About Entradas Mexican Doorways
Doorways come in every size, shape, and configuration. In Mexico add, every color combination! Doors dating back centuries or those made yesterday are likely to be eye-popping on some level or another. Turning such doorways into works of art was an easy and enjoyable task.
Las puertas pueden ser de cualquier tamaño, forma y configuración. En México, además, ¡pueden ser de todas las combinaciones de colores! Las puertas que se remontan a siglos atrás o las que se fabricaron ayer son probablemente llamativas en un nivel u otro. Convertir estas puertas en obras de arte fue una tarea fácil y agradable.
¿¿Michael P. Earney is a renowned fine arts painter and has been a commercial artist, ceramic sculptor, a potter, an award winning documentary filmmaker and published author of numerous works. The A to Z Book of Birds, The A to Z Book of Wildflowers, The A to Z Book of Weeds, The A to Z Book of Wild and Domestic Cats, The A to Z Book of Did You Know, The A to Z Book of Mushrooms, Caras Magicas and many more.
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