Experience Biblical Evangelism has been written to dispel the misunderstanding about evangelism and to equip the believer with a practical tool to become a person of wisdom who wins souls. Assignments are provided to deepen your understanding of evangelism and to motivate you to plant and water the seeds for harvest. You will find practical reflections that will serve as a springboard for Group Bible study or personal study to facilitate, explore and discuss various aspects of evangelism and beneficial insights for the new convert or the seasoned saint that wants to Experience Biblical Evangelism. For your convenience an answer key is provided at the back of this workbook.
Each chapter in this workbook has a review section with the following elements:
Chapter Theme: The main idea of each chapter is summarized for emphasis and clarity.
Questions for Reflection: A few questions are given to bring about introspection and encourage conversation for small group study or discussion on the topic.
Exploring God's Principles:
Questions and review material are provided to highlight and summarize the teaching points that I have developed from the Scriptures and personal experience.
Applying God's Principles:Additional questions and suggestion for prayer and personal action are provided to help the reader or group participant apply the study material to his/her life.
This section includes three parts:
Thinking It Over
Praying About It
Acting On God's Truth
One of the most important things we can find out about ourselves and God is why God redeemed our lives from destruction with a command to "Go ye". God's plan for evangelism will clearly unfold before you. You will see evangelism as the ultimate pursuit and experience that will satisfy your thirsty soul and enlarge God's kingdom.
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