About Fluke Family King
The fantasy novel Fluke Family King is the third installment in the misadventures of Sir Maynerd Fluke Dumsted, knight and Royal National Hero.
Lifting her bronze face to the sky, Hebe searched for that spark which would bring
her the power she needed, but it was surprisingly close. The whole island seethed in a magical turmoil, rotating like a vortex from the heart of Luloo Land. She witnessed the battle ensuing there through the eyes of the Oracle and realized that Maynerd was losing against impossible odds. The very island was organized against him, suffocating him in smoke and flame while the blackest monster imaginable beat him to the ground at every step. She could feel his agony-see his tears. He would die without her help.
Hebe knew immediately what she had to do. She reached into the very power of Luloo Land and employed the winds and the rain to generate the energy she needed to recharge. It was so strong here. She had never felt anything like it before.
Even the Demons of the Deep took notice as the black clouds thickened over Luloo Land. Rain pelted the ground in torrents, extinguishing the inferno that threatened the forests, but the energy grew until Hebe called it to her uplifted hands in twin flashes of lightening. The resulting thunder flattened trees to the ground, and the beasts sheltered within them raced to escape.
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