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Books by Victor Hugo

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    by Victor Hugo
    £10.99 - 18.99

    Victor Hugo's tale of injustice, heroism and love follows the fortunes of Jean Valjean, an escaped convict determined to put his criminal past behind him. But his attempts to become a respected member of the community are constantly put under threat: by his own conscience, when, owing to a case of mistaken identity, another man is arrested in his place; and by the relentless investigations of the dogged policeman Javert. It is not simply for himself that Valjean must stay free, however, for he has sworn to protect the baby daughter of Fantine, driven to prostitution by poverty. A compelling and compassionate view of the victims of early nineteenth-century French society, Les Mis rables is a novel on an epic scale.

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    by Victor Hugo
    £5.99 - 14.99

    Den døve klokker ved Notre Dame-kirken i Paris, Quasimodo, forelsker sig i sigøjnerpigen Esmeralda. Også hans herre, ærkediakonen Claude Frollo, er forelsket i hende, hvilket får ham til at glemme alt om sit præsteløfte.Men Esmeralda har kun øje for den flotte og selvglade kaptajn Phoebus, som hun – trods mange beviser på det modsatte – mener gengælder hendes følelser. Værket er bearbejdet og tilrettet moderne retskrivning.OM FORFATTERENDen franske Victor Hugo (1802-1885) er med sin vidtspændende produktion en af 1800-tallets største forfattere. Bedst kendt er han nok for den historiske roman Notre-Dame de Paris fra 1831 og romanen Les Misérables, som udkom i 1862.

  • - Nouvelle edition en soutien a la reconstruction de la cathedrale: 1 euro par ouvrage reverse pendant 1 an a la Fondation du Patrimoine
    by Victor Hugo

    -- Le livre (1831-32) : Notre-Dame de Paris est un roman historique de l'écrivain français Victor Hugo, publié en 1831.Le titre fait référence à la cathédrale de Paris, Notre-Dame, qui est un des lieux principaux de l'intrigue du roman.Le roman se compose de 59 chapitres répartis en onze livres. Dans la première édition du roman, paru chez Charles Gosselin en mars 1831, trois chapitres sont coupés en raison des contraintes de longueur imposées par l'éditeur : ce sont le chapitre « Impopularité » (IV, 4) ainsi que les deux chapitres formant le livre V (« Abbas beati Martini » et « Ceci tuera cela »). Ces chapitres sont publiés dans la deuxième édition du roman, publiée en 1832, et considérée jusqu'à ce jour comme l'édition définitive. -- L'incendie de la cathédrale (2019) : Le 15 avril 2019, un violent incendie détruit la flèche et latotalité de la toiture couvrant la nef, le choeur et le transept deNotre-Dame de Paris. Il s'agit du plus important sinistre subipar la cathédrale depuis sa construction. Au lendemain del'incendie, le président de la République, Emmanuel Macron,annonce sa volonté de voir la reconstruction achevée dans undélai de cinq ans.-- Les passages prémonitoires de Victor Hugo : 188 ans après la parution de l'oeuvre de Victor Hugo, le bâtiment est ravagé par les flammes, le 15 avril 2019. Certains passages troublants du livre de Victor Hugo relatent : "Tous les yeux s'étaient levés vers le haut de l'église. Ce qu'ils voyaient était extraordinaire. Sur le sommet de la galerie la plus élevée, plus haut que la rosace centrale, il y avait une grande flamme qui montait entre les deux clochers avec des tourbillons d'étincelles, une grande flamme désordonnée et furieuse dont le vent emportait par moments un lambeau dans la fumée" "Au-dessus de la flamme, les énormes tours, de chacune desquelles on voyait deux faces crues et tranchées, l'une toute noire, l'autre toute rouge, semblaient plus grandes encore de toute l'immensité de l'ombre qu'elles projetaient jusque dans le ciel" (Victor Hugo)-- Le soutien au chantier : En soutien au chantier de reconstruction de la cathédrale, une partie des bénéfices de cette édition est reversé durant un an à la Fondation du Patrimoine créé dans le cadre de la mission de sauvegarde du patrimoine confiée à Stéphane Bern par le Président de la République en septembre 2017. Elle apporte enparticulier son soutien dans l'identification et la restauration des monuments en péril.

  • - Fantine: Unabridged Bilingual Edition: English-French
    by Victor Hugo

    Volume one of fiveThe unabridged form of this story runs to over 1,900 pages in either French or English, necessitating multiple volumes of this bilingual edition, which is designed to assist those learning French. The original French text appears on the right-hand pages of the book, with the corresponding English translation on the left-hand pages. Other bilingual books available from Sleeping Cat Books: The Picture of Dorian Gray Selected Works of Edgar Allan Poe Fables of Jean de La Fontaine Candide Shakespeare's Sonnets New Fairy Tales for Small Children The Tales of Mother GooseThe Count of Monte Cristo The Last of the Mohicans Madame Bovary

  • by Victor Hugo

    WORK IS IN FRENCH This book is a reproduction of a work published before 1920 and is part of a collection of books reprinted and edited by Hachette Livre, in the framework of a partnership with the National Library of France, providing the opportunity to access old and often rare books from the BnF's heritage funds.

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    by Victor Hugo

    Uhyggelige var de tider - 1500-1600-årene - hvor man uden blusel skamferede børns ansigter for at fremvise dem på gøglermarkeder. Om en sådan person handler dette omfattende værk. Gwynplaine hed han, hvis mundvige blev skåret op helt til ørene, og som høstede enormt bifald overalt hvor han optrådte. Vi hører om hele hans opvækst og videre skæbne, og ydermere får vi fuld indsigt i de politiske forhold i England på daværende tidspunkt.Hugo hører til de omhyggelige forfattere - forekommer der f. eks. et fyrtårn, får vi straks hele fyrvæsenets historie samt en teknisk gennemgang af hvordan et fyrtårn fungerer. Man kan føle sig fristet til at springe disse afsnit over - men det kan alligevel ikke anbefales.

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    by Victor Hugo

    "Klokkeren fra Notre Dame" er et af verdenslitteraturens hovedværker, stadig slugt af nye generationer af læsere, filmatiseret og indgået i vores fælles bevidsthed. Historien om den pukkelryggede klokker Quasimodo, den forelskede præst og den underskønne sigøjnerpige Esmeralda har alt, hvad man kan ønske sig af en historie - spænding, farverige historiske kulisser, psykologisk indsigt, død og kærlighed, flugt og jagt, begær og uskyld. Her i en anonym oversættelse fra 1910, der giver fortællingen en særlig kolorit og patina,

  • by Victor Hugo

    Gwynplaine joins a carnival and performs at fairs in England. It is later discovered that there is more to his past than meets the eye...

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    by Victor Hugo
    £8.99 - 9.49

    Rejected by fifteenth-century Parisian society, the hideously deformed bell-ringer Quasimodo believes he is safe under the watchful eye of his master, the Archdeacon Claude Frollo. But after Quasimodo saves the beautiful Romani girl Esmeralda from the gallows and brings her to sanctuary in the cathedral, he and Frollo's mutual desire for her puts them increasingly at odds, before compassion and cruelty clash with tragic results.An emotionally stirring story, Victor Hugo's The Hunchback of Notre-Dame is rightfully considered to be one of the finest novels ever written, and this beautiful edition, featuring an afterword by John Grant, is the perfect way to experience this unforgettable tale.Designed to appeal to the booklover, the Macmillan Collector's Library is a series of beautiful gift editions of much loved classic titles. Macmillan Collector's Library are books to love and treasure.

  • Save 21%
    by Victor Hugo

    Hugo's grand medieval melodrama tells the story of the beautiful Esmeralda, a gypsy girl loved by three men: Archdeacon Frollo, his adoptive son Quasimodo, bell-ringer of Notre-Dame cathedral, and Captain Phoebus.

  • by Victor Hugo

    Er du over den første ungdom, vil du nikke genkendende til disse strofer. Er du ung, så ved du hvad der venter dig - men det har også en vis sødme over sig.

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    by Victor Hugo

    Baráttan við fátæktina og misréttið hefur kostað Fantine lífið. Jean Valjean er enn á ný á flótta undan fortíð sinni en réttsýni lögreglumaðurinn Javert er stöðugt á hælum hans. Þrátt fyrir mótbyr heldur Valjean ótrauður áfram í baráttunni fyrir réttlæti en hann hafði lofað Fantine að vernda dóttur hennar, Cosette, sem sætir illri meðferð í fóstri hjá Thénardier fjölskyldunni. Hér kristallast barátta milli góðs og ills í áhrifamikilli frásögn um von, æðruleysi og elju.Bókaserían Vesalingarnir kom fyrst út árið 1862 og naut umsvifalaust mikilla vinsælda. Bókin hefur verið þýdd á fjölda tungumála og er talin ein áhrifamesta skáldsaga sem gefin hefur verið út í Evrópu. Sagan gerist á fyrrihluta 19. aldar í Frakklandi þegar miklar hræringar eiga sér stað í samfélaginu. Þar fléttast líf ólíkra einstaklinga saman í örlagaríka atburðarás þrunginnar ástríðu, áræðis, og þrautseigju. Eftir skáldsögunni hafa verið gerðar fjölmargar kvikmyndir en árið 2012 fóru Hugh Jackman, Anne Hathaway og Russel Crowe með aðalhlutverk í eftirgerð Vesalingana undir leikstjórn Tom Hoopers.Victor Hugo (1802-1885) var franskur skáldsagna-, ljóða- og leikritahöfundur. Hann er talinn einn fremsti og áhrifamesti rithöfundur Frakklands en Vesalingarnir og Hringjarinn í Notre Dame eru meðal þekktustu skáldsagna hans. Ásamt því að vera einn af máttarstólpum rómantísku stefnunnar á 19. öld var Hugo einnig mikill mannréttindasinni og endurspeglast þau viðhorf í mörgum verka hans. Fjöldi bóka Hugos hefur verið endurgerður í formi sviðsverka og kvikmynda.

  • by Victor Hugo

    Pearson English Readers bring language learning to life through the joy of reading. Well-written stories entertain us, make us think, and keep our interest page after page. Pearson English Readers offer teenage and adult learners a huge range of titles, all featuring carefully graded language to make them accessible to learners of all abilities. Through the imagination of some of the world's greatest authors, the English language comes to life in pages of our Readers. Students have the pleasure and satisfaction of reading these stories in English, and at the same time develop a broader vocabulary, greater comprehension and reading fluency, improved grammar, and greater confidence and ability to express themselves. Find out more at english.com/readers

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    by Victor Hugo
    £5.99 - 7.49

    Jean Valjean er staðráðinn í að snúa baki við glæpsamlegri fortíð sinni og verða að heiðarlegum manni. Eftir margra ára fangelsisvist og eymd tekst honum að skapa sér nafn sem auðugur verksmiðjueigandi og borgarstjóri. Á sama tíma fer lífið ekki ljúfum höndum um hina ungu Fatine sem eignast dóttur utan hjónabands og þarf í kjölfarið að færa fórnir sem ræna hana stoltinu og lífsgæðunum. Vesalingarnir er í senn átakanleg og hjartnæm saga sem lýsir mikilvægi samkenndar og kærleika þegar móti blæs. Bókaserían Vesalingarnir kom fyrst út árið 1862 og naut umsvifalaust mikilla vinsælda. Bókin hefur verið þýdd á fjölda tungumála og er talin ein áhrifamesta skáldsaga sem gefin hefur verið út í Evrópu. Sagan gerist á fyrrihluta 19. aldar í Frakklandi þegar miklar hræringar eiga sér stað í samfélaginu. Þar fléttast líf ólíkra einstaklinga saman í örlagaríka atburðarás þrunginnar ástríðu, áræðis, og þrautseigju. Eftir skáldsögunni hafa verið gerðar fjölmargar kvikmyndir en árið 2012 fóru Hugh Jackman, Anne Hathaway og Russel Crowe með aðalhlutverk í eftirgerð Vesalingana undir leikstjórn Tom Hoopers. Victor Hugo (1802-1885) var franskur skáldsagna-, ljóða- og leikritahöfundur. Hann er talinn einn fremsti og áhrifamesti rithöfundur Frakklands en Vesalingarnir og Hringjarinn í Notre Dame eru meðal þekktustu skáldsagna hans. Ásamt því að vera einn af máttarstólpum rómantísku stefnunnar á 19. öld var Hugo einnig mikill mannréttindasinni og endurspeglast þau viðhorf í mörgum verka hans. Fjöldi bóka Hugos hefur verið endurgerður í formi sviðsverka og kvikmynda.

  • by Stendhal, Honore de Balzac, Guy de Maupassant, et al.

    1100 citations des grands écrivains français du XIXe siècle

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    by Stendhal, Guy de Maupassant, Gustave Flaubert, et al.

    700 citations des grands écrivains du XIXe siècle

  • - Rædselsåret
    by Victor Hugo & Peter Eliot Juhl

    1793 er Victor Hugos sidste roman. Den udkom i 1874, tre år efter Pariserkommunens blodige oprør, som var et resultat af en folkelig revolte efter Napoleon III's nederlag i den fransk-tyske krig. Romanens omdrejningspunkt er de kontrarevolutionære revolter i Vendée og Chouannerie under den franske revolution i 1793. Hver af romanens tre dele fortæller en forskellig historie og giver forskellige synsvinkler på de generelle historiske begivenheder. Handlingen foregår hovedsageligt i Bretagne og Paris.

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    by Victor Hugo

    Victor Hugo is one of the best-known French writers, and one of the greatest literary figures of all time. His poetry made him famous very early, cementing his reputation as one of the greatest lyric poets when he was only 20 years old. We have selected for you 28 of his most well-known and powerful poems, mosty from the immortal Autumn Leaves and Contemplations. They are, in order: Childhood; Death, il Life; Epitaph; Have you nothing to say for yourself; How Butterflies are born; I am content; Inscription for a crucifix; Satire on the Earth; St John; The Dying Child to its Mother; The Poet's Simple Faith; The Vale to you, to me the Heights; Infantile Influence; Sunset; The Patience of the People; The Poet's Love for Liveliness; The Universal Prayer; The Watching Angel; Dictated before the Rhone Glacier; Tribute to the Vanquished. Enjoy the intense rhythm and depth of Hugo's poetry, an essential part of French culture and one of the most beautiful works of poerty ever written.

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    by Victor Hugo

    Victor Hugo is one of the best-known French writers, and is part of the greatest literary figures of all time. His poetry made him famous very early, cementing his reputation as one of the greatest lyric poets when he was only 20 years old. He was also a novelist and a dramatist, and furthered the cause of Romanticism, this exalted artistic movement which toyed with Sublime and soared on the winds of emotion. Hugo was also actively involved in politics, defending the poor until his last breath; he was even forced into exile, from which he kept on writing, beloved by the masses he stood up for. When he died, it was an intense day of mourning in France, and more than two million people joined his funeral procession to the Panthéon. Today, most large towns in France have at least a street named after him. We have selected for you 28 of his most well-known and powerful poems, mosty from the immortal Autumn Leaves and Contemplations. Enjoy the intense rhythm and depth of Hugo's poetry, an essential part of French culture and one of the most beautiful works of poetry ever written.

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    by Victor Hugo

    Victor Hugo is one of the best-known French writers, and is part of the greatest literary figures of all time. His poetry made him famous very early, cementing his reputation as one of the greatest lyric poets when he was only 20 years old. He was also a novelist and a dramatist, and furthered the cause of Romanticism, this exalted artistic movement which toyed with Sublime and soared on the winds of emotion. The high-achieving poet was also actively involved in politics, defending the poor until his last breath; he was even forced into exile, from which he kept on writing, beloved by the masses he stood up for. When he died, it was an intense day of mourning in France, and more than two million people joined his funeral procession to the Panthéon. Today, most large towns in France have at least a street named after him. We have selected for you 100 of his most intense and profound quotes, for you to enjoy his passion and the rhythm of his style.

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    by Victor Hugo

    Les Misérables est un roman de Victor Hugo paru en 1862. L'action se déroule en France au début du XIXe siècle. On suit la vie de Jean Valjean, du retour du bagne jusqu'à sa mort. Autour de lui gravitent les personnages témoins de la misère de ce siècle, misérables eux-mêmes ou proches de la misère : Fantine, Cosette, Marius, mais aussi les Thénardier ainsi que le représentant de la loi Javert. Ce roman, un des plus populaires de la littérature française, a donné lieu à de nombreuses adaptations au cinéma. Victor Hugo y décrit la vie de misérables dans Paris et la France provinciale du XIXe siècle et s'attache plus particulièrement aux pas du bagnard Jean Valjean. C'est un roman historique, social et philosophique. L'auteur lui-même accorde une grande importance à ce roman et écrit en mars 1862, à son éditeur Lacroix : " Ma conviction est que ce livre sera un des principaux sommets, sinon le principal, de mon œuvre ".

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    by Victor Hugo

    La disgrâce de don Salluste est prononcée : il doit quitter la cour car il a fait un enfant illégitime à l'une des suivantes de la reine. Obsédé par sa vengeance, il rencontre son neveu César et lui demande de l'aider à l'accomplir, mais ce dernier refuse. Don Salluste va donc faire appel à son valet, Ruy Blas, amoureux de la reine, et lui ordonne de devenir son amant. Commence alors un jeu de séduction qui intrigue et charme cette dernière qui se sent délaissée par son époux. De son côté, Ruy Blas gravit les échelons et devient ministre; alors qu'il touche au bonheur, puisque la reine lui avoue son amour, don Salluste lui rappelle leur arrangement et joue un odieux chantage...

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    by Pierre Corneille, François de Malherbe, José-Maria de Heredia, et al.

    Développez votre culture générale, profitez des plaisirs de la poésie, découvrez ou redécouvrez les piliers de la littérature ou faites-les découvrir autour de vous, avec cette sélection de 50 poèmes parmi les plus grands classiques. Baudelaire, Verlaine, Mallarmé, Victor Hugo, Alfred de Musset, Leconte de l'Isle, Charles Cros, Arthur Rimbaud, Jean de La Fontaine, André Chenier, Ronsard, Alfred de Vigny, Gérard de Nerval, Tristan Corbières, José Maria de Heredia, François de Malherbe, Pierre Corneille : les voici tous réunis pour votre plaisir et votre enrichissement.

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