About Global Culinary Adventures
An insatiable cook and traveler, Gloria Preston Olson has now written an unprecedented tome of approximately 600 ethnic recipes which reveal her palate of exquisite sensitivity and taste buds of discriminating discernment. The lucid instructions and comprehensive information on foods, wines, cooking equipment, and techniques make GLOBAL CULINARY ADVENTURES a truly remarkable cookbook. This comprehensive collection of recipes is arranged geographically, providing insight to the historical relationships of the foods of the entire world. Each chapter introduces the reader to the countries whose recipes are included; thus, it is also a must for the armchair traveler and those with an intellectual curiosity of the world. Extensive head notes reveal the Herculean and sometimes tumultuous adventures endured during Gloria's quest for culinary knowledge. They include a close call with Rwanda's Hutus and Tutsis which resulted in meeting Boutros Boutros-Ghali in an elevator; arriving in Kabul on the eve of the Communist coup; and Gloria's most memorable experience- a personal visit to the Shilat caviar processing site on the Caspian Sea in Iran, where she observed the entire production of caviar, followed by an invitation to partake of all five types of caviar, as well as lunch with five Shilat executives.
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