About Difficulties in the handling of digital evidence
For the development of this topic it is necessary to distinguish between data and information, because although it is true that there is a big difference between the two, to speak of data is to speak of symbols, codes, numbers, etc.. That these by themselves as an isolated fact does not say anything, but when these are concatenated among others we can say that there is already information, which may or may not be relevant to the process or what is sought, but something very important to keep in mind when looking for these data that provide us with information, is to have enough tact and prudence necessary to not incur in acts contrary to the law, as would be the case of violation of privacy of persons, human dignity among others, no less serious. It is in this way that we analyze from our own legislation as in one way or another has been concerned about the issue, since it has been legislated on it and some reforms have been made, as we can detect in our criminal code with the reform of the code to be inserted in Article 269A and S.S., called computer crimes and everything that has to do with them, but we lack training for operators.
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