About Back Stabber
Bloody Murder. The pain in his back was excruciating from multiple stab wounds. He recovered enough strength to crawl over his smashed cellphone, trying to reach his desk where there was a landline phone. He heard footsteps, and a familiar voice. His cries for help resulted in another attack, this time fatal. Detectives Moss Stone and Anya Roberts come across the body showing multiple stabbing in his back and his throat slit. The autopsy showed two different knives were used, making the detectives believe there were two suspects involved in the killing. The attack indicated the murder was personal, which presented several viable suspects. The victim was cheating on his wife, blackmailing a woman and swindling a former convict. The victim's wife, the blackmailed woman, the former convict and the husband of one of the women the victim had an affair with, all knew each other. A few weeks earlier they were at the same party hosted by the victim. The suspects all had great alibis. But one, or more, of the suspects were lying. When the detectives discovered nude photos on the victim's computer, clues of who really wanted him dead began to be revealed.
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