About How those who don't learn learn
This work deals with the literacy of young people and adults with special educational needs, a situation that is close to the hearts of the members of the group and which they consider to be extremely important, due to the fact that, when a single individual has such disadvantages that practically prevent him from being considered a Homo Urbanus, these are: he doesn't have the formal education that would allow him to exercise the vast majority of the best-paid jobs available today, since they all require at least an elementary school education, which is minimum literacy, either in the national language or in mathematics; he often doesn't have full discernment to distinguish the correct from the dubious, the misleading from the true, what will make him better off and what will be mere palliatives for him to achieve a better quality of life; and, finally, they don't have full citizenship even though their body has reached full strength, because they didn't have the necessary discernment at the right age to obtain a school degree that would allow their life, as well as those who accompany them in their family, to be considered dignified and full.
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