About Dance of the Photons
A Nobel Laureate explains quantum entanglement and teleportation and why Einstein was wrong about the nature of realityEinstein refused to accept aspects of quantum theory, deriding the notion of instantaneous communication between faraway 'entangled' particles as 'spooky action at a distance'. Originally published in America in 2012, but with a brand new Afterword in the light of the author's 2022 Nobel Prize, bringing the story up to date and showing why Einstein was wrong about the existence of reality at a local level, this playful yet deep book takes readers through a series of ingenious experiments conducted in various locations.From a dank sewage tunnel under the River Danube to the balmy air between a pair of mountain peaks in the Canary Islands, with various time-travel paradoxes explained along the way, the author and his fictional physics students Alice and Bob demonstrate the true nature of quantum entanglement and teleportation using photons, or light quanta, created by laser beams. The ideas described have laid the foundations for a new era of quantum technology, including the development of quantum computers and much more.
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