About Hiking Trails of Montreal and Beyond
From the mind (and feet) of Canada's foremost trail authority comes Hiking Trail of Montréal and Beyond, a fresh and comprehensive guide to the trails within the city of Montréal and beyond its borders. Featuring 50 routes within 150 km of the city, including trails in Laval, in the adjacent Lanaudière, Laurentian, and Montéregie regions, and the Eastern Townships, this handy guide is, without question, the choice hiker's companion to the region. Trekking from the slopes of Mont Royal to the summit of Mont Sutton, from le circuit TransTerrebonne to les sentiers du Mont Rigaud, Michael Haynes has assembled an invaluable guide to some of the most enjoyable and challenging hikes in Western Québec. Included in the book are detailed maps, trail descriptions, and GPS coordinates, as well as information on time, length, difficulty, and facilites available. Rounding out the experience are hiking tips, Haynes's own photographs of interesting vistas, and sidebars on historical, cultural, and natural subjects as well as a glossary of common hiking terms for non-French speakers.
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