About Clothed With Power
Back info for clothed with Power. One lesson that the history of church dogmatics should have taught us is not to be overly dogmatic! This book is a simple presentation regarding Holy Spirit baptism. The position taken generally represents both the Pentecostal and the Charismatic viewpoints. Its approach is somewhere in the middle of the road. The overall position regarding the baptism in the Holy Spirit depends on establishing four things: - That there is available to every Christian an experience known as "Holy Spirit Baptism." - That new birth or "regeneration" and the baptism are separate and distinct experiences that may occur simultaneously at times. - The "glossolalia" (speaking in tongues) is the usual initial evidence that a person has been baptized in the Holy Spirit. - The miracles gifts of the Spirit (the charismata) are still available and should be occurring in the worship of today's church. True glossolalia is not a product of human imagination; it has a spiritual and not a mental origin.
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