About Covid, from contagion to healing
The autobiographical account of someone who has personally experienced the contagion. The pandemic experienced by a non-television biologist, still in search of serenity, rather than the honors of the chronicles. A scientific description of the rational basis that should regulate our daily behavior, testing, vaccinations. What really is a virus? How does it spread? How is it prevented? How to defend yourself? Is the mask really useful? What are the effects of the disease and the medications suggested by the various protocols? What to do if fever rises and saturation drops? Practical advice to guide those who must navigate through the complex, often dramatic phases of the disease and deal with a broken and inadequate healthcare system. Where to turn? Is vaccination safe? Hospital yes or no? How can one die alone in the total absence of loved ones? Are the tests reliable? The dramatic narrative of the loss of affections but not of the hope that human dignity may one day be resumed in serious consideration. With some common sense suggestions to return to give value to people, who cannot be simple subjects of statistics, unless we want to turn the whole world into a huge, dehumanized lager. This is, in fact, the most shocking effect that the virus is producing, beyond the damage inflicted on health and the economy.
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