About Classes and Cultures 1780-1945
British Society 1780-1945 consists of five books that seek to explain the major social developments that occurred during the late-eighteenth, and nineteenth centuries and, unlike the first edition of this series, extends into the first half of the twentieth century. British Society 1780-1945 consists of five volumes:
Volume 1: Economy, Population and Transport
Volume 2: Classes and Cultures
Volume 3: Work, Health and Poverty
Volume 4: Education and Crime
Volume 5: Religion and Government
The second volume examines the nature of social classes and cultures from the late-eighteenth century to the mid-twentieth century. The book first looks at the ways in which contemporaries and historians have viewed classes and how a 'class' society developed as the result of economic change. The remaining three chapters follow the conventional three class definition and consider the working-classes, middle-classes and upper-classes. Particular regard is placed on the changing role of working-class and middle-class women and how their economic, social and cultural roles changed when faced with massive economic dislocation and male-dominated outlooks
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