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Here you will find exciting books about Nature. Below is a selection of over 62.437 books on the subject.
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  • - The Essential Photograph Guide to Britain's Fungi
    by Paul Sterry

    Collins Complete Guide to British Muchrooms and Toadstools allows everyone to identify mushrooms found in Britain and Ireland. The book is illustrated with beautiful photographs throughout, featuring the species you are most likely to see.

  • - En dansk ekspedition 1761-67
    by Thorkild Hansen
    £4.49 - 8.49

  • by Patti Trickett
    £14.99 - 23.99

  • by Candida Lycett Green

    Here she lives with her father John Betjeman and her mother Penelope Chetwode, in one of the bleakest and highest spots on the windswept downland.Candida runs wild with the 'gang' of village children. Stimulated by regular excursions to the cinema in Wantage, Candida and her best friend June became fascinated by the idea of love.

  • - How We Lost Our Land and How to Take it Back
    by Guy Shrubsole

  • - Plant-based Recipes + Zero Waste Life Hacks with Purpose
    by Max La Manna

    Join Max La Manna on his journey to living more sustainably, celebrating the incredible power of aplant-based diet creating as minimal waste as possible. Max will show us how it easy it can be to think outside the box when it comes to a more conscious, simple lifestyle.

  • - Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge and the Teachings of Plants
    by Robin Wall Kimmerer

  • - A Seasonal Guide to Nature's Wild Harvests
    by John Wright

  • - The carbon footprint of everything
    by Mike Berners-Lee

    Packed full of information yet always entertaining. From text messages and plastic bags to wars and volcanoes, How Bad Are Bananas? has the carbon answers we need.

  • by Peter Wohlleben
    £9.99 - 12.99

    ”En kærlighedserklæring til skoven” Der sker de forunderligste ting i skoven: Træerne kommunikerer med hinanden. De drager ikke kun kærlig omsorg for deres afkom, de tager sig også af deres gamle og syge naboer. Træer har både følelser, fornemmelser og hukommelse. Det lyder måske utroligt. Men det er sandt. Skovfoged Peter Wohlleben kaster nyt lys over skovenes tætte tykninger og giver os et overraskende indblik i en hemmelighedsfuld verden. I sine fascinerende beretninger om træernes uanede evner trækker han både på sine egne erfaringer og på de nyeste videnskabelige opdagelser. ”Træernes hemmelige liv” er solgt i mere end 400.000 eksemplarer i Tyskland og er strøget ind på bestsellerlister verden over.

  • - My Nature Journal
    by Jo Brown

    Things of such magnitude deserve respect and understanding. They deserve to be remembered...

  • - 101 Hints and Tips for a More Eco-Friendly Home
    by Nancy Birtwhistle
    £9.99 - 12.99

    The ultimate eco-conscious guide to household cleaning and home care

  • - The Ultimate Step-By-Step Guide to Cultivation and Safe Use of Psychedelic Magic Mushrooms with Benefits and Side Effects on your mind. Fantastic Fungi
    by Anderia Zetta Andrew Paull

  • - How Fungi Make Our Worlds, Change Our Minds and Shape Our Futures
    by Merlin Sheldrake
    £11.49 - 23.49

    Entangled Life is a mind-altering journey into a spectacular and neglected world, and shows that fungi provide a key to understanding both the planet on which we live, and life itself. 'Reads like an adventure story ...

  • by Rachel Carson

    Exposes the destruction of wildlife through the widespread use of pesticides. This book aims to creates public awareness of the environment.

  • by Aranya

    Are you excited about permaculture but unclear how to put it into practice for yourself? Permaculture Design: A Step-by-Step Guide is just what you need! In this unique, full colour guide, experienced permaculture teacher Aranya leads you through the design process from beginning to end, using clear explanations, flowcharts and diagrams. Permaculture Design: A Step-by-Step Guide is based on course worksheets which have been designed, refined and tested on students over time. Linking theory to practice, Aranya places the ethics, principles, philosophies, tools and techniques directly into the context of the process itself. This guide covers: Systems and patterns, Working as part of a design team, Land and non-land based design, Design frameworks, Site surveying and map making, Interviewing clients, Working with large client groups, Identifying functions, Choosing systems and elements, Placement and integration, Creating a design proposal, Project management, Presenting your ideas to clients, and much more. While written for anyone with a basic grasp of permaculture, this book also has plenty to offer the more experienced designer.

  • - The Art and Science of Gardening Explained & Explored
    by Royal Horticultural Society

    RHS Botany for Gardeners is an insightful book written by the esteemed Royal Horticultural Society. Published in 2013 by the Octopus Publishing Group, this book is a must-have for anyone with a green thumb or an interest in botany. The book is a comprehensive guide that explores the world of plants from a gardener's perspective. It delves into the science of plants, providing readers with a wealth of knowledge to help them understand their garden better. The Royal Horticultural Society, renowned for its expertise in the field, has created a masterpiece that blends scientific facts with practical gardening tips. This book is more than just a guide; it's a journey into the heart of botany. Published by the Octopus Publishing Group, this book is a testament to their commitment to delivering high-quality, informative content. Written in English, RHS Botany for Gardeners is a treasure trove of knowledge for gardeners around the world.

  • - A Greener Way to Cook for You, Your Family and the Planet
    by Anna Jones

    Award-winning cook Anna Jones blazes the trail again for how we all want to cook now: quick, sustainably and stylishly.

  • - Traditional Skills for a Simpler Life
    by Emily Kent

    Unplug, relax, and return to the simpler life with these easy, step-by-step ideas for your favorite cottagecore activities including baking from scratch and easy container gardening.

  • - The truth about processed food and how it poisons people and the planet
    by Dr Robert Lustig

    It's not what you eat that's damaging your health it's how that food is 'made'. The truth behind ultra-processed food that the food industry doesn't want you to know.

  • - The joys of a life less complicated
    by Kate Humble

    The follow-up to the critically acclaimed Thinking on My Feet

  • - Unearth Your Garden's Full Potential
    by Huw Richards

    The Vegetable Grower's Handbook, written by Huw Richards, is a must-have for all gardening enthusiasts. Published in 2022 by Dorling Kindersley Ltd, this book is a comprehensive guide to growing your own vegetables. The author, an expert in the field, shares his knowledge and experience in a clear and accessible way. This book is not just for experienced gardeners, but also for beginners who want to start their own vegetable garden. The Vegetable Grower's Handbook covers all aspects of vegetable gardening, from planning and preparing your garden to harvesting and storing your produce. Whether you have a small balcony or a large backyard, this book will help you make the most of your space and grow delicious, healthy vegetables. The Vegetable Grower's Handbook is a practical, hands-on guide that will inspire you to start growing your own food. Don't miss out on this masterpiece from Dorling Kindersley Ltd.

  • - A Complete Guide for Farmers, Gardeners and Landscapers
    by Ben Raskin

    "The first and only complete guide to sourcing and using woodchip-an abundant, inexpensive, and ecologically sustainable material-for savvy growers and landscapers at any scale, from farm to garden to greenhouse. The Woodchip Handbook is the essential guide to the many uses of woodchip both in regenerative agriculture and horticulture. Author Ben Raskin, Head of Horticulture and Agroforestry at the Soil Association, draws on his extensive practical experience using woodchip, provides the latest research from around the world, and presents inspiring case studies from innovative farmers. The book explores and unlocks the tremendous potential of woodchip to enhance soil health and plant growth: As a natural mulch for weed suppression, temperature buffering, and water conservation As a growing medium for propagating plants As a decomposing source of warmth for hotbeds in the greenhouse or hoop house As a carbon-rich compost ingredient that supports beneficial fungi and microorganisms As a powerful soil health booster, when applied as small-sized ramial chipped wood As an ideal substrate for growing many kinds of edible or medicinal mushrooms As a sustainable, versatile, and durable material for foot paths and ornamental landscaping Some of these techniques, like mulching-or the renewable harvest potential from coppicing and pollarding trees-have been around forever. Yet there is always new science to be discovered, such as the role that salicylic acid from willow woodchip can play in preventing tree diseases or promoting livestock health when used as a bedding material. Whether you are a commercial grower or farmer, a permaculture practitioner, or a serious home gardener producing your own fruit and vegetables, The Woodchip Handbook will show you how to get the most out of this readily available and renewable material"--

  • by Thomas Laursen & Jannick Boerlum

    Fire små lækre og superinformative guider samlet i én til naturens spiselige planter.Bag Den lille vilde, der ikke bare er en, men hele fire små guidebøger samlet i en fin æske, står Danmarks mest kendte sankeekspert, Thomas Laursen, og fotografen Jannick Børlum.Bøgerne er inddelt efter de vilde planters fire sæsoner – det helt spæde forår, forår, sommer og sensommer – og beskriver de vigtigste urter, blomster, bær og frugter, som vi kan samle og anvende i køkkenet. De fire bøger er lige til at til at putte i lommen hver for sig og tage med på sanketuren eller bare den almindelige gåtur i naturen. De er inddelt i de forskellige biotoper, så det er nemt at finde og identificere de enkelte planter.Hver plante er tydeligt angivet med et billede af selve planten og et af planten på voksestedet i netop den sæson, bogen dækker. Der er desuden også en kort informerende tekst, som hjælper én med at identificere planten og fortæller om dens mulige anvendelse.Den lille vilde er et sæt praktiske og meget anvendelige guider i forlængelse af Thomas Laursens tidligere populære bøger om vild mad. Med sin lækre og æstetiske indpakning er bogen en oplagt gave, og den bør stå i bogreolen i ethvert sommerhus.

  • - The Solutions We Have and the Breakthroughs We Need
    by Bill Gates

    In this urgent, authoritative book, Bill Gates sets out a wide-ranging, practical - and accessible - plan for how the world can get to zero greenhouse gas emissions in time to avoid a climate catastrophe. Bill Gates has spent a decade investigating the causes and effects of climate change. With the help of experts in the fields of physics, chemistry, biology, engineering, political science, and finance, he has focused on what must be done in order to stop the planet's slide toward certain environmental disaster.In this book, he not only explains why we need to work toward net-zero emissions of greenhouse gases, but also details what we need to do to achieve this profoundly important goal. He gives us a clear-eyed description of the challenges we face. Drawing on his understanding of innovation and what it takes to get new ideas into the market, he describes the areas in which technology is already helping to reduce emissions, where and how the current technology can be made to function more effectively, where breakthrough technologies are needed, and who is working on these essential innovations.Finally, he lays out a concrete, practical plan for achieving the goal of zero emissions-suggesting not only policies that governments should adopt, but what we as individuals can do to keep our government, our employers, and ourselves accountable in this crucial enterprise. As Bill Gates makes clear, achieving zero emissions will not be simple or easy to do, but if we follow the plan he sets out here, it is a goal firmly within our reach.

  • by Frank Herbert

    Før Game of Thrones, Hunger Games, Tjenerindens fortælling og Star Wars var der Dune.Frank Herberts stort anlagte geopolitiske saga om naturressourcer, menneskets potentiale og kampen mod imperialisme er blandt alle tiders mest berømte sciencefiction-værker og genudgives nu på dansk.Melange, eller ‘krydderiet’, er det mest værdifulde og mest eftertragtede element i universet. Et stof, der blandt meget andet kan forlænge menneskets levetid og muliggøre interstellare rejser. Og det findes kun på en planet: den ugæstfri ørkenverden Arrakis – også kaldet Dune. Den, der kontrollerer krydderiet, kontrollerer universet.Da Kejseren overdrager forvaltningen af Arrakis fraHuset Harkonnen til Huset Atreides, udbryder et spil på liv og død om det galaktiske herredømme og universets fremtid. I midten af kampen står Paul Atreides, arving til Atreides-tronen, og hans familie, der skal navigere blandt venner og fjender for at overleve. Efter et attentat mod tronen tvinges Paul ud i ørkenen, hvor han reddes af en gruppe frimenere, Arrakis oprindelige beboere, som han bliver leder for i kampen mod overmagten.

  • by Thomas Laursen

    Saml urter og brug dem i køkkenet - hver dag. Dette er bogen, der med tip til at sylte, salte, henkoge, tørre, fermentere og meget mere giver konkrete ideer til, hvordan man bruger alt det, man kan samle ude i naturen, i sin daglige madlavning. Samler, kok og naturvejleder Thomas Laursen viser i sin nye bog, hvordan man salter, sylter, tørrer og fermenterer naturens spiselige vilde urter, svampe og bær, så man kan lave sit eget vilde forrådskammer. Med det har man altid noget, man kan tage ned fra hylden eller ud af køleskabet og bruge til at give maden masser af smag og et personligt touch. I sin første bog tog Thomas Laursen afsæt ude i naturen, hvor han vejledte i, hvilke vilde planter der voksede i de forskellige biotoper. I Vild mad i køkkenet er han rykket ind til køkkenbordet, hvor han bruger alt det gode fra naturen til at lave et væld af lækre ting og sager, man kan have glæde af hele året rundt. Bogen indeholder således også en masse enkle, lækre, let tilgængeligt retter, der alle er en blanding af købt, dyrket, avlet, samlet, fermenteret og saltet, og alle er sprængfyldt med god smag. Det er mad, der for eksempel kan minde én om den sommerdag, man plukkede de roser, hvis duft nu springer ud af flasken og kommer i salaten med hummer.

  • by Henning Knudsen

    Fortællingen om Flora Danica er historien om et af verdens mest ambitiøse værker om planternes rige. Sat i verden af Frederik V og gennem intet mindre end 122 år skabt i samarbejde mellem videnskabsfolk, kobbertrykkere og tegnere. Tusindvis af blomster, alger, mosser og svampe blev tegnet og trykt til et enestående værk om kongeriget Danmarks vilde natur.250 udvalgte plancher giver et indblik i værkets rigdom og bredde og viser, hvor unikt dette nationale naturvidenskabelige hovedværk er.

  • - A Scientist's Guide to Our Past, Present, and Future
    by Vaclav Smil

  • by Greta Thunberg

    Greta Thunberg har samlet klodens førende eksperter og skabt et uundværligt redskab for alle, der vil være med til at redde verden. Bogen udkommer samtidigt i 14 lande.Det kan virke umuligt: Hvis vi skal sikre en fremtid for livet på Jorden, vil det være en opgave af hidtil uset omfang, der skal løses med uhørt fart, og vi er oppe imod mange og mægtige kræfter – ikke alene oliegiganter og regeringer, men også et helt klimasystem i forandring. Oddsene er imod os, og vi risikerer at løbe tør for tid. Men sådan behøver det ikke at gå.Over hele verden har førende geofysikere og matematikere, oceanografer og meteorologer, økonomer, psykologer og filosoffer i kraft af deres ekspertise opnået en dyb forståelse af den krise, vi befinder os i. Greta Thunberg har skabt Klimabogen i samarbejde med over hundrede af disse eksperter for at give deres viden videre til os. Sideløbende med dem fortæller Greta sine egne historier om at lære og demonstrere og om blotlægningen af den verdensomspændende greenwashing, og hun afslører i hvilken grad, vi har været holdt hen i mørke. Det er et af vores største problemer, viser hun, men også vores største kilde til håb. For hvis vi så hele billedet, ville vi handle – og når en strejkende skolepige kan udløse en global protestbevægelse, hvad vil vi så ikke kunne udrette sammen?Klimabogen giver overblikket og viser, at vi alle bærer det ansvar at leve på det mest afgørende tidspunkt i menneskehedens historie, og at vi kan gøre det, der virker umuligt, hvis vi gør det sammen. Men det er os, der skal gøre det, og det skal være nu.

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