase and download the e-book from our payhip store for a cheaper rate and pages to print https://payhip.com/b/5Q6m
ArtGram is part of the Art of Math Education series. This book is intended to enhance student understanding of mathematics and visual arts by developing transferable skills. Students have the opportunity to visualize math concepts through art projects and strengthen their knowledge in both disciplines.The Art of Math program and series is a fun and engaging way for students to see art and math in the world around them. For students who struggle in math, this resource will help walk through step-by-step tips for understanding concepts. For students who are new to art, this resource provides introductory approaches to shading and blending techniques.For students with a passion for math and art who are strong in either subject, this resource helps to extend learning and push the boundaries of applying concepts in new and innovative ways.Visit www.ArtOfMathEd.wixsite.com/educate for more resources and online tutorials by @ArtOfMathEdCreated by Laura Briscoe and Jeni Van Kesteren
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