About Command Screen
Commander Michael Canseco has arrived at a defining moment in his career. After completing a successful series of demanding assignments, he is assigned Temporary Additional Duty to the Washington, DC, area awaiting Permanent Change of Station orders. His assignment to the Navy Office of Legislative Affairs, House Liaison Office, is to be for only a few months. He will work there awaiting the results of his Commander Command Selection Board, commonly referred to as Command Screen.
While serving on what was supposed to be a brief assignment, his life becomes involved with two women. Dr. Sally Rosenberg is a brilliant research psychologist who is currently working on a highly classified research project involving human transference. Lieutenant Commander Deborah Barker is a United States Navy Methodist chaplain assigned to the Bethesda Navy Hospital. A former enlisted religious programs specialist, or chaplain's assistant, she experienced active combat while serving with the Marines in Iraq.
Michael served as Sally's escort during her testimony to the House Select Committee on Intelligence. What happened during that brief association leads to his assignment to her classified project, temporarily sidetracking his Navy career. Their involvement quickly transcends a professional relationship to one intensely more personal.
Michael's friendship with his good friend and confidant Deborah also more slowly transcends into a deeply personal affair.
Michael is assigned to a dangerous mission that draws on his entire previous training and experience. This mission is one that places both him and his flight of two Navy FA 18 Super Hornets into harm's way with potential life-altering results.
The success or failure of this mission has national security implications.
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