About Grace to Thrive
Some of us who have endured tragedy, loss or the trials of life will eventually come to a place of realization that we have survived. You survived the tests, survived the attacks, survived the sickness, survived the rocky relationships, etc. When you know what you have survived you can truly celebrate and live victoriously. However, there are some people that remain in survival mode. In survival mode, you are defensive, walls are up and safety mechanisms are high. You find yourself mistrusting everyone and self-isolating. In order to live victoriously, you have to transition from survival mode to thriving mode. In this mode, you are not surviving but thriving, growing and prospering. This is the moment you re-define your bliss, maintain your peace and live victoriously.
As you use this journal, for the next 30 days, your faith will grow stronger and your hope deeper. Hope sustains us and fuels our faith especially during our most difficult days
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