About Happy Child
In his thought-provoking new book, the author ventures far outside the box of traditional thinking about education. His radical proposal? Children naturally want to learn, so let them direct their own education in democratic learning communities where they can interact seamlessly with their neighbourhoods, their towns, and the world at large. Most learning systems apply external motivation through grades, rankings, teacher direction, and approval. ''The Happy Child'' suggests that a self-motivated child who is interdependent within a community can develop the full human potential to live a creative and fulfilling life. Harrison focuses on the integration of the whole child, the learning environment, and the non-coercive spirit of curiosity-driven education. With practical suggestions, Harrison details how to provide a living and responsive environment that can meet the expanding mind of a child--an environment that is non-coercive, democratic, and relationship-based. A child can thrive in a model where all participants view the child as an interdependent individual in the community--an individual who is both expressive and fully responsible. A happy child will flourish with an education that recognises that the child is already fully expressive and relating to life. And a happy child, the author, asserts, is at the core of a truly functional and creative society.
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