In Prepare Your Home for a Sudden Grid-Down Situation, you'll discover:¿ The most likely causes of a grid-down situation -- and how they'll affect your family¿ Easy immediate short-term solutions to see you through the first few days of disaster¿ Grid-down cooking options (you'll be amazed by how many ways there are to feed your family a delicious hot meal without your cooker)¿ A full range of emergency backup solutions you can fall back on if you're currently totally reliant on the grid¿ What to do when cash means nothing -- think outside the box to make sure your family thrives¿ The ultimate guide to making sure your family has access to clean, safe water (no matter what's going on outside)¿ Exactly what you can do to stay healthy and well when the toilet won't flush, the washing machine's useless, and a long hot bath is out of the question¿ Everything you need to know about communicating with the outside world in a grid-down emergency¿ A clear breakdown of your off-grid power options -- so you can plan now for any unexpected event¿ Easy DIY projects you can work through right now to sharpen your skills and prepare for the worstAnd much more.
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