About Dragon Tooth Gold
Gold is where you find it; the time-honored mantra of the weekend prospector to the seasoned professional; is at best only a half-truth. Gold is where the planet, through its myriad, inanimate geological processes, choose to leave it. The Dragon Tooth Gold Mine was no exception to the science underlying the geological process of gold deposition, however, only difficult to find microscopic gold on the surface masked the deposit from the greedy eyes of the early prospectors.
But it's not only "The Luck of the Irish" that brings the young Callahans to one of the richest gold mines in the Arizona Territories. Through the patience and perseverance of an Indian woman that Eli Callahan takes for his wife, the secrets of the red mountain are unveiled layer by layer. From gold pan to arrastra and sluice; to underground mining, stamp mills, and amalgam tables, the wealth of the Dragon Tooth Mine fuels the Federal money presses of the Civil War.
There is more in the mine than gold; the remains of dinosaurs that roamed the earth sixty-five million years ago also await for discovery. More than fossilized ones, the unique discovery fans the fires of news craven printing presses worldwide.
Destin also finds the Callahans. Suzette completes her medical degree; Jacques joins the US Army as a scout; Roland becomes the family's financial manager, and Eli stays on the red mountain and mines the gold.
More adventure, more intrigue, the Dragon Tooth Gold Series continues moving through and beyond the Civil War years.
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