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Vegetarian Cookery

Here you will find exciting books about Vegetarian Cookery. Below is a selection of over 14.689 books on the subject.
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  • - Over 70 Delicious, Super-simple, Powerful & Protein-packed Recipes for Busy People
    by Gaz Oakley

    Super-simple and incredibly tasty recipes from chef and youtuber Gaz Oakley, aka Avant-Garde Vegan

  • - Low-carb, Mediterranean style recipes for intermittent fasting and long-term health
    by Dr Clare Bailey

    The Fast 800 Recipe Book by Dr Clare Bailey is a must-have for anyone who's serious about their health. Published in 2019 by Short Books Ltd, this book is a game changer in the genre of health and wellness. It features a collection of delicious, nutritious recipes to make your fast days simpler and easier to plan. This book is not just about losing weight, but about transforming your relationship with food. Dr Bailey offers a groundbreaking approach to healthy eating, making it a lifestyle choice rather than a diet. The Fast 800 Recipe Book is a guide to understanding the science behind the food we eat, and how it impacts our body. Invest in your health with this book, and get ready to embark on a journey towards a healthier, happier you.

  • by Jerk W. Langer & Ditte Ingemann
    £16.49 - 19.99

    Få succes med periodisk faste. Her er lægens guide til, hvordan man skal faste for at opnå de bedste resultater. Regelmæssig faste, hvor man f.eks. typisk ikke spiser morgenmad, men får dagens første måltid ved frokosttid, kan give et boost af sundhed og energi og gøre det lettere at opnå en sund vægt, uden at man er plaget af sult.Men de gode resultater afhænger meget af, om kroppen får det rigtige brændstof til de måltider, man spiser. Griber man dem rigtigt an, kan man opleve større mentalt overskud og velvære og undgå at blive drænet for energi og muskelkraft."Når man faster, er det ekstra vigtigt at pakke sine få måltider med sundhed, så man ikke kommer i underskud på vigtige næringsstoffer. Med antiinflammatoriske fastemåltider står gevinsterne i kø," siger læge, foredragsholder og forfatter Jerk W. Langer. Han har selv fastet i årevis ved at springe morgenmaden over.Med afsæt i videnskab og årelang erfaring med klienter giver han i sin nye bog et opdateret overblik over den periodiske fastes mange muligheder, uanset om man drømmer om mere overskud i hverdagen, vægttab eller et sundere og længere liv. En række fasteglade danskere fortæller om deres gode resultater.Madskribent og kogebogsforfatter Ditte Ingemann har lavet alle bogens skønne antiinflammatoriske opskrifter, der dækker kroppen ind med alt, den har brug for, når man faster.

  • by Will Bulsiewicz

    Fix your health with fibre not fads - the instant New York Times bestsellerThe benefits of restrictive diets like paleo and keto have been touted for more than a decade, but as award-winning gastroenterologist Dr Will Bulsiewicz, or 'Dr B', illuminates in this groundbreaking book, the explosion of studies on the microbiome show that elimination diets are in fact hazardous to our health. What research clearly indicates is that gut health is the key to boosting our metabolism, balancing our hormones and taming the inflammation that causes a host of diseases. And the scientifically proven way to fuel our guts is with dietary fibre from an abundant variety of colourful plants. As a former junk-food junkie, Dr B knows first-hand the power of fibre to dramatically transform our health and the good news is that our guts can be trained. Fibre-rich, real foods - fruits, vegetables, whole grains, seeds, nuts and legumes - start working quickly and maintain your long-term health, promote weight loss and allow you to thrive and feel great from the inside out.Fibre Fuelled is so much more than a health book: it's a step-by-step methodology to stop the misinformation caused by the diet industry and to show you the simple, science-backed process for a lifestyle that is effortless, sustainable and above all else transforms your health by optimizing your gut microbiome. With a 28-day jumpstart programme that includes menus, over 70 plant-fuelled recipes, essential advice on food sensitivities and detailed shopping lists, Fibre Fuelled offers the blueprint to start turbocharging your gut for lifelong health.

  • - The Groundbreaking Science of Healthy, Permanent Weight Loss
    by Michael Greger

    The author of the major bestseller How Not to Die reveals the groundbreaking scientific research behind how a plant-based diet can maximize our fat-burning systems for long-term weight loss success.

  • by Dave Asprey

    Smarter Not Harder, a compelling book by renowned author Dave Asprey, is a must-read for anyone seeking to improve their productivity and overall quality of life. Published by HarperCollins Publishers in 2023, this masterpiece delves into the intricacies of optimizing mental performance and achieving goals with less effort. This book is not just about working smarter; it's about living smarter. Asprey, a prominent figure in the self-help genre, uses his unique storytelling style to provide practical tips and insights that will undoubtedly resonate with readers. Whether you're a student, a professional, or simply someone looking to get more out of life, Smarter Not Harder offers a fresh perspective on personal development. Don't miss out on this insightful book from HarperCollins Publishers.

  • by Martin Kreutzer

    Makkerparret bag flere bestsellere om anti-inflammatorisk kost viser i deres nye bog vejen til, hvordan man én gang for alle kan opnå et vægttab og svælge i lækker mad.Den anti-inflammatoriske kost er med god grund berømmet for sine mange gode virkninger mod en lang række helbredsproblemer, f.eks. gigtsmerter, overbelastningsskader og hjerte-kar-syg[1]domme. Kombinationen af fede fisk, planteolier, nødder, grøntsager, frugt og andre råvarer går i et nærmest magisk samspil ind og understøtter kroppens immunforsvar og dæmper den tilstand af kronisk inflammation, som kan få mange skavanker til at blusse op.Derimod vil det være nyt for mange, at den anti-inflammatoriske kost også har et andet vigtigt potentiale: Den kan reducere ens fedtdepoter på sundeste vis. Især hvis man har et livmål i den høje ende, kan der ligge en kæmpestor anti-inflammatorisk gevinst i at smide nogle kilo, da mavefedt fungerer som en rugekasse for inflammation, der kan sprede sig til resten af kroppen.Tab sig sundere med anti-inflammatorisk kost forklarer, hvordan man får fuld glæde af de gode madvarers slankende egenskaber – uden at give køb på sundhed, mæthed og ikke mindst velsmag. Som læser bliver man klædt godt på til projektet med nogle få, vigtige retningslinjer for, hvordan måltiderne skal skrues sammen, et forslag til en kostplan – og 55 lækre opskrifter, der ikke bare giver anti-inflammatoriske superkræfter, men også en god og langvarig mæthed mellem måltiderne.Bogen indeholder desuden en udførlig guide til, hvordan man kan skrue endnu mere op for vægttabet og den anti-inflammatoriske virkning i kroppen ved at dyrke motion, ikke mindst ved at gå.

  • by Stina Dannerfjord & Isabel Christensen

    At spise mere grønt giver rigtig god mening - for din krop, for din sundhed og for miljøet. Men det kan være svært at lave om på sine madvaner. Især i en travl hverdag, hvor man ofte må ty til at lave de retter, man plejer. I Plantebaseret familiemad får du opskrifter og masser af gode råd til, hvordan du uge for uge kan gøre din hverdag mere grøn og lave mad uden kød til hele familien. Her er ingen løftede pegefingre, kun gode råd, enkle opskrifter og en opfordring til, at du tager et skridt ad gangen og selv mærker efter, om også du får det bedre af at spise sundt, vælge fuldkorn, grønt og frugt og spise mindre kød og færre æg og mælkeprodukter. 

  • - 21 lækre måltider – til morgen, middag og aften
    by Henriette Vesterbak

    Denne kogebog indeholder opskrifter og idéer til en 100 % plantebaseret måde at spise low carb high fat på. Vegansk LCHF er fuld af liv, lækker mad og spændende grøn måltidsinspiration! I bogen får du: - 21 sammensatte måltider fordelt på morgenmad, frokost og aftensmad (i alt 35 opskrifter) - Inspiration til at spise LCHF uden kød og andre animalske produkter- Information om kulhydratsensitivitet og gode erfaringer med vegansk LCHF- Forslag til et vegansk LCHF-basislager- Gode tips og tricks til at komme i gang. Har du en tendens til at overspise, når du spiser kulhydrater? Mætter kulhydrater dig ikke særligt længe? Og bliver du oppustet af kulhydrater? Så er LCHF sandsynligvis noget for dig. Kogebogen egner sig især til dig, der: - Spiser traditionel LCHF, og som gerne vil have inspiration til måltider uden kød, æg og mælkeprodukter- Er veganer eller vegetar, og som gerne vil reducere dit indtag af hurtige kulhydrater- Har oplevet, at din krop reagerer negativt på kulhydrater, og som har brug for nogle lækre opskrifter til at komme i gang med LCHF. Om forfatteren:Henriette Vesterbak er født i 1978, uddannet cand.ling.merc. i fransk og har været veganer siden 2006. I de seneste tre år har Henriette eksperimenteret med at spise vegansk LCHF, og hun deler i denne kogebog ud af sin erfaring og opskrifter.

  • by Ross Edgley

    The World's Fittest Cookbook is the latest masterpiece by the renowned author, Ross Edgley. Published by HarperCollins Publishers on January 6, 2022, this book is a must-have for fitness enthusiasts and food lovers alike. As you delve into its pages, you will discover a world of nutritious and delicious recipes designed to fuel your body and mind. Ross Edgley, known for his expertise in the fitness genre, has meticulously curated these recipes to ensure they are not only tasty but also beneficial for your health. The World's Fittest Cookbook promises to be more than just a cookbook, it is a guide to a healthier, fitter you. Don't miss out on this fantastic publication from HarperCollins Publishers.

  • - The Comprehensive Guide to Delay, Don't Deny Intermittent Fasting--Including the 28-Day Fast Start
    by Gin Stephens

    Fast. Feast. Repeat. is an inspiring book penned by the acclaimed author, Gin Stephens. Published in the year 2020 by St Martin's Press, this book belongs to the genre of health and wellness. The book offers a fresh perspective on the science of intermittent fasting, a revolutionary eating pattern that has been gaining popularity worldwide. Gin Stephens, with her lucid writing style, breaks down complex scientific concepts into easily understandable narratives, making this book a must-read for anyone seeking to understand and implement intermittent fasting in their lives. Fast. Feast. Repeat. is not just a book, but a comprehensive guide that empowers readers to take control of their health and well-being. Published by St Martin's Press, this book is a testament to their commitment to bringing forth quality content that enlightens and inspires readers.

  • - The 5 Simple Fixes That Will Make You Healthy, Fit, and Eternally Awesome
    by Darin Olien

    "Olien provides us with an entirely new way of thinking about health and well-being by identifying what he calls the life forces: quality nutrition, hydration, detoxification, oxygenation, and alkalization. Olien demonstrates ... how to maintain these processes, thereby allowing our bodies to do the rest"--Amazon.com.

  • - the bestselling guide to unlocking the secrets of weight loss
    by Dr Jason Fung

    We are in the midst of an obesity epidemic, but despite being inundated with diet advice we are only getting fatter. We count calories and exercise regularly, yet still the pounds won¿t budge. Why?In this highly readable and provocative book, Dr Jason Fung sets out a groundbreaking new theory: that obesity is caused by our hormones, rather than a lack of self-control.He reveals that overproduction of insulin in the body is the root cause of obesity and obesity-related illnesses including type 2 diabetes, and offers robust scientific evidence that reversing insulin resistance is the only way to lose weight in the long term.It turns out that when we eat is just as important as what we eat, so in addition to his five basic steps ¿ a set of life-long eating habits that will improve your health and control your insulin levels ¿ Dr Fung explains how to use intermittent fasting to break the cycle of insulin resistance and reach a healthy weight ¿ for good.

  • - Få et balanceret forhold til mad og vægt
    by Jette Uhre

    Kender du det, at du: - tænker på mad og kost konstant? - har prøvet alle slankekure, der findes? - bekymrer dig om din krop og vægt hele tiden? - har en meget sort/hvid eller alt-eller-intet-mentalitet omkring mad? - ofte kommer til at overspise eller spise mere, end du behøver? - ved alt om, hvad du burde spise, men kan bare ikke efterleve det alligevel? Hvis du kan svare ja til alle punkter, så døjer du formentlig med en begrænsende slankekursmentalitet. Rigtig mange mennesker i den vestlige verden – især kvinder – har et meget anstrengt forhold til mad. Det skyldes til dels de urealistiske kropsidealer, der i mange år har hersket i vores kultur, som lægger et ekstra pres på vores forhold til mad – men også den meget begrænsende tilgang, vi i mange år har brugt til at bekæmpe udfordringer med mad og vægt. Forskning har for længst fastslået, at simple slankekure ikke virker, men alligevel hersker disse hurtigløsninger i stort omfang i vores kultur – og den mentalitet, der følger med dét at gå på slankekur, er ofte mere ødelæggende for vores vægt, sundhed og forhold til mad i længden, end det er gavnligt. Udfordringer med mad og vægt handler ikke bare om viljestyrke eller selvdisciplin, men det handler især om at lære at forstå vores naturlige mentale og fysiologiske overlevelsesmekanismer og lære at arbejde med dem – frem for at arbejde imod dem. Det er ikke nok bare at vide (eller fortælle os selv), hvad vi burde eller ikke burde spise. Vores psykologi omkring mad fungerer ofte stik modsat af, hvad vi tror, og derfor kan det være alt afgørende at have den rette mentalitet omkring mad og vægt for at kunne balancere vores forhold til mad på en naturlig og holdbar måde. I denne bog bliver du konfronteret med de begrænsende overbevisninger omkring mad, krop og vægt, der måske ofte får dig til at overspise mere og have et mere ubalanceret forhold til mad, og du får samtidig konkrete redskaber og løsninger til at skabe en mere styrkende og positiv mentalitet omkring mad, der naturligt kan styre din spisning i en mere balanceret retning. Om forfatteren Jette Uhre er Spisepsykologi-coach og Mindful Spisning-ekspert. Hun har selv tidligere haft et svært forhold til mad og kæmpede i mange år med overspisning, vægtproblemer, slankekursmentalitet og et negativt kropsbillede.

  • by Dr Dr William Davis

  • - Eat well, burn fat, manage your weight long-term
    by Dr Michael Mosley

    Fast 800 Keto is a groundbreaking book by renowned author Dr Michael Mosley. Published in 2021 by Short Books Ltd, this book takes you on a journey into the world of ketogenic dieting. The book is a guide for those who want to lose weight, improve their health, and enhance their overall well-being. Dr Mosley, with his years of experience and knowledge, provides a comprehensive and easy-to-follow plan that combines the principles of the fast 800 diet with the benefits of a ketogenic lifestyle. This book is not just a diet plan, it's a lifestyle change. The author's unique approach to health and wellness makes this book a must-read for anyone interested in improving their diet and achieving their health goals. The book is well-written, engaging, and packed with useful information. It's a valuable addition to any health-conscious reader's collection. Published by Short Books Ltd, Fast 800 Keto is a testament to Dr Mosley's dedication to helping people live healthier and happier lives.

  • by Loaney Nauger Loaney
    £13.99 - 20.99

  • - 60 dages bootcamp - Tab 8 kilo
    by Frida Hallqvist

    Drømmer du om at tabe dig, komme i bedre form eller opnå balance i dit liv? BODY by FRIDA er en enkel og effektiv 60-dages guide til en sund livsstil, der giver dig mere energi og overskud. Du får en stærk krop med smukke og tonede muskler og som sidegevinst, opnår du et vægttab på 8-10 kilo. I bogen får du blandt andet: fire forskellige træningsprogrammer, der bringer din krop i balance mad- og træningsplaner, der er nemme at gå til og kan passes ind i en travl hverdag 45 lækre og nemme opskrifter, som din krop vil elske Læs bogen, følg guiden og få din drømmekrop!

  • - Natural Treatment for Allergies, Autoimmune Illness, Arthritis, Gut Problems, Fatigue, Hormonal Problems, Neurological Disease and More
    by M.D. Campbell-McBride

    Gut And Physiology Syndrome

  • - Cook just once for you and your baby
    by Rebecca Wilson

  • - The Revolutionary Modern Paleo Plan to Treat All Chronic Autoimmune Conditions
    by Terry Wahls

  • by Michael Greger

  • - Inspiring Plant-Based Recipes to Turbocharge Your Health
    by Will Bulsiewicz

    The Fibre Fuelled Cookbook is an enticing culinary masterpiece penned by the renowned author, Will Bulsiewicz. Published in 2022, this book falls under the genre of health and cooking, offering readers an exciting journey into the world of fibre-rich foods. The book is a treasure trove of delectable recipes that not only tantalize your taste buds but also fuel your body with essential nutrients. Bulsiewicz, with his vast knowledge and expertise, guides you towards a healthier lifestyle through the power of fibre. The publication year, 2022, marks a significant milestone in the health and cooking genre, with the release of this book. Ebury Publishing, a renowned name in the publishing industry, has brought this gem to the readers, further enhancing its appeal. The book is written in English, making it accessible to a broad readership. The Fibre Fuelled Cookbook is more than just a book; it's a roadmap to a healthier lifestyle.

  • - Ten Principles for Nourishing a Healthy Relationship with Food
    by Evelyn Tribole & Elyse Resch

    Do you use food to comfort yourself during stressful times? The Intuitive Eating Workbook offers a comprehensive, evidence-based program to help you develop a healthy relationship with food, pay attention to cues of hunger and satisfaction, and cultivate a profound connection with your mind and body.

  • by Nina Olsson

    Bowls of Goodness: Vibrant Vegetarian Recipes Full of Nourishment is an enticing book by the talented Nina Olsson. Published by the renowned Octopus Publishing Group in 2017, this book is a treasure trove of healthy and delicious vegetarian recipes. The genre of this book is cooking, and it stands out with its focus on nourishing vegetarian bowls filled with goodness. Olsson's creativity shines through each page, offering vibrant and wholesome dishes that are both appealing to the eye and satisfying to the palate. The book is a testament to Olsson's expertise and passion for vegetarian cooking, making it a must-have for anyone interested in enhancing their cooking skills and embracing a healthier lifestyle. The Octopus Publishing Group, known for its high-quality publications, has truly outdone itself with this book, adding yet another masterpiece to its collection.

  • by Tim Spector

  • - 140+ Ridiculously Easy, Amazingly Delicious Plant-Based Oil-Free Recipes
    by Carleigh Bodrug

    Plant-based eating doesn't have to be complicated! The delicious recipes in this easy-to-follow cookbook are guaranteed to keep you inspired and motivated.

  • - 16 Weeks of Meal Prep & Recipes for Women Managing Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
    by Melissa Groves Azzarro

    A diet-focussed guidebook offering a new approach to treating Polycystic Ovary Syndrome.

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