About Arville Garland, Trad Con Killer
Arville Garland was a hard-working, God-fearing traditional man earning a hardscrabble living in Ohio. But his daughter, Sandy, wanted a different life. She wanted college. And education and a career. So she left home to live with her boyfriend. In sin. Worse than that, she moved into what Garland regarded as the epitome of such sin, a hippy commune.
But it was worse than that. Arville Garland had not only seen his property take ownership of itself, steal itself from him, but take itself away and challenge every value its rightful owner held. One wonders, from afar, what else had happened to make Sandy despise her father so, but that can only be speculation. For him, it was enough that she had moved in to a commune with her allegedly drug abusing boyfriend.
It was in such a state of uninformed fury that Arville Garland set out late on the night of May 7th, 1970.
To kill his own daughter...
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