About Good Reception
No doubt as a Christ-follower, you understand that life comes with an array of gifts. You have been born again by God's Spirit and been made whole and acceptable to God once again. You are saved by your faith in Christ. Therefore, you will one day be next to God as a saint in heaven. Then, there is the fact that you have been declared righteous and blessed with an internal desire to worship God for all eternity. So yes, His gifts to you are aplenty. So bountiful are these gifts of God that there is a plethora of them that are not often discussed. Still, they are there in the lives of believers. Whether or not we talk about them, they work to make our life joyful and productive. How much more efficient would our work for Christ be if we were to take notice of the lesser-recognized gifts from God? Could we become better Christ followers? I think so. Therefore, that is why I wrote Good Reception. It is a book about some of the lesser-known gifts in our life, and it is meant to help the reader take notice of those gifts. It is not meant to be an exhaustive list of the gifts given. No, it is meant to jumpstart the reader's mind and help him notice just how blessed he is. It will also help you develop your gifts. So, tune into God, for through Him, you will always have good reception.
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