About Asperger Syndrome
This book will help you learn more about the Asperger Syndrome. Being a newly publicly acknowledged disorder, Asperger's is so little understood by the general public. Individuals with Asperger's are often misread and misjudged simply because they think, act and behave differently from the general population.
Difficulties in social situations, the constant rejection and harassment they experience often push people with Asperger to isolation.
Here are some of the topics covered:Detail overview and history of the Asperger Syndrome
Effects of the syndrome on social interactions
Effects of the syndrome on behavior and interests
Effects of the syndrome on speech and language
Effects of the syndrome on motor and sensory perception
Alternative therapies and treatments
Adults who suffer from Asperger
In this book, I am going to describe some common facts about Aspergers syndrome. In my first section, I tried to explain what Aspergers syndrome really is and how it is different from other kinds of neurological disorder. Aspergers syndrome has many symptoms that come into existence only when a child approaches his or her middle or high school. It really becomes mandatory to recognize the early signs of this syndrome so that the child should be provided proper cure and treatment and that's why I have explained some common symptoms of this syndrome.
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