About Big Book of Coffee Cup Meditations
Early mornings are very predictable for lots and lots of Christians. Roll out of bed, turn on the coffee pot, pour a cup, settle into a favorite chair and enjoy what is called "the daily devotional." This usually consists of reading a passage from the Bible and a selection from a daily readings book. It concludes with prayer.
Believers who follow this pattern can go through a good number of devotional readings as the years go by. So they are always looking for new material-something to go along with their Bible and their coffee.
Hoping that I could be helpful in supplying the need for more of these kinds of readings, I gathered up some articles I had written and put them in a book-A Dog and a Clock. The idea was to supply brothers and sisters in Christ with enough devotions to carry them through one month. That quickly led to another book-The Thumbs Up Man-to carry "devotion-doers" through another month-and so on.
You can guess what happened after three or four books came out. There are twelve months in the year. So why not provide enough books to cover a year? Well, off we went and out the books came until there were finally twelve! Since these books were designed to go with the Bible and a good cup of coffee, it seemed right to call them My Coffee-Cup Meditations. Here are all twelve books in one big volume-372 readings in total!
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