About Clear Blue Mind
A clear blue mind is a clear mind with no doubt or confusion and the blue mind has depth, trust, loyalty, wisdom, confidence, intelligence, faith, truth, and the knowing of a heaven or universal energy of one. Our mind is where our soul meets our earthly body. Imagine if everyone had a clear blue mind, knowing exactly who and what they are and how that would change their lives and the world we live in. The possibilities are endless and it is so exciting to know that more and more people are looking for more in life. I am working on a clear blue mind and I am finding an amazing journey unfolding. Having an open mind to all possibilities has made me aware of the power of who we are and what we all can accomplish. I am sharing some of my experiences in my life and the crazy wonderful things I have learned.
I am very thankful to have had the chance to attend a "Writing From Your Soul" seminar where the speakers were Reid Tracy, Doreen Virtue, Nancy Levin, and Dr. Wayne Dyer! All the speakers were incredible and this was one of the last Seminars that Dr. Wayne Dyer spoke at and I am forever grateful to have had the chance to feel his energy and hear his wonderful words.
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