About College Physics
Engage Every Student with AchieveNow in its third edition, Freedman College Physics, is a student-centered text and homework program for introductory, algebra-based physics courses. With a focus on conceptual understanding and biological applications, College Physics makes the relevance of physics clear to students.Now available with this third edition, Achieve, Macmillan¿s new, ground-breaking online learning platform, connects the text¿s popular worked examples and clear explanation of core physics topics to rich digital resources that strengthen students¿ conceptual understanding and problem-solving ability in physics. Achieve combines the research-supported success of FlipIt Physics prelecture videos and assessment with Sapling¿s powerful homework exercises, while incorporating new intuitive design, active learning resources, and reporting. Achieve was co-designed with students, educators, and our Learning Science and Insights team to support students at every step in the learning process. Robust tutorial-style assessment in Achieve helps students identify their individual areas for improvement and challenges them to apply their knowledge through a variety of assessment types. More than 3,000 homework questions, featuring answer-specific feedback that coaches students toward the correct answer, as well as additional multimedia resources promote engagement, retention, and success in algebra-based physics.
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