About God's Eternal Purpose
An introduction to some of the major doctrines taught in the Bible. It is not attempting to deal exhaustively with any of these truths. That work has been done successfully by other more qualified writers who have produced large volumes of Systematic Theology. This book is written to whet the appetite of those Christians who would never read a lengthy theological book. It's aim is to lead such believers into an appreciation of the glorious life changing truths that the Bible teaches. The author has purposely dropped some of the technical terms used in theology to make the book appeal to readers without much background in Bible study.
The other key aim of the book is to show that all the teachings of Scripture come together in a remarkable way. Each section deals with a distinct doctrine which contributes to the whole theme of the Bible. As the reader works though this study of the Scriptures, they will see very clearly that the whole Bible blends together to give a revelation of God's Eternal purpose.
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