About Design for Sociotechnical Innovation
The contemporary world is characterized by a state of constant mutation, large-scale information, instability in the global geopolitical framework, the limits of technological development and new dilemmas. This scenario has led to the emergence of new economic models, new production systems and new ideas of well-being as strategies for overcoming challenges. In this sense, Sociotechnical Innovation implies a process of systemic change, both in the productive structure and in the relationships between the actors within the system, with technical and behavioral implications that affect production, distribution and consumption. The innovation process is inverted to a bottom-up logic, where all stakeholders participate in the innovation design process, which makes it necessary to use participatory design processes. In this way, we propose a Co-Design Model for the development of Sociotechnical Innovations, considering it fundamental that technological development and the relationships between the actors involved in the innovation are the way to improve the innovation's performance, increase the chances of adoption and generate the desired impact.
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