About Coven of Celsus - Elizabeth: an erotic horror
Inspired by the Marquis de Sade's Juliette and Anne Rice's Sleeping Beauty trilogy, Randy V's incendiary debut is still making waves 16 years after its initial release. In this unique and complete reworking of vampire mythology, we are introduced to immortals with an overwhelming affinity for sadistic orgies and what they consider justifiable homicide (preferably at the same time). These beings live for 117 years, then feed as disembodied spirits for 117 years in an unending cycle of reincarnation. The story centers around one man and eight women, each of whom feeds in a different manner. Celsus and Nona come back into each reincarnation with their full memories, while the remaining seven women must relearn their history in each life. Celsus, a haunted, world-weary lycanthrope who demands the total submission of the deadly women who populate his coven, releases their memories and true selves with each reincarnation. Elizabeth is beautiful, intimidating, and deeply disaffected. She has never felt comfortable in her skin. Not until she meets Celsus, who stirs the embers of her ancient memories into a thirsty fire of self-immolation, self-discovery, and rebirth. Follow her 3,800-year journey and relive the hellish history that created the coven's infamous power and eternal curse.
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